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<br />M 11wh!lsof Rsgu hI?' Councl ! MeeTing <br />Pagl!lthreEl <br /> <br />REPORT OF TREASURER RiCHARD O'KELLY <br /> <br />March 26, 1973 <br /> <br />Trl9,'1l5Ufo,ro O'Ke~ iy r<<I'O'!GwEld current cash ba8ances and stated that Treasury <br />BliHi:iS.wl U be sold toco'ier bond payment due April I, 8973. A S35,OOO <br />InY~s~m8nt currentiy at 5.4S Interest will be re-Invested at 6.95S Interest <br />on Aprl! 2, 8973. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST .. Planning ISnd Zoning, Human Rights <br /> <br />C~se No. 72-55, Flahert~'s Arden Bowl. inc. -BulldlnR Permit for Off-sale <br />llqllou- Store <br />Councilmen HOI!enhorst reported that there wes no opposition expressed at <br />the Public Hearing held by the Planning Commission on March 20, 1973, and <br />therefore moved that the Councl! approye the Building Permit for the Off- <br />.sale Liquor Store, with the sign as designed, and In accordance with the <br />plans and mOdel sUbmlttedJ sign lights to be turned off each night et 80:00 <br />o'clOCk p.m, The motion was seconded by Herrick. <br /> <br />Crichton moved that the motion be amended to delete the provision thet the <br />light be turned off a~ 10:00 p.m, Olmen seconded the emendment ~o the <br />motion. The emendment to the motion carried. (Crepeau, Crichton, Olmen, <br />Her~lck voting In favor, HoUlenhorst voting In opposition). <br /> <br />The orlglnaO motion, as amended, ca~ried. <br /> <br />F!eherty's Oft-se'e ll~uor License Application <br />Herrick moved, seconded by HoUlenhorst, tha~ the Council approve the Off- <br />seBe Liquor License f,or FDeherty's Arden BowU, One., 8273 West County Road E, <br />Motion carried ~nan'mous~y. <br /> <br />Case No. 72-33, U-Haul Trailer and Truck Rentll~s - SpecleB Use Permit <br />Horienhorst moved that ePublic Hearing be scheduled on Mey I, U973, before <br />the POennlng Commission, for the review of the Specie! Use Permit for U-Heui <br />Trelier end Truck Rente!. at 3833 North Le~lngton. Motion wes seconded by <br />O!llIsnend carried unanlmolls!y. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN. CHARLES CRICHTON - Finance, Ordinance Review <br /> <br />1.11' I i' I ty Ra1'. l:hnflge Not t CG <br />Crichton mo~.d that the CouncJ! approve the notice, as p~epared by the <br />Finance COlllmltteo, end that it be enclosed with th.e Aprl i Utility bli Bs. <br />Motion wes seconded by Hollenhorst and car.ried unanlmousUy. <br /> <br />Storm ~ralnege - Silting Status Report <br />Crichton referred the Council to a memo from C. McNlesh re the binDing <br />status of storm drainage projects. <br /> <br />Lake Johanna OutUet FeaslblUit, Stud, - The Council authorized blOllng <br />Ramsey County end RcsevllUe for the feasibility study as per agree- <br />ments. <br /> <br />~ros Drainage - Hol ienhorst moved, seconded by HerriCk, that <br />Attorney Lyndan be requested to prepare a resolution setting up a <br />J~lnt Po~ers Agreement with Ramsey County, Shoreview and Arden Hills <br />to cover all Lambros Ditch costs. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />tlfEPORT OF COUNC~LMAN STAN OLMEN - Public Works <br /> <br />Pickup Truck <br />OHmen reported that tha Public ~orks Committee recommends the purchase of <br />a * ton pickup truck for the Public W~rks Department. <br /> <br />HerriCk moved, seconded by Holieohorst, that the Public Works Department <br />prepare specifications for <II "stripped down" truck, 8S described, for Coul'lci I' <br />review at the next CounclO meeting. <br /> <br />Summer Employe. Need~ <br />OUmen roported that the Public Works Committee rsco~mends that three men <br />be h' red fol" the SIli'Mlle!" llIonl'hs. <br /> <br />Tile Council i"tiIeomllendod the? the depatrtment hire two llIon 1'0 start, and <br />suggested 52.50 per hou~, InsTeed of the proposed 52.85. The Council aUso <br />~eeommended the hiring of Arden Hlfi1s peop~8 whenover possible. <br /> <br />OJMen stated that the Perks 08~8rtm8nt noeds one man Of their own, and when <br />no~ needed In fhe ps~ks ~1~U b~ E~aln3bOe to the PubJic Works Department, <br />