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<br />MinutG5 of Council Maetlng <br />Page; tou,. <br /> <br />January 29, 1973 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~umlnous Roadways Payment No. j - St"eeY Improvement 72-3 <br />Eng I neer tundrecommended thet the Counc i! author I ze' payment of <br />Bituminous Roadways Payment ~w. I - Street Improvement 72-3, In the <br />amount of $19,271.40, 10$ re'alna9.. <br /> <br />Holl.nhors~ moved, seconded by Olmen, that the Council authorize <br />the payment, as submitted, in the omount of $19,271.40. <br /> <br />Mrs. McUlesh was reQuested to verify that the preliminary project <br />charges !l'1I carried on the books tor eventual Induslon In assessments <br />tor the improvement. Mrs. McHlesh advised that this has been done. <br /> <br />Schlf'sk Sealcoetln Contract Pa ment 140. U and Final <br />Engineor Lund recommonded thst the cuncll authorize payment of Schlfsky <br />Sealcoating Contract, Application No. I and Final, In the amount of <br />56, ! 36.32. <br /> <br />Olmen moved, seconded by HolleRhor!>t, that the payment 0' $6,136.32 <br />be author hed. <br /> <br />'n dlscusslo", Mrs. McNlesh verified that this payment was budgeted <br />In i972, but not paid because It was not hllied. Various bookkeeping <br />procedures WGre discu5sed re the ha~dUlng of theBe accounts which are <br />budgeted one yeer find paid the nGMt, after ~hlch the CouncIl referred <br />tho matter to the Finance Committee to resolve. <br /> <br />Motion carried unanlmouslv. <br /> <br />Elde. Terrace <br />Engineer Lund recommended that the Council accept Elde Circle for <br />V III ilge mal ntenancG of the street and to accept 1'he sewer Bnd water <br />mains as part of the "IHage system; stating that PubHc Works Super- <br />Intendent Bud JQhanS6n b~$ Inspected th~ road, os r.quested by 'he <br />Coulle II, 1I,od concurs 'i'hat tho rotld l\1~a'Q's tne 11 I ~ ij age requ I rements. <br /> <br />Olmen moved, seconded by Hall.nhorst. 'hat the Council accept the <br />road, Elde Circle, ~nd the sower and water mains In Elde Terrace pJat. <br />Motion carried Mna~lmoll$ly. <br /> <br />AerJaij Sur~8Y Contract <br />Engl neer l.und rev I o:wd a ! otto!" Eng I n9&r Chr I stoffersen 1"8 tlie <br />co'ntract from Chicago I'\I:Wloil Survey, llond recommended that tile Councl i <br />accept and slgl1thecontract. <br /> <br />The Council referred the contract to the Vlnlage Attorney for his re- <br />violl'" ,arid asked Ell'glfl9;,;r Lund to cIHl<:k to see If the aerials become <br />tho propert, of the Village, or If Chlcag'O Aerial can $elO thom to <br />others; also to Investlgato 810 to prDbabl~ charges which can bo mada <br />to deveiopors doslri~g copias 'Ot the maps. <br /> <br />Surface Drainage Comalaints <br />Counc! Iman O~men repo!"toll toreo oralo"90 camplaints and r'equested <br />j;lIglneQr I.und to In'lost I gllYe tho prob! em ;;l't 3946 GI4Inv low, AvonuEl and <br />to submit his recommendations for an Immediate corractlon of this <br />sltuatlof1. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr, Dlmen st"tedth~t plDl'i1plng I'll IJ tGm po lrlll I" I j'l resolve one at the <br />prob8em af'oas, unt! ~ I'll\ oYEIlI'"-aJ 1 dl"all\lllge pla,n is InstigaTed; th,e <br />third aroa, on Countv Road O. he said be OGJIOYG5 to be a County pr'Oblem. <br /> <br />R~PORT Of V!LLAGE TREASURER RtCHARO O'K~lLY <br /> <br />~ Bank Baeillncss~.' Jaml1!lB'"'t 29. G97~: <br /> <br />First Stats Bank of New Brighton <br />Rosevlf~Q State e~nk <br />First Natlon~j Bank of St. Paut <br /> <br />$16,000 <br />:;\5,000 <br />fO,OOO <br />~1'.000 <br /> <br />Mr. Kelli,! explained that Uarger bohuJcas wore !leaded to meet estlmtlted <br />chGcks at n..t!~g 0' 150,000, a.eluding payr~~r; advising he will <br />try to keep the ba!~neGs ic~.r In the futuro. <br /> <br />..4- <br />