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<br />That part of the North half of the Southeast Quarter of <br />the Southwest Quarter lying Westerly of the center line <br />of State Trunk Highway No. 10, subject to the right-of- <br />way of said Highway No. 10 and except the Northeasterly <br />225 jeet of that tract lying North of the South 33 feet <br />the~f and Southeasterly of a I ine running Southwesterly <br />at right angles from a point on the center line of said <br />State Trunk Highway No. 10 and 900.2 feet Northwesterly <br />measured the~n from the East line of said Southwest <br />Quarter of Section 16, Township 30, Range 23; and <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quart- <br />er of Section 16, Township 30., Range 23, lying Southwest- <br />erly of State Trunk Highway No. 10, except that part de- <br />scribed as follows: Beginning at the South Quarter cor- <br />ner of said Section 16 and measuring North along the cen- <br />ter I ine of said Section 16, a distance of 492.9 feet to <br />the center line of said State Trunk Highway No. 10, thence <br />Northwest along the center I ine of said Highway No. 10, <br />North 38 degrees 22 feet West a distance of 1447.40 feet <br />to the point beginning of the tract to be described; thence <br />to the left at right angles a distance of 250 feet; thence <br />to the right at right angles a distance of 238.1 I feet, <br />thence to the right at right angles a distance of 250 feet, <br />thence to the right at right angles a distance of 238. I I <br />feet along the center line of said Highway No. 10 to the <br />point of beginning; and except that portion of said prop- <br />erty taken and a part of the right-of-way of said Highway <br />No. 10; and <br /> <br />The West 420 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the South- <br />east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 16, Town- <br />ship 30, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, subject to <br />State Trunk Highway No. 96, except premises described at <br />Entry No. 17 hereof, and the West Ha I f of the South Ha I f <br />of the Southeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 30, Range <br />23, according to the United States Government Survey the~e- <br />of. <br /> <br />This permit is issued subject to all the requirements and <br />conditions set forth in Ordinance No. 99, the Zoning Ordinance, <br />and Ordinance No. 147, the Mobile Home Court Ordinance; subject <br />to the requirements and conditions of M.S.A. Sections 327.10- <br />327.28 and the Regulations of the State Department of Health; <br />subject to the obtaining of proper Bui Iding Permits and such <br />other Permits as may be requi red under the Village Bui Iding Code; <br />and subject to the following special conditions: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I. Compliance with recommendations made by Planner <br />Richard Shetler dated January 31, 1972, as am- <br />pi ified and expanded by the Planning Report of <br />Planner James P. Uttley of May 18, 1972. <br />2. Compliance with the staging plans as set forth <br />in specifications dated January 4, 1973, sub- <br />mitted to and approved by the Vi I lage Engineer <br />and substantial completion of each stage by the <br />completion dates specified therein; in the event <br />that substantial completion of any stage has not <br />been made, as of the completion date specified, <br />then this Special Use Permit shall be voidable at <br />the d i scret I on of the Counc i I. <br />3. Compliance with utility and road recommendations, <br />pertaining to water main, sanitary sewer, storm <br />sewe r, and roadways, made by the V i II age Eng i neer <br />in his report dated February 14,;1972. <br /> <br />-2- <br />