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<br />~~ <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> <br />VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />CASE NO. 73-10 <br /> <br />The undersigned, Acting CI~rk Administrator of the <br />VII!age of Arden Hills, does hereby certIfy thet this <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />Special Use Permlt Is granted pursuant to the provisions <br /> <br />of Ordinance No. 99, VI liege of Arden Hills, in accordance <br /> <br />with a public hearing duly held by the Plenning Commission <br /> <br /> <br />on April 3, 1973, Bnd subseQue~t approval thereof by the <br /> <br />Arden Hi lis Council on April 9, 1973. <br /> <br /> <br />. Permission Is accordingly given to the applicant <br /> <br />for the construction of a sound barrier fence In eccord- <br /> <br />anea with plans subml'~ted with Case No. 73-10, at Presby- <br /> <br />terlan Homes,lncorpo~ated, 3'20 leke Johanna Roulevard, <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />legBllydescr!bed as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />All that pert of Lot 5, Soc. 33, .T. 30, R. 23 <br />described as follows, to-wit: Beginning 'at a <br />point on the W. lIne of said Lot 5~ 400 feet No. <br />of the SW corner of s~ld Lot; thence N. on the <br />W line of said lot 5 to the NW corner thereof; <br />thence E. on the N. line of said Lot 5 to a point <br />where the said N. line intersects with the E'ly <br />line of said Lot ,; thence along the E'ly line <br />of said Lot 5 to the Intersection thereof with <br />the N'ly line at thet ~ract or parcel 0' t~nd <br />in said Lot 5 heretoforeconvsyed to Martin <br />Has!! by Deed recorded 10."491" Deeds 93; thenCe <br />W. aion~ the said N'ly 1.lne of sold trect of <br />land heretofore conveyed to the said Ma~tln Hasll <br />to a point distant 884,8t..t due N. of the S. <br />~Ine of laid lot 5 and 935~B faet due E. from <br />the W. line of said Lot 5; thence Ii'! II SW'ly <br />.directipn 936 frget tOll point on the S. !lneof <br />said Lot 5 distant 630 fest E. of t~e SW corner <br />of Lot 5; thence W. along the S. lIne of said <br />Lot 5 to ths SW cerrier thereof; thanceN. along <br />the W. ~!no of said LotS to the point of beginning, <br />excepting therafro~ the fallowing descrlbe~ property, <br />namely: (11AII that perf of s~ld lot 5 described as <br />"01 lows: Commcl'lclnget II point where the N'ly <br />~ine of.aid lot 5 intersects the W'ly shore of <br />Lake Johanna; thence SW'iy 50 feet; thence at rlght <br />engio$ Gnd SE'ly 100 test to tho shore of Lake Jo- <br />hanna; thence a I 01'19 tho shore of lake Johllnna. to <br />the polnt of beginningllnd excepting also, C2lThe <br />S'iy 400 feet of said lot 5 whlcb lies W'Iy 0' 8 <br />line which is 66 fesy Nv'ly of and parallel to the <br />ja!lowlng described lIne: Beginning at a point <br />on the 5. line of said Lot 5 630 feet E. of the <br />SW corner thereof; thene. running NW'ly In a strBlght <br />line 936 feot to & point which is 884.8 feet due N. <br />of tho S. lIne of said Lot 5 and 945.8 f~et due E. 0' <br />"rhe ~!. line of said to'!" 5. <br />