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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Council Meeting <br />Pege three <br /> <br />Case No. 73-8, Ramada Inn Roof Sign <br />Mr.. Hollenhorstrevlewed the Board of Appeels recommendations. dated <br />March 27, 1973. the Planning Commission recommendation of April 3. <br />1973. and a letter from Mr. Quale. <br /> <br />April 30, U9H <br /> <br />After discussion. Hol!enhorst moved that the Council approve the roof <br />sign In accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Ap.peals; <br />sign to be 10' x 821. attached to, but not to extend above the height <br />of tho olevator housing; sign to ba lighted and vl.lble only from tho <br />north. Motion we. seconded by Crichton and carrhtd unanImously, <br /> <br />Mr. Quale assured the Council that the present McGulres sign will be <br />removed as soon as possible. <br /> <br />C..e No. 73-9. Po. tom Entrance SI?n <br />Holl.nhors'moved that the Counel concur with the Plennlng's <br />recommendatIon of approllal of the sign at Its pre.ent 10catloll.lubJect <br />to Council revIew If complaints are received. Motloll was .eco.ded by <br />Herrick and carrl.d (, Crichton. Hollenhorst votIng III favor; <br />Herrick abstaining). <br /> <br />In further discussion. Crichton moved tllat 0 citation be Issv.d to <br />Po.tom for constructing tho sign without 8 Motloll was soconded <br />by H.rrlck. Motloll did not pe.. (Crichton end H.rrlck voting In favor <br />of the motion and Cropeau and Hoilenhorst voting In opposition). <br /> <br />Caso Ho. 7'-17 Ba tisi' G.neral - Bulldln Permit f r M 151 n- <br />~ ou. ng Apar' v I Rg, . <br />ATter rovl.. of sit. plan, landscape plan and elevations of tile propos.d <br />5-unlt .partment bulldlrig. Hollenllorsi' mov.d. seconded by Crichton, that <br />the Council approve the Issuance of the Building Permit, subject to <br />approval 01' the landlcape plans by the Planning Com.lsslon, Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Abandon.d Cars Program <br />Roll.nhor.t revl...d a memo dated April 25, 1973, from Building Inspec- <br />tor Squires, r.questlng Council approval of hIs coop.ratlon In the Ra.- <br />s.y Coun~y Abandoned Cer Program, <br /> <br />Ho II.nhorst moveel, .econded by Cd clltoR, 'tha" the Counc II appro.... Arden <br />Hili.' coop.rat'oft In the program; program to be .xpedlted by tho Build. <br />Ing IlIspector uRd.r the administration of the CI.rk. Motion carrl.d <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />C. G. Rein Propos.d P.U.D. <br />HolloRhorst ".portod that the Planning Co..lsslon has genera' <br />app~ovai of ~b. proposed develOPMent 'f a serlgus drainage p~obl.. cen <br />b. r.sol....d. <br /> <br />Heating jns2ector Lot~er <br />Act', n9 Clerk Ad/lll n I s'trstor was asked to determ I ne If for th Is <br />Inspection we. .~do by the .chool. and to clarify tbe role of the Village <br />YS tbeSt... fn providing Inspection of schools. <br /> <br />REPO~T OF COUNCILMAN CHARLES CRICHTON - Flnanee end Ordinance Review <br /> <br />Flnanca Commltt.e Meeting of .Aprll 12, 1973 <br />Mr. Crichton reported that the Flnanc. Committe. suggests that the VIllag_ <br />r.duce 'ts hOldlng,'o two benks by pheslng out the Hew Brighton aank. <br /> <br />federal Revenue Sharing <br />The Finance Commltt.. suggested two possIble uses for the Federal Revenue <br />Sharing 1I0nle.; <br />I. Pu'k acquisition and I.prove.ent. <br />2. Storm sewer and contour mapping. <br />He said the Vlllege wIll heve to determine how It Intends to spend this <br />monoy shortly, <br /> <br />REPORT. OF COUNCILMAN STAN OLMEN - Public Works <br />(absent - report by Bud Johansen) <br /> <br />Ap~OI ntment to Pub I Ic Works COllI. I tte. . <br />cr chton moved. seconded by Holl.nhorst, that Mr. Wllllallfeyerel.en be <br />.ppolnted as a me.ber of the Public Works Commltt.e. Motion carried unani- <br />mously. <br /> <br />-3. <br />