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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Council Meeting <br />Page six <br /> <br />Valentine Park Orl'llna~ <br />Mr. Buckley reported that he and Mr. Johansen Illet with Mr. Arcaml, <br />Remsey County, re the proposed ditching along County Roed F and Old <br />Hlgh~ey 10. Mr. Arcand advls.d that the ditch along Highway 10 would <br />have to be on the Inside of the fence, and that the Village had re- <br />quested the filling of the County Road F ditch a f.w years ago; the <br />County will not dig 11' out now, <br /> <br />April 30, 1973 <br /> <br />REPORT Of MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU, J.R. - G.n.ral Gov.rnm.nt and <br />Public Safety <br /> <br />Electrical Inspector ASDolnt..nt <br />Herrick 1II0v.d, s.concte by Hollenhorst, that Mr. Gllnnar,..... be <br />appointed Vlllag. Electrical Inspector, effective April 10, 1973, at <br />S9.'0/h,.. ud .ll..g. at "'/11I1. Motion ce,...I.d unenlmously. <br /> <br />Stre.t light Request - Noble Road <br />lSe. 611sIness from the floor) <br /> <br />Public Safety Committee RecOMMendetlons <br />I. H.rrlck moved th.t the Council concur with the PUblic Safety Co.- <br />IIIlttee's recolII.endetlon to dIscharge Patrollllan Gordon Fickett Jr. frOM <br />tile Arden HIlls Police Force. effective April 25. 1973. Motlo. was <br />s.~onded by Crichton and carried una.'.ollsly. <br /> <br />2. HerrIck moved that the CouncIl approve the appointment of Mr. <br />WII lard John as a.n Arcl8n Hills patrollllu, 8uectlva May 7, 1973, at <br />S4. 90/h r, as re~OlIImeftded by the Pub II c S. fety COlnlll1 tt.e. Mot I on was <br />$e:~onded by HolYeRhorst and c.rl'led unanimously, . <br /> <br />$. He,.rlck moved tllat the Couft~11 accept <br />Arthur Pupedh,4Iffec:tlve April 13, 1973. <br />Cf':Jchtoft alld carrledunenllllously. <br /> <br />P.tre Serll Ice SUr'II..X.Studl. <br />A;/.ter revl.w anel dhcu'ssroft of a proposed agreG.ent for Fire Pro....ctlon <br />Surv'ey StUdy. at. cost of $1000; to b. slla,,.ed by Shorevliliw, North Oaks <br />a.nd Arden H f lis. He..rlck lIoved, .econdedby Cr' ellton. the II <br />au~horlze executIon of the .gree.ent by the Mayor and CI.r~, afte" It <br />has :been verified tliat the Lake Johannll Fire Oepartlllll.nt has bee" Infor.ed <br />o.f th.e study and thatt"ey aho agr.. that It wIll be beneficIa' to <br />a~1 concerned. Motion e.rrled unanimousl~. <br /> <br />the resignation of Patrol... <br />Motion .es seconded by <br /> <br />REPORT OF ACTlNGCLE,RK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCIUESH <br /> <br />Sewer IlIIfrovelllent 12-13 Connections . <br />. Mrs.., MeN 8lIlh advised t"e Council that connections to sewers In Improve- <br />lIIent 12-13 were to be. cOIIIpleted by January 1,.'973. She presented a <br />I.tter frOll Mr. .Francls Husnlll, owner of IJ large tract of lal'ld south <br />of Highway 96, between Highway 10 and Sijelll~g Avenue which ~Onta'ns <br />two hous.s. 1666 Highway 96 811d 4515 North Snelling Avenue. n~t present- <br />ly connec1'ed to the s8nltary sewer; request,,.g II <one-year- el(1'e"slon time <br />for connection. . <br /> <br />After review of the request end discussion, H~rrlcll moved, seconded by <br />Crichton, tllat the extension be g,..nted to January I, 1974: bouses to <br />be VDcated and relloved by tll.t date. !:to.tlon. c.rrled un~rrl!!lo~sly. . <br /> <br />Mrs, McNlesh presented a letter from Mr. JOSeph Bussard, 4335 Highway 10, <br />'requestinge sewer connectIon extension IIntll such time that bls property <br />Is s~bdlvlded; thereby, allowing 8 short.r connection to the sewer lIne, <br />as Shown on the proposed subdIvision drawing. <br /> <br />After. discussion, HerrIck Moved, seconded by Crichton, that th~ connec- <br />tion extension be g,.anted to January I, 1974. Motion did not pass; <br />reque.-t denl.ed (HerriCk voting In favor of the motl.on; Crlcllt~.. .nd <br />~oll..hor.t In opposition: Crepeau ebstelnlng>. . <br /> <br />Sewer 1m "ov..e..t No. 14 Connections <br />Mrs. MeN esh adv sed the Counc I het connections to sewers In Improve- <br />ment No. 14 ere to be comple-ted by May 1,'1973, and pre.ented a request <br />from Mr. St. Aoro, asking for a connectIon el(ienslon to Sep-tember 30, <br />1973, beceuse of 8 flnenclel ~.rd5hlp. <br /> <br />-6- <br />