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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />AprIl 30, 1973 <br /> <br />Mlnut.s of Council MeetIng <br />Pege five <br /> <br />Public Works Reserve Fund <br />Mr. drlchton reque.ted thet all propo.ed expendIture. from the Public <br />Works Reserv. Fund be brovg.t to the Council for .pproY.I; notl8g tb.t <br />.tbls'fund should not be u.ed for oper.tlng expenses. <br /> <br />REPORT Of COUNCILMAN RON HERRICK ~ Perks and'Recre.tlon <br /> <br />Par\s end Recreation CommIttee A5polntment <br />Mr. HerrIck re.cOlIllended and lIove 1'hat the Council appoInt Mrs. 'Mary <br />BlOllqulst, 3521. "ortb"nel I IngAvanua, to tha Perk. and Recreation <br />COMmltt.e. Motion ... seconded by Crichton and carrIed unanimously. <br /> <br />He. I th I nlurence Revlt.. <br />At the recommendation of Mr. H.rrlck, the matter of Mr. Buckley's <br />Ipeclel he.fth Insurance situatIon .as referred by the Councll to the <br /> Com.ltt.. for It. r8co.llend.tloRa to tha CouncIl, <br /> <br />Parks and RecreatIon Commltt.. Meeting of April 24. 1913: <br />(report by .I0bn BuCkl.y) <br /> <br />Grass Mow.r <br />Mr. Buckley pre.ente~ brochure. and a price 11.1' for se"eral ?ype. of <br />9ress lllower. to the. Council for consideration. reco...n_ln, the purch... <br />ofth. Hea.ton front Runner Tractor. He .~pl.lned that the 14 h.p. <br />aodel would haAd'e pr....t n.eds. but the 18 h.p. model would handle <br />pr..e.'. as well as tutur... n..dl <<better to be oyerMpower.d). <br /> <br />He seld that three pieces of equlp.ent ere n..ded by the 'arks e"d <br />Recreation Oopertllen't.t"'a .,ear.; 51.000 was allottod 'ft t"la year's <br />.budget tor equ I.pme.ntrep I.c...e.t. . . <br /> <br />M.r. CrIchton astted t~* . '-year ,Ie. tor capita' expenellt41ns be ~re. <br />p.r.d , <br /> <br />After dlacussloft,Holienhor.t lIloyed. seconded by Crlchto.. that 1"he <br />'ColtfICl' euthor he tlul.flurcha.e of the 18 h. p. He.stonFront Rultner Trac- <br />for, reconendl"S1poaf.pOnl.g snow blower IlInd brOOll attach...ts. Motloll . <br />clllr.rled una..llloual.,. . . .' '.' - . -. <br /> <br />M~.auchle., w..reque.ted to obtain three bl~a on the vRlt, .f possIble. <br /> <br />Perry Park FenclM . c' .. . <br />~r, Buckl.y r.q....lIt.deounel I .uthorl zatlon to Insta" 200 feet of 10 ' <br />IllSh f.nco and .6.,f..f of 20' It I gb fence at Perr., Par" to prot.c1: the <br />1ol''Tln property.troll;.(1"rey b.lll. One cost e.thl8te was pre..llted et <br />":1'897,00. W. also requested Install. 60 f~tlt;)' IlIg'1l <br />.t4lnc:e on .t". south sIde of the park to prewClInt loss of balls In a de.p <br />'"ay"n.; 'cost estl..ted lit $444,00. <br /> <br />,~errlck IllOved.s.,c:on;~.d by Holl.nhorst, tlla.f the CouncIl autborlze the . <br />f.nelo91 B41ckleytoo,I!"taln two more quotes a"c1 proceed at tbe towest blil. <br />MQtloR e.rrlell.lIna"'~lIsl.,. <br /> <br />'V'I' Hall $1 t. Improv....nt <br />M~. a.>>ckle., reporf4d "a,tbe Parks and Recreation COIl_ltt.. reco...nds <br />i'hl8 .s.... plan alto .p.~flcat'lon. be used for a new .elv.rtls......t for <br />bids, 0II1ttln9 the sl~tt ft"Olll the specifications; It.lI. to be bid sepe- <br /> He advls.dthat Mr. K. Boss has to obtaIn at <br />t'~r.. estimate., <br /> <br />,i~t",. &;(!'Il.r,,,}! tH"V-rca,'c(ttl t""-"'I!'Ol! $~gn: \!Mc-h .hE:' Lllid Mr. Boss mede for <br />Sampson Park, sugg.stlng that II sllllllar sign could be .ade.for th. <br />VIl.lag. Hall and Publ Ie Works buIldings. Tbe COllncl I .xpr....d appronl <br />,of 1'118 sign bvt requested that he also got tbeoplnl"" of t~ Planning <br />'Commission. . <br /> <br />Minnesota Parks and Reere.tlo" AssocIatIon Meeting , <br />CrIchton MOved, seeond.d b., Hollenllorst. that Mr. Buckley b, .uthorlzed <br />to atten4 tbe M.., 8 .nd 9 .o.tlng at Craguns-Lodge. at. cost of S64.50. <br />plusfrav.' expense. Motloft cerrfed unanllllOlSs-ly. '. . <br /> <br />-,- <br />