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<br />^ <br /> <br />Minutes 01 Regular Councl! Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />Case No. 72-48, Amendment to Ordinance No. 98 <br />Attorney Lynden referred the Council to his letter of April 6, 1973, <br />re Ordinance AMending Ordinance No. 98, and read the proposed ordin- <br />ance In Its entirety. <br /> <br />April 9, !973 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After dls~usslon. Olmen moved that the Council adopt the Ordinance <br />entitled AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 98, THE SUBDIVISION AND <br />PLATTING ORDINANCE, BY CHANGING THE PROVIS~ONS CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL <br />PLANNED UNiT OEVELOPMENTS, RE-DESiGNATiNG THE ADMINISTRATION THEREOF, <br />AND ElIMI~ATION OF REQUiREMENT IN SECTION 8 B. 8, as read and a.ended. <br />Motion was seconded by Hollenhorst. <br /> <br />Discussion of discretionary powers followed. and the motion and second <br />were withdrawn. The "dhcretlon" question wes referred to Councilman <br />Crichton and Attorney Lynden to resoUve. CounclD action was deferred <br />to the Council meeting of April 30, 1973. <br /> <br />Case No. 72-35. Pemtom - DeveOoDment Afreement <br />Attorney Lynden reviewed his draft of he proposed development agree- <br />ment between Pemtom, inc. and the Village of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />After discussion. and at the recommendation of Attorney Lynden, Holien- <br />hersT moved, seconded by Crichton. that the CaunclD approve the agree- <br />ment. as amonded, subject to correction of paragraph 9 to provide that <br />'occupancy of structures' be withheld until the Developer has completed <br />the Installation of Daterel water and seW9r mains; authorizing execution <br />of the agreemant by Mayor and Clerk when corrected. Motion carried <br />unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Open Soace Easements and Covenants <br />Atto.rnay Lynllenre\' I ewed his proposed draft of the Open Space Easements <br />and ~ovenant!l botween Arden Hllas and Pemtom, Inc. <br /> <br />After dlacusslol1,Cr+~hton moved, seconded by Hollenhorst, that the <br />,COline II approvotheOpen Space Easements and Covenants. as emended. for <br />IUleh addition, sUbJect to 9xlImlnatlon and IIpproval by the VII Oage <br />}\t.torney. I~otlo.n carried unanlmous~y. <br /> <br />Upon'th. recomMendat I.o.n of Attorney Lynden, Ho' I anhorst moved .Counc II <br /><!pprrQlfal of thee.){ecutlon. by the MllIYQI" and Clerk, of Flnai pDats of ,., <br />.~;.iJ'ownhQusCl Village at .Arden Hills, Additions I and 2, subject to Attorney,;'''' <br />; 'I.;y:ndon's apIlrova'loft)he Regll!tered Property Report Gnd Title In Pemtolll,.,:.;,: <br />:.t~~. The mot I onwessecoRded by O! men end carl" led unBn Imous I y. <br /> <br />Rl'PQRT Of V, UAGE ENGI NEER DON LUND <br /> <br />,QJenpau I Ore I nage .. <br />"Eng I neer Lund ad\lls~d 'thet the cost est Imste prepared by Bud Johansel\ <br />4'dr correction io.fthe GlenpeuU drainage problem, as per plan submlthj <br />!sa good estimate. If the VI 0 lage does the work. He advised the Council! <br />fllat ill I s project, as proposed. doos not extend to the area east of New <br />Brighton Road nor to the north side 01 GBenpau! Avenue; stetl.n.g thats<? /I' <br />~V~jL~,/~a~g;Z;I~~'ams In thlserea. YJw~, <br /> <br />BUd Johansen was requested to determine man hours anticipated to complet~.: <br />. 'l'hls work. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TREASURER RrCHARD O'KEllY <br /> <br />Treasurer O'Kel!y reported current bank balances, and stated that some <br />checks will be wlthho!d ponding receipt of ch$cks from the County for <br />February tax settOement. <br /> <br />Mr'o O'Kelly euplalned Interest earned on an Investment which matured <br />April 2. 1973. <br /> <br />Caeo No. 73-8. Ramada Inn - Two Sign Variances <br />Ho~i.nhorst moved. seconded by Olmen, that the Council concur with the <br />80ard of "I'peals and Planning Commission to approve sign permIt applica- <br />tion No. 73-93. as requested, Gnd In accordance with plans submItted. <br />Motion carrrled ~naniMous~y. <br /> <br />-2- <br />