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<br />. <br /> <br />Mlnutss ot Raguija~ Co~ncre Meeting <br />Pago two <br /> <br />Statutss, the platting statute, and he recommended that the Final Plat of <br />the Ust Addition be approved wlthoui enforcing the requirement of Sec. 8 B 8, <br />onthe condition that Pemtom provide the VI i Oage with Open Space ElIsements <br />and Covenants acceptab~e to the Village Atto~ney and recordable lit the same <br />time as the Final Plat. <br /> <br />MlIrch 26, ! 973 <br /> <br />Mr~ Lynden further recommended that the Council approve the Final Plats of <br />these two additions, subJect to Pemtom's entering Into II Development Agree- <br />men't with the V II IT age; agreement to be prepared by the V I II age Attorney. <br /> <br />Mr',.Kar9Hermann, Attorney for Pemtom, said he would stipulate to these re- <br />quirements, as recommet'llded by Attorney Lynden. He submitted a check from <br />Pell\tom, fine., In the amount of $2,000.00, representing $50.00 per fiot In <br />Addrttons 8 and 2.,. In lieu of park land dedication. <br /> <br />~Aft~r considerable discussion, Hollenhorst moved, seconded by Herrick. that <br />th~~ouncll approve the depiction of th~ Final Plats of Additions i and 2. <br />fownh,ouse VI Ilages at Ard.en HI' Is; not authorizing execution of same by <br />Mayor and C~erk until such time as a Development Agreement and Open Space <br />Easement are approved and executed by the Village COllncll and the Village <br />Attorney hes approved the title repo~t. Motion carried unanlmous6y. <br /> <br />Hor.Uenhorst moved. seconded by Ollllen, that the Council approve the Regls- <br />teredLand Stlrvey, as submitted; authorizing Its execution by the Mayor <br />andC~.rk. Motion carried ~nanllllou~Oy. <br /> <br />Ramse Count Board Resotutlon No. 1-20 re 0 <br />Attorney Lynden reviewed h s ~etter of March 23. H9 , re Ramsey County <br />Board Resoh!tiQn No, n ..20. and rtlcomlllendel1l Council adootlon of RESOLUTION <br />No.i3-19, RESOLUTION ^1~ENDING RCSOlUTlON NO. 73-2 TO lIlESCIND AND DELETE <br />j;a::RtFRO!4 $PEC!AlCONDITIONiw. 2. <br /> <br /> <br />Her~lck moved. seconded by Crichton, that Resolution No. 73-19 be approved <br />as submitted. Motion carried unanimouSly. <br /> <br />Cllerk was requested to write to property owners who had expressed concern <br />re adequate compensation for property purchased by the Open Space Commission; <br />advising of the Counci~ls action. and e~piaining the reasons for this action. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VillAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />Storm Drainage - Valentine Park <br />Engineer Lund presented p6ans for an open ditch to control surface drainage <br />In the Glenview Avenue and Valentine PalT'k llli"oe. directing wetelT' from the <br />west alld south around the p~aygll"ound lU'Ga to en etlistlng ditch at the north- <br />ea~tcorn8r of the ,erk. The CounclO lI"eferred the p!an to Councilman <br />C6"lch....onfor 11 report 81' the nout Council l1Ieoting. Additional copies of the <br />pian were requested from Don Lund foli" the Public Works and Parks Departments. <br />Oil$llln suggested that this proJoct eo~ld probebijy be handled by the Public <br />liIorksDepertment. 104,.. \.ulld est I mated the cost at $3000 to $3500. I f done ,by <br />the VI il ilage Pub! Ic Works Depar-tment.. <br /> <br />Cou~ty Ro~d ~ Water Main Repairs <br />Engllli8o!" a.und advised that the VI! ~llge has aUli"oedy paid abou1. $3,000.00 foli" <br />the repelr 01 this water main break end suggested that the County be re- <br />quested to share sOllie of the ii"esponslbliity In the 6"llpeirs of the existing <br />roadway dllllllage. <br /> <br />~~.rk was reQueste~ ?O wii"!te to Ramsey County EngIneer Deene Anklen, copies <br />to Ramsey COMnty Commissioner Ed $a!vorda nnd Exacutlve Secretary of the <br />Ramsey County Board. James D. S~en. requesting County participation In this <br />pl"oJect. <br /> <br />(Don Lund Illes; requested to send pertinent Intormation to Mrs, McNlesh for <br />Incorporation In the ~ett5r.j <br /> <br />Pcsslbillt of Master Meteli"ln PcmtoM Pro Get Utilities <br />CounclUMon ~mGn asked Engineer Lund f It wou~d be feaslbRa to Instag~ a <br />meste~ meter for the entire P~~tom project, rather than the Vi~~age accepting <br />ownership of the utllltw ~in~$. so~a of which may be inaccesslb~e for maln- <br />tenence end repairs. <br /> <br />Engineer Lund soid it Is fe~sible at the presont tlMo, but when the ~and <br />bayond this project Is ~flvQnopsd. e probuem would exist In extending the <br />utilities to servo that pr@perty. <br /> <br />-2- <br />