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<br />/ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Reg~ler CouncIl Meeting <br />Page fIve <br /> <br />Februllry 12, 1913 <br /> <br />REPORT OF ACTiNG CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE McNIESH <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Llcenae A~pllcetlon <br />01.8A moved, .econded by Hollenhorst, that the CouncIl approve the <br />Arden HIlls Standard service statIon license for 1973. MotIon carried <br />IInanimoullly. <br /> <br />Ylllage Hall SIte Improvement <br />Mrs. McNlesh advised the CouncIl that no actIon has been token on bid. <br />roceived last tell for bitumInous and landscapIng work on the Village <br />Hail and PublIc Works BuildIng property. <br /> <br />Att.r dIscussIon, Crichton moved, seconded by Olmen, that the present <br />bids be rejected and that the plans and specifications be reforred to <br />Mr. Buckley and the Parks IInd Recreation CommIttee to prepare plans <br />and specIfIcatIons whIch they estimate would cost approxImately $6,000.00. <br /> <br />Aft.r further dIscussIon, CrIchton withdrew his orIginal motfo~ and <br />moved that the present bIds be rejected, and that the plans and specI- <br />fIcations bo submitted to Mr. Buckley and the Parks and Recreation <br />Commltt.e for possible modIfIcation, If deemed necessary; recommended <br />modlffcatlons to be considered by tho Council for ra-advertlsement for <br />two-part bids. The motIon wa. seconded by Olmen, a'nd. carrIed unanImously. <br /> <br />FInancial Statement <br />ActlnQ Clerk AdmInistrator C. McNlesh presonted the Arden Hills FInancial <br />Stlltement tor yoar ended 1972. <br /> <br />CrIchton moved, seconded by Hollonhorst, that the Council accept the <br />Financial Statement as submitted, IncludIng Intor-fund transfers as <br />listed. Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br /> <br />Cilll:u <br />CrIchton moved, seconded by Olmen, that tho claIms be approved as <br />submitted. Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Adjournment <br />The me.tlng lIdJourned at ijl:20 p.m. <br /> <br />~ZIJk~ <br /> <br />Charlotte McNlesh <br />Acting Clerk AdmInistrator <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />NOTiCE OF MEETING <br /> <br />The next Regular CouncIl Meeting wlid be haHd on Monday, February 26, <br />1973, at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. <br /> <br />-5- <br />