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<br />.. ~, r~:_i'~:, ;; l' ~~ <br />. <br /> <br />ho,()<i'j)\~~ :::~j:.1,:-i~::':ng SOlnu '~r'3mS jf n,3C'as.S(j:~--i' 'j'O ;:,~tuy ",Ithin ~~ho budgei';; <br />,~t;-~P::'Ovf~r;;{};~i I'rH~y :--.~'i..:! .~~o 00 don"!l! I n phe;s~s ~ t l ~-st pnDse at budgeted <br />:,~i _, 000 , <br /> <br />~l~" 1- :~u~k Fanc~ <br />:;-Ci;:rij;i:i-q,:-iST'c'I, p ni.!l ilud fllil'" a ".Ilca h l"Ised"d iJ; Pony Park to pro- <br />toct fh. rUB\dsntlolprop&rty on the wast. The Council lIuthorlzed the <br />P:.rk1' And R..e,.....1' I nn C"",,,, I 1"+..", Tn .,."".. to. I <1" "nd ." !'...........1' t...... ~,.<:.':.'.,S!! I <br />.nd bids to the Counc:l I for conslder.tlon at the next Councll......lng. <br /> <br />(If cost Is eS""Aated to be $5,000 or over, the Council will h.v. to <br />.dvertls. for bids.) <br />SAi'.!2inc E+. }'!.'2. 0 (L~. <br />~rs. Llndqufs. ~~wlsad tha Cowncll th~t SIOOO hild bean budgeted fOI <br />.G~jpm.n. This year. bur rep.lrs to 9hQ trac+o~, If repaired, will <br />p~D~~bjy ~.o mo~t at this. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I~""., Buc:lt:t;;;I'f lid" Isedth..r th(~ l"llChu must "ifllar. lie repaired or "._ <br />pi.~ed fu~ the t[3ll ma~~r Bod thaf ~he c~b cadet mu~i also be replaced. <br /> <br />The Council r~aYaated that ~ho P~rkl and Recraatlon and Public Works <br />DJ!lfJlI'"tll!sn'is 1l'9'feIOp /I fl\'O-Vl>21' plan for;. 1he '-eplllcemen1' <br />Qr eqlllpl1lEt"~, <br /> <br />P&rk$ arid R~1('f9atlGn COIr\J9j'hil8 MaotinC1 <br />M';;S;'--rrntiq;;-r;'i. adv ls.Td thllt"1fTi,,-iiclrtP"; ..ncl Recn~at Ion meet I ng ., n II Ii <br />l><l on !\pd ii 0, Instoad of lpr., ,; 24, as s~oai.ed In 'rha Minute!! of .the <br />~~r~h 21, m~~ttngg <br /> <br />rtl~~I)l2..~1?2.!i:!~, Fropo$ed Lla~tl.'!.l1. <br />C"?,cl1'toll 1'l'Jpm-';ell " 1'05s1l>le pi'ob'lilll1 wlH! i.he tennis court base II' <br />MOl/lldE Vj.~ High School, and suggested this be checked ou1 before <br />;'''''''I.lIn9 tha p'opO$od Jo.nt.~l Ol>f&!$ 8!l,,(lamefl'i In the ii 19htlng of these <br />~;(llft:;'.'YS e <br /> <br />REPORT DF MAYOR HENRY J. CRErEAU, JR. - Genernl Gov~rnmont <br />Pub', k Safety <br />Eloct~lc8' l~sD9c:tar <br />'4i'~-f;i9'iiIi'Il-TiJT;}Y;.ai>p~: ; <:ari'trQ,' Hie o!:ppo I nfmsni' of' Vi! I age E 118c1::" i ea II <br />'n!lfllilC "0,-, ,1aS I rote!".. low'<l<i b.y ~i\" Co~:uc; I -;. Slid Mayor Cr>lpOlll.l ;>'efee-red <br />h,St :::0\111;:,)' ~o r~~', Sll'lay't..,,; i.'ton ;;i1l<:h l!Il'lS T8celved about <br />i:i. i~'",,) rrd' h ~ ir'. <br /> <br />NCY0r C~.F.~W .dY!sa~ Mr. SDiay that the Council WIll consider the <br />.pp Ic~tlon3 r~cBiwed. and ~i~t he wll be advlsod of th$ Council's <br />tenO!! on TC!<llHL!y.. '\pd, 10, 9'13.. <br /> <br />:L!J;.'~~~.-.L.L.:l~:'.~,,~-Ji~~9~~->L.::::'~2~:;~nf-2'!~~. <br />c. H~NI..h f~pDrt6d tha~ S~G nes had no ra&pOD8~ trom Ramsey County <br />Dn ~8 1~~ Gtruat 1lghr. ~~quRst&d, Tho mat1ar .as t~bi6d bV tho <br />Councjl u~~l! th~ nex' Coune' I m08tlng <br /> <br />REPon'~ Of ACTtNG tlERK ADMIN~Sl:~ATOR CHAf:lCfTE ~~CN~ES~f <br /> <br />\ R.~.nuD Shfir!n~ Cback <br /><..,.-"".-...'.-.'cr~~=,=""=";:"",,,.~~~-_=..__~,".,,,=,,-~,,,,,,.o..~~_~-,,,,_.,,,,_...,, <br />~ 0. McNIUBb ~~portod raCelp. 0' ~. fl"s~ qumrtsr ot 1973 Fedoral <br />Rawenua ShDring Ch8Ck in the 8MOUh' af 552'6,00, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />C Ii t:l ~ tll!; <br />p;n;;;:--.,JIt;,-aillslf.:W, Ho:~titlnho:',"'i m.~"l)d, S,f'ulOl(Jed by Crichton, \~a~ the <br />c~a~ms bo ~pproved 65 submltted~ Mot\on carrfsd unanlmousVy~ <br /> <br />Comp':l!Jln? <br />~i'?:-'i"7{,'nk 'db!~r:fd, 4iiS Oid Klgh\~"I)' ,0, 'UJ8fsi"'i'cd a comp:iaint 'thai <br />h9~'$eS a~~) b05ng ~1ddBn ac~a~s his 9~opo~'ry~ ~~e r.~quasi'6d tha~ ~h~s <br />':";'~$~)~ro.s i ug UG ~to,;:qJed,~ HfJ ~tJ~ 5~h)(' 1'hll)- ,h:::. hCi~$~~; n~'e kept tn it ba~"n <br />on h. T~bh or prODorty ~.5t of his prDrO tV. Mr. Winiecki s~ld he Is <br />~ ~~ ha~jng ~tOSjb'fi wl1'h dogs running &1 arge and du~plng ~~3sh cans, <br /> <br />~1~y~;; Cj~U;~[:~u ~~vJs%d M~~ W~~~~~Gki ~h~t "'hi,' Vij1~g€ w.~il <br />0~~~~ o'l a)~ ho:sos J"8 Vfi:~~t~ r8gu1a~tcns ,lAd ~sked Nr <br />~"~) i"~$ Vf ~~g~ '4a ~ whg~ tii~ ciog~ a~B D~ ';'ho p~oporty~ <br /> <br />contact the <br />W,nioOcld to <br /> <br /> 'U';i'U~>; <br />~'( eelln"'ij .""."'~"C>'"'i ,;"'04 <br />".'Wk5.'.'.. -'. ... <br />" ..-' <br />, <br /> <br />;'.""'_" _.H." .... '_ "'.........,. ,.... __ " ...~.._. _~ <br /> <br />fj "f]: ~ <br /> <br /> <br />..-...._.~._......~.... <br />~r r <br /> <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />.,.; . <br />