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<br />Mlnyte~ 01 Regular Co~ncii Meeting <br />PlIgf! four <br /> <br />March 26, 3973 <br /> <br />G!OIlJ!l)UU Oroin~!:l!. <br />OUillen repoi"huli that nOEl Public Works Department can instal U the i Ine, after <br />the contracted 8xcaYBtlo~ Is completed; the project, as described, is esti- <br />mated to cost about $3244.00. He said the project Is not as elaborata as <br />the Banister proposal, but essentially the same; work to be done by the <br />Village Instead of contracting It, resulting in the lower cost. <br /> <br />The question of property assessment to pay the costs was raised. <br /> <br />After discussion, the .atter was referred to Bud Johansen to contact Ramsey <br />County re partlcipetlen In the cost of the Improve.ent; also to submit <br />the proposal to Don Lund for his comments. <br /> <br />Crlehton offered to check to see If State Aid Roads money can be used for <br />~ this type of Improyement. <br /> <br />Bethe~ COllege Master Meter <br />Olmen recommended that a master meter be Instailed at Bethel Coilege and <br />Sem I nary. <br /> <br />I <br />C. McNlesh reported that G. Henderson and Bud Johansen have pians to meet <br />with the administration at Bethe' Coijlege re this master .eter proposal. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCiLMAN RON HERRiCK - Parks and Recreation <br /> <br />Proposed Questionnaire <br />Her~Ick requested that cOM~e~ts and corrections to the proposed question- <br />naire be given to him prior to tho Parks and Recreation Committee .e.tlng <br />on Tuesday, March 21. Questionnaire wilD not be Included with utility bill <br />ma I II ng. <br /> <br />Ra.sey County Resolution No. 9-1648 <br />Herrick requested that the matter be discussed by the Parks and Recreation <br />Committee before being considered by the CouncIl. Mr. Buckley advised that <br />he stimulated this resolution by suggesting to Commissioner Salverda the <br />possibility of obtaining the old !Ibrary for use as a warming house In one <br />on the Village parks. <br /> <br />~7ai"c ReQUGllt <br />^ tel" rev I.. of a lettel" f~om Mrs. PIne, Sparc, advising that one camper from <br />Arden Hills participated In last year's program, Herrick moved, seconded <br />by Hol!.nhorst, that the Vlllas* not participate In the 1973 Sparc Program. <br />Motion carried unanImously. <br /> <br />Seminar <br />Crichton moved, seconded by HOllenhorst, that Mr. Buckley be authorized <br />to attend ~he "CommunIcations P~ob!em Within Administration Groups" seminar <br />on Ma~ch 29th at e cost of $7.000 Motion carried unenlmousUy. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR HENRY Jo CREPEAU. ~R. - G9nera~ Government, PubUlc Safety <br /> <br />loce U . 49 <br />Af~er discussion, Herrick moved. saconded by Crichton, that the Counc'U <br />approve a ,22/hro wage Increase rotroactlve to January ~. 1973, and approve <br />grant~ng credit for forst yeer sick Reeve accrua~ ~.~roactlye to January!, <br />!969. <br /> <br />, "'Herrick not@d thet there ~ore other union ~ropose~, end this represents a <br />mutua! <br /> <br />C. McNlesh was requGst@d to notify Mr. BOG~er of the Council's ectlons. <br /> <br />Youth Service aUrG~M Requ*st <br />trG:iifC:-k mond,. so'condlu{ tiw'-Cr i cia tOil, thaT the II I I I alle not part I c I pate In <br />the Youth Service B~reau Prog~am In r,973. Motion carried unanimously.. <br /> <br />Co McNlesh ~as reque~ted to edvise Mr. Conover, Supervisor of Special Ser- <br />vices, Moun~. View Publ!, Schools, of t~9 CouncIl's action, advising thet <br />tho Counc!~ Is in accord wlt~ the program but not In accord ~Ith tho method <br />of fI.Hllllle !r:g . <br /> <br />'" hll .JHke FifO!! ~ QIll <br />M~auCk~.Y--Ddwi50d the C@un~!n of & ~ini bike problem. especlalUy In Per~y <br />Park. <br /> <br />Dc Zehm ~a3 requGste~ to compl~e roguUetlons ije motorized vehlcOes In Arden <br />-4-- <br />