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<br />Regular Councl I Minutes <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br />May 14, 1973 <br /> <br />HI qhwey E asemell! <br /> <br />Councilman Herrick reported that the HIghway Department Intends to <br />relinquIsh the 60' wide easement which runs diagonally north from <br />Hamline Avenue and County Road F to Highway 96 and Lexington Avenue. <br />He SOlid the Parks'and Recreatlon.Committee would like 'to obtain this <br />easement for a !ineal pel-;' and also to retain this area as the boundary <br />between the l-l and R-I zones. <br /> <br />The matter was referred to Attorney l,~den to pM'sue. <br /> <br />~!!l2nnalre Respo~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Buckley reported that 238 questionnaires have been returned with <br />tittle negative response. He said 170 have signed the questionnaire <br />and 63 have Indicated they wished to be contacted. Mr. Buckley said <br />there appears to be a'rea! interest 111 Anlen Hi lis for parks. <br /> <br />REPORT Of MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - General Government and Public <br />Safety <br /> <br />Part-time Temporarv Patrolman <br /> <br />HerriCk moved, seconded by Hollanhorst, that the Council approve the <br />employment of Mr. James LaValle as a part-time temporary patrolman at <br />$4.90/hr effective May 4, 1973; motion carried unanjlmously. <br /> <br />Temporarv Full-t'me OfflcG H.!~ <br /> <br />Herrick moved, seconded by Crichton, that the Counel I approve the <br />employment of Mrs; Florence Honan for temporary full-t!.e office work <br />(It $3.00/hr, effective May 1.5, 1973. t~otlon c"arr-led unanj\illo~_s}y":" <br /> <br />~!:,l1tv Street LIQhting Meeti'lg ;- May 10, 1973 <br /> <br />M~yor Crepeau reviewed a report by Mr. Johansen ra this meeting <br />after which the Counci I roquested Mrs. MeNlesh to writ. a letter to <br />Ramsey County requesting that the County continue the lighting system <br />presently In effect. <br /> <br />S"iTBAt U~ht i 119 - P..!!!!:le Road, Nob! e "~d, Bothe I Co I ! eBB Entrances <br /> <br />Mayer Crepeau reported that the Public Safety Committee f~vors lights <br />in the Vi Iluge for. s3f()tyre'~5ons and recommends the! Ights proposed. <br /> <br />After discU5Sioh, Herrick moved, seconded by Crichton, that the Village <br />request the County to instal! the light. at Noble Road and New Brighton <br />Road and that the Village install the light at Amble Read at Hamline <br />Avonue. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mrl. McNlesh was aSked to contact Mr. Fred Moran, 1890 Noble Road, and <br />advise him of the Counci I action. <br /> <br />The Council referred tho request for Bethel Cdlleg8 entrance I ights to <br />the Planning Commission for its recommend.tlcns to tho Counel i. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Eleetrlcpl Inspector" <br /> <br />The Counei I requested Mrs. McNIBsh to review the st~tus of the electrical <br />permits and to determine a tgrmlnation date for former Inspector Salverda <br />immedlateiy. <br /> <br />9rdinance Review P~rrQls <br /> <br />~BYOr Crepe~u requested that the Ordinance <br />recam~Bndations re several pBst referrals. <br />to Mr. C~lehton to pursue. <br /> <br />R~view Commltt,e submit its <br />The matter was referred <br /> <br />-4- <br />