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<br />,. ~. <br /> <br />MlnutGs oi Councl ~ Moutlny <br />paga thro<J <br /> <br />AprH 9, 1973 <br /> <br />HoJ 00flhol"si" rilJpoi,-hH! tbc-i- -rhe Board of Appeals has rocommended approval <br />of the propDsed roof sign (Permit No. 73-95'. subject to lowering the <br />h~ight of toe sign 50 th~t It Mould not extsnd above the eievator hous- <br />ing. The P~annlng C~mlss!on recommends denial of the parmlt. expl.ln- <br />ing ihat the d~v~lop{lr \1!8S told by the PDanning COMmission In the early <br />p~anllil'lg St~g8:; thay s roof sign wouid not bG recommended for .approval. <br /> <br />M~< HoU~enhorst r~tGrrGd ths Councl~ to Mr. Quale's lettor of April 4. <br />1973 \Vlca President of Ad~~rtlsing. Ra~llId~ Inns). and the Council <br />discuss~d tha proposed roof sign vlth Mr. Quane. <br /> <br />After dlscu$slon, Ho~i~nhorst statad that ho feals that some sort of <br />5 I gn Is lIol!ldeil. Zlnd I'"GCOlllllliJndell th<!lt the Counc' 0 dsfer action on the <br />Bl"pl h:at I OWl lORtl j the i1liimt meathg., Ha $!llgg8!lt~d that Mr. Qus!e pre- <br />.palT'8 drlllwlngs of the tront and sido bul ~dli1!l elevations.. indicating <br />the sign as proposed, end to consult ~Ith the Planning Commission at <br />the SpeclGD Planning Commission Mestln@ on April 17. 0973. Mr. Quale <br />sBld this would be satisfactory. and the Council agreed to defer action <br />untl' the AprlO 30. Councl~ meeting. <br /> <br />Ca~. No. 73-11 ~awl9 ll~~~mor - Rozonl" ,from R-i to R-6 <br />HoOlllH'!horst r9fe~l"od ho o,"ell to thG Minutes of thElP~annlng Commis- <br />sion ~nd to Mr. lindamer's letter of AprlD 6, 1973. <br /> <br />After discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by HolOonhorst, that the <br />Council concur ~Ith the Planning Commission's rec~m9ndatlon to deny <br />th0 ~azonlng as requested. <br /> <br />tin tlll"tnll)r discussion. Mr. lhidor.wi" Sldvl!.!edthfil COline I i that the property <br />O'Mners hll iho i~f1l9dlat<!l aree <<'('loSG givei'll written notices. did not <br />appear at the Public Hoarl~g. oxcept Mr. MIUler, 3609 Pasca~ ^venue. who <br />a~prG$sod no objection to ths r8%onlng. He s81d those persons ObJect- <br />Ing worn farther romov$d from fha prc~orty. <br /> <br />Mr. Seivog. 3628 Horth Sneanlng Ava~ue, stated that he had no obJec- <br />tlans e~d did ~ot eaM9 ta the h9.rl~g. He said he ,tl&1 does not ob- <br />Ject. bl.!Y 1i19koci IiiDout III I e'i'YoV' wn I clu he n:u::e I ~e!! re l\l cornmon property <br />IIR~ 'unni~g thro~9h his drivoway. (ThIs was npparentl~ e matter between <br />1.1:'". S8~VO!l. Mr. $111118 1llnd Mr. lIndoDfo6!".l <br /> <br />Attorney Lyndon proposod a rosoijlltiol1 far the Cauncllis eo~s!deratlon. <br />st~tina that since the Vliji~ge Is mast aCllteU, concerned with the pro~- <br />ertlas within e 250 foat radius, he sMggested t~at Mr. Llndomer be asked <br />to obtain 9Ignet~ro$ of at 90e9t 2/3 o~ ths property ownors In the 250 <br />foot aroa surrounding the pGrcol to be rOZOllod. epprovlng the rezoning <br />as pFo~osed; Counel ~ deter sctlon ton6~ht elld conslder the petltlon,wlth <br />'tho 3ppfficGtiolll to l"{lzone. 6t tha i1!:Jwt COIliJllCI! Idoeting. <br /> <br />Mr~ Llndemer stated ~hls would be sstlsfactolT'y to him. Crichton withdrew <br />his motion snd Ha~ ~.nharst .Ithdrow his second. Hol~enhorst moved, <br />s.<llconiled by OO~elJ.i'h!lt the CO!lJncl a tlll!>!O i1lcthm &Jilt! 0 the Aprl i 30 <br />C<C:i~l1c.11 m(j!l'l'~ing. MoNofl c,H"l"led unai1irnOlOsiy. <br /> <br />~_No. n-IO,!L Pl"o~bJL~rlan HOllies - Sp.cE.!.!.LUs@ Permit for It Fence <br />kl.CtJ 1\1Il1ho..-;;'O" sdvl.sl1d :.i:lw COIJIlcl i tllil'" no obJec','lons "'8re expressed at <br />. . ,'tb;tl PYb ~ I c Hear HIg 1"0 .the proposed sound-bllfT leI'" fonc:e. and moved that <br />.t.;'1fcawnci I ;;;OIllClJr ",5th tile Planning CO~i\'!ls!;!on'g recommendation to <br /><;,p:>rovi!ll the Sp<ll,clll! USI!l P~rl:lit, liS r<lqOJilIstado 1he motion Itas s61conded <br />.by 081Jl:!Hi ~Wlrd cl'JFI"!<lld UMflhil(JlY:;!Y, <br /> <br />c..'!<ll il<o, 7:l~t.J~.rJ~jd Mrs. C~i\j11'J Po'ih,r = Loi. ~llt <br />lied n ~i~"aiit ~~CO?;11~07.d(;d~~th~t :iile CCIIAroC iTc.oil'lcur wi yilThe f> i ellin I n9 Com- <br />mi~s;clllv~ r@com~ollldllt!OIll to ~ppro~~ the lot spilt, as ouY~!ned by the <br />P'armJIllt1 COI1l",i1l$UOII, (ji~ll lI~ri!lI!l!1l .fO by Hie a~pHc~I!"'s and the purchasers, <br />b~t he qua~tlo~8d tho procedure to IIcea.pllsh the spUlt as prescribed. <br /> <br />Attorney L,~dGn mdwlsod thllt the applicat!on Sh~lijd be re-submltted. <br />r<lluuest!~g s iot spilt ~nd a lot cOlIIso~ldatlon; no Councl~ action be <br /> ~t tbls tlma; eppilcants INlnto~. a~~ pottersl be referrad to <br />th~ P~enn.r ta outline the thoy .hou~d takG to pictorla~iy present <br />wh.~ thgy wiSh to do. <br /> <br />Holn8nhorst moved that Council tabla its ~ctIDn; matter be referred to <br />the Planner; Cgark bo r~qu~.ted to natlfy Mr. snd Mrs. MI~ton and Mr. <br />llild Mrs. "'c'1t~n. of this reqldr<lli1llalnt, Motlolt IoIIll> seconded by Crichton <br />snd carri@d unan~MouslV. <br /> <br />-3- <br />