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<br />.. <br /> <br />Minutes of Council Meeting <br />Pags 1'11'0 <br /> <br />Januar'i 29, 1913 <br /> <br />of whIch the Commission Is offering compensation which <br />the Council consIders Inadequate. <br /> <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Case No. 12-28, Ordinance No. 96 Amendment - Ordinance No. 168 <br />A.~tol"noy Lyndon read the finai dl"aft of AN ORDINA'NCE AMENDING ORD. <br />NO. 98, THE SUSDuVeS~.ON AND PLATTING ORDINANCE,BY CHANGING THE <br />PROVISUONS FOR PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS, In Its en~lrety. <br /> <br />'Hoilenhorst moved, seconded by Honderson, that this reading consti- <br />tutes the final reading and that Council approve the ordinance, as <br />re.d, to be effective o~ Its publication on Thursday, February I. <br />1973. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Af~er discussion, Cr1cbton moved that the motiOn be amended by adding <br />the follawlng to the ~nd of the paragraph fo!lo~ing the Gr~ss Denslty <br />5chedu!G: <br /> <br />"In no event shelD such percentage be less than 12" <br /> <br />{s~ylng th~t if tho density is gr&~ter than 4, then we shouldn't <br />set a percsntag0 less than a fto~er density>. <br /> <br />Ho!!onhorst accepted the amendment to tbe matlon, and the amended <br />motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />In discussion of the paragraph ro cash payments, Attorne,' Lynden <br />advised that the vernage remain ~5 re~d, stating It wi!9 not give <br />the VII!age a probOem, and It is t&ken ~ut of tbe statutes. <br /> <br />Fire Contract - 1973 <br />~flre Contrac~ wis rewlewed. es ~mended In accordance with Attorney <br />Lyndon's letter of January 24, ,1973. <br /> <br />Mrs. McNlesh achised thsCouncl i i"hat Olha h<l$ r~cel"'ed a ietterfrom <br />Tho KaIHl'il Comp<'lny, Unc., dated .Ialllllar'l 26, U913, advising that the <br />\/i 1 ~l\ga ~Iorl;mlll.n's C0ll1pmHl19tlOll Dn!lurancG. wdttan in 'rhe HOIllIll inSUi"llnc:e <br />Company, protects the Vil~llg~ 101" injurle$ to all village employees; <br />if the Mln~Gsota I~dustrlaa Commission holds that III member of the <br />VOlunt0erfir~ D0partro@nt Is en smp!oy~e or tho Village, he would be <br />covered wneer this poulcy. <br /> <br />CrIchton moved llpprovan of the eontract as amended, seconded by <br />Henaerson. Moylan c~rrled un5nlmG~sry. <br /> <br />!! I !1JlOr~l"IIllD'lc:e No~ 16 _lImorHliIlenj <br />Attorney lynden r~qu@~te~ that tho Council ta~ls this matter until <br />tho F~bru6r, 28 CDuncl8 ~99tlng. ~t ~hlch time Attorney Coyr~ney will <br />s.bmlt ths flnaidr3ft of the ordinance far Counclf consld9r~tloR; he <br />sal ci that At1'orney COI.H'tlley lololll d ~ I kG to !lot I I"{ the Naage i (l sign <br />paople that t~ls matter h~s b~en a~ts~rl~d to M~rch I, ~973. <br /> <br />HQfiJGn~or~t movQd ap~rcvGI of the tlm~ e~t0ftsion, as proposed, seconded <br />. by Oll!l~ll. MO'i'iOll cnrriOld lJllsl11mouzly. <br /> <br />()unU~e> 5"'1'981' lllfICl Gre'i.J':.~.I! Rc>oll .. Rrm;dutlon No. 73-5 , <br />^ftor'no,! lyr":!o~~MOlutlon No. 73-'5, ~E:SO(U1'rOIi-REQUF.STUNG STATE <br />Of I-H NNESOTA TO RELEASE AND TRANSFER ~ 1'5 R H3HTS AND n NTERESTS HI AND <br />TO A 50 FOOT W~DE PORT~ON OF GRAY fOX rOAD TO THE ViLLAGE Of ARDEN <br />HH.tS. in its llll1tir-Gty. <br /> <br />Olm.n Mov~d that tbe CDuncl1 udopt the ~.solution ~s read. seconded <br />by Ho~10nharst. Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Attorney Lynden explainBd that Mr. Daubnsy Nill <br />{j..j (;:c':,:;y fiJJ['; R"Jc,: '0.iH.H 'c~\h"..~: "t'o the V i i) j ~g9 at ,an <br /> <br />, f{O R, "T;fl <br />ge~'~'ho' _0_ I" <br />eal"']y date. <br /> <br />10 <br />'7::1 feet <br /> <br />,,~ -', ~ ~ ' .......:;...j , ',,< . .r <br />vi::,'.G' ~,t}:.. 1:~:::.ll~ '\i"", t~J::'S~'Y"U I,..~,tl" <br />Attornoy Lynden adv!5Gd~ the subdIvider is facing a mirlsd of <br />problems, among them is obtaining approval of the Rice Creek Watershed <br />Co~mlttee; anothor is that ,a triangular portion of the proposed sub- <br />division was owned by Peter Lamettl - this has now been cneared to <br />Attorney Lynden's satisfaction, but the registration with the Registrar <br />