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<br />Mlnutc3 01 CD~ncl! Ma8tlng <br />Pag", 'rhl^ea <br /> <br />.! anuary 29, 1973 <br /> <br />of Deeds Is pending. <br /> <br />Mr, LYl'IdlSlI r<!Jcommsl'Idl!ld thet the final plat not be approved at this <br />time, but action daferred, to g'VeM~. .Bu s~rd ,jlm~ to a~co. ',I Ish ~-r <br />~ilI~$ It'1l1 h lllro pend g; ~;t/_ A..~~~J IL<<J~ <br />M<-- ~r</ '6~7;P/.;;rtJ- ~ /q~/D <br />1, a oun ! eoncurrad ~' r. y ell S r.comm~datlon. <br /> <br />,Human RIGhts Ordln&nee ^mend~9nt Proposal <br />Coane/lman Hoilenhorst advlsod the Counel' that the Chairman of the <br />Hu~an Rights has requested that the Council appoint ad hoc <br />m.~b9r~ to the Human Rights CommIssion for one-veor terms, for speolal <br />projects which he has In mind, and for ~h/ch he has some prospective <br />c6,nd i dates. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Hollan~or~t e~Plaln9d that our ~rosent ordinance limits the n~mber <br />of members on the commission, <br /> <br />The mett~r wos referrod to Attorn~y Lynden to prepare an ordinance <br />Illmli>>!ldmont draft, permitting the appointment of, <lid hoc members, as <br />de~crlbod, ~or CounclU consldor~tlon at ths next meotlng. ' <br /> <br />F.d~re~ Re~GnYe Sharing Money , <br />Councl9mnn Crichton sTated that it has been indicated tbat we can <br />co-mingle this fedorllJ ReVel1iHI Sharing "'?ney with our Village lIlc::counts. <br />b!d he said-he noticed in thfil papBI" that thlll Village! of l4oundsvl8\'f 'has <br />prapar~d en ordlnsnce. ~hleh nooks like it may have bean ~ copy of <br />som~thl~g that T~C Fe~Gra~ governmont roq~est~d. In vle~ of this, <br />Mr, L\lnlllen \HI:'; r0ljll!Q1t:tfidto dsterli'llna it n soparate llccount must bs <br />set up for Federan R~vanue Sharing money. !A copy of t~o n8~spaper <br />clipping wlllsglvllm to Attorll@l';' Lynden by Mr. Crichton.) <br /> <br />'t! nag. Api?olnfllutnt~ <br />Ho! lIenlliCwst moved, s~c(llldod by Crichton, that 1'he foi lowing llIPpolnt- <br />mants be apprDvGd: <br /> <br />Mr. JllIneg Lynden <br />Mr. Josepn Sa i Il!lHII <br />Petarson Slid Po~ovlch <br />~r. Rob8rt Cartier <br /> <br />VI!li'lge Attorney <br />Vil!lage Prosecuting Attorney <br />Vlllsgo Flsc~l Consuitints <br />Vi I Jillgfl Elect!"lcao IInspector <br /> <br />Hotlon cerrled UMniAAOlIsly. <br />REPQRT OF VlIllAGE ENGINEER DONALD lU~O <br /> <br />ArdGn Manor Mobi~8 Home Court <br />Mr, Lund advised that he has r~c0ived p!ans 5nd speclticatlons from <br />thQ engl~eors for Al"da~ Ma~or, edv!slr.g of ~ bid opening on February 16, <br />1973. ' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. and Mr$. ^d~ms ~ero presen~, end were advised by the Councl! that <br />the Specla~ Use Permit for the deveODpM.n~ has not boen issued, pending <br />S6VOrnn Items which must be rosoGv~d b~fora th~ permit can be Issued. <br /> <br />The mt'l'~hl'r l1ill:; l.ef~rl"\!Id to AttoG"n<!'y 1.'1"u~3n and Mr. and Mrs. Adams to <br />rcso~v@ by the CDu"cllI ~~etl~g of Februar, ~2. 1973, at ~hlch time the <br />Councl~ wll! con$ld~r tho SpaclaB US3 P0rrnlt, If ai~ pending Items are <br />COI!!?IOYilld. <br /> <br />Mr. Hoi~e"horst reQua~tad th~t tho S~@clai Use Pormlt draft !nclud~ <br />re-lrnb~rlemont from thG devo!Dp.r of casts sustai"ed by the VI!lage <br />for in$poctlons af construction ~nd inlt~ll.tian5 whiCh aro daomed <br />neee.sary by tho VII!age. <br /> <br />~nki<)v ~lIrlaclnJl l"a'(!W!JII_t !'Io~.- \'h,hr IImp~o"e!~~nt 12-1 <br />Ellg IIHlIiI'l" I.Qj~d r0coflll~fHlded fh~t t~c i I a~j'thor i;to paVilion'?' of <br />Dunk!ey SurfGcl~~ PGym@nt Ho. 3, WatGr tmprovoment 12-11, retalnage re- <br />dllceld "'0 ;')1.. in t!lQ G:!l~aJnt 01 M9]}.82. <br /> <br />A1tcr rlllcll~51on, Ho~ij~~~Drst ~a~3~, lacc~d8d by Olmen. that the Counci~ <br />~pprov~ tho paVw~r.t, i~ the emount ~r $4933.82, which reducestha, re- <br />taln~gQto 5%, Motion c~rri&~ M~~nimcusOy. <br /> <br />-3- <br />