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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Aprl J 30, 1973 <br /> <br />Minutes of Council Meeting <br />Page foul" <br /> <br />Sea 'coati ng <br />Mr. Johansen reviewed hIs <br />t.ken as soon .s possIble <br /> stre.ts. <br /> <br />--I\fter ellscussloa" Herrick llOY.d, _.conded by Crichton, thet .anlst.r <br />be authorlz.d to pr.per. specificatIons .nd .dv.rtl....nt for bids for <br />fhe 1973 ...Ieoatlng .. r.eOMMend.~ by the PublIc Works Co.Mltte.. <br />Motion <br /> <br />m..oof AprIl 23 1913, .sklng that blda b. <br />for the se.lcoating of approxl..tely . of tb. <br /> <br />Mr. Johansen r.e~..nd.d that n..'str..ts b. s..'.d the first ye.r..ft.r <br />constructIon. Th. CouncIl .sk.d that he r.~av this rocomM.ndatlon to <br />the Public Works COMmIttee and to the for posslbl. Inclusion <br />8n the specificatIons for new ro.ds. <br /> <br />Glenp.ul Oraln.o. <br />Mr. JOhanse" reported th.t he discussed this dralnag. prol_ with Mr. <br />Arc.nd, Ramsey County, and was told that the County will possibly fur- <br />n I sh the I abor a lid I n:'ita II ,the pip. I f the V 111'e08 furn lah.s tha ..ate,. Ie I , <br />or furnIsh the mat.rlal end the VI~iage furnish ~he 'ebor, but they <br />would require concrete pipe for longer Ilf.. <br /> <br />Joha.sen estlmat.d ~he Qoat of ..terlels .t $3200 using corrugateel plpa, <br />and Vlllag.,lebor at , SI,OOO; this did not Include tha <br />dlgolng costs which ..e e.tlmetad et .bout 50callts . foot. Mr. JoIIn.e" <br />recomaended that If the County wl18 agr.., the Vlllag. should turnlsh <br />the llI.terlals. .nel the County nUllk. ~ha Illstallatlon. He advised ~h.t <br />the Cou~tyts prop~.1 would correct the drainage on both .Ide. of Gle.- <br />p.ul. He .150 .eldthat a third optIon lIIay bo th.t the Coullty would <br />do the entIre Job end spilt th. cost with the Vlllege. <br /> <br />.Mr. Johans.n wa.'requasted to pursue the ..etter, contec~ln9 either <br />o.ene Anklen Of' Floyd Snyke." Ruse... County. <br /> <br />Radio Unit for Ne. Truck <br />Mr. Johans.n requ.sted CouncIl approvai of the purche.e of a <br />radio unit for the n.w i ton pIckup truck. costing S300.00 plus. $40.00 <br />In.t.lla'l'lolI charge and a S40.00 p.r truck charge for IlIstallatloll of <br />the ant.nna I.ed. H. ..Id the unit ce" ,...cllly be Transferrad frOll on. <br />truck to enother, after Instal18tl01l 0' the ent.nn. le.d, and ha would <br />lIke to transfer It to . snow plow In tit. wlnt.r ..onths. <br /> <br />Mr. Crichton Inqulr.d about. p8." for the y..rts cepitel expenditure, <br />pr..erablya 5-y..r pl.n, which Mr. Johanse. .ald tha PublIc Works <br />ComMltt.. Is starting to preper.. <br /> <br />A'ter 4lscusslon, HerrIck mov.d. soconded by Hollenhorst, that the <br />CouncIl approve the r.dlo purchase .s out'Ined. Motion carrlad unanl- <br />fIlO",sIV. <br /> <br />Tree Trllll.lna <br />Mr. Johans.n esked what the Vlllege ponlcV h.. b.en for tree tl"l...Ing <br />on str..t rlght-o.-w.y, end was .dvlsed that this ,. the re.po..~bl'Ity <br />of the property owner. <br /> <br />Mr. Johenson d.scrlbed two troubl.soae ar... In the Village. . Mr.. <br />McNle.n w.. reque.ted to writ. to the p~op.r~y ~wn.r. requesting th. <br />n.c....ry tree frl...lng. eMr, Johan..n to provIde CI.rk wIth specific <br />Infol"tllatlon). <br /> <br />Meter R.lld'l nil Schad... I. <br />Mr. Johanse. .dVlsed the CouncIl th.t the 1..1' .et.r re.dlng (Just <br />billed) wa. roed to coincide with the RoseYllle r.edlngJ Mr. Henderson <br />Is preparing the r.port for Collnel,1 conslder.tloll. <br /> <br />aethe' Co, leg. Mester Motel". . , <br />Mr.. Johansen ...eported th.t he and Mr. "ondersoft IInd Engln..r.Lund will <br />111081' with 8ethel Co! lege r. a lIIaster lIetAilr on May 3, 1973. <br /> <br />Meier 51)01" Check <br />Mr. Johans.n saId he Intends 1'0 spot thereslde"tl.1 1...ld. <br />~.ters 8galnst the outsld. during the summor quarter. <br /> <br />-4- <br />