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<br /> . 30, 1912 <br /> V l: j 4 ~gr;} CC~~:1ct ~ H3n:ates -3- Oct. <br /> .i",0xll'1m'ml ~}~", ri<S1Jrlnfj <br /> Ci"rlt Adlllln!strstor to ob"'!l~11 plens and spaclflcetlons for the proposed <br /> improvement of la~lngton Avenus from the County Engineer and refer <br /> them to tha Planning Commjs~lon for tholr meeting of November 14, and <br /> to the Public S~fety Committee. <br /> f!E~f.U.D. <br /> Engl810er Lund r9v!o~ed his report, dated October 26. 1972. regarding <br /> ,the mattGr. Motion ~as ms~o by Hollenhorst, seconded by Olmen, that <br /> PomtDM be authorlzGd to ch~ng8 thoir piens for Cese No. 72-35 tn aecord- <br /> ~nc~ with eng!nR~r Lund's repert of October 26, 1972; motion carried <br /> . IInlln! !l1lt/IlS I y. <br /> REPORT OF TREASURER RICHARO M. O'KEI.lV <br /> Tre~~urer O'Kol!y repor...ed as follo~5: <br /> Cash 8l1la~c~s ~s of Oct. 30. 1972 : <br /> First state Be~k of New Brighton $ 5,602.30 <br /> Ros~v!i~a Stete 83n~ 10,617.99 <br /> F!rst tJ,n1'loll'ltli a~~k cf St. PCMO 5,893.84 <br /> Totlal $ 22, 1 14. 1:5 <br /> ~ II VQJstm:1Hl'V's : <br /> Flr$t N.tla~.i B~nk of St. Pa~1 $524,692.37 <br /> Ras~vl~l. St6tuB5nk 145,000.00 <br /> Total $669,692.37 <br /> Oc:1ober 1ii1\101t...~tli\'i TrlJnl'Hletlcns: <br /> Matur~d C.D.'i ~t First Nctlc~GI - $190,000.00 <br /> PMrche~~d 35M C.D. first National for <br /> :5 iM'l~tt;~ ~ 4.85% ,~ 40,000.00 <br /> ~ ilO rl!HIS4ii d ~II'IWG~t~@nt it RO$e~llle .,. 4.000.00 <br /> N4>'f - $146,000.00 <br /> RtrOR'fQF COUNC f UlAN .HJlm HOUENIiORST - P! l'IlHl i 119 A 2011 I 81g <br /> Or,i!uHulCll Rev! aw <br /> OJ <br /> Ce!l~ No. 72-52, V~ijrJ e~~3. <br /> HothJn was !':lad'.! by Hc.'i 101111000511", 50<1:01Hlad bV Herrick, thet the Council <br /> concwr ~Ith tha Bo~rd of Appeals to 6~prov0 fha \larl~nC6 request of <br /> Hervay Henson, 1887 Edge.atar Road, as $ubmltted with Case No. 72-52; <br /> motion corrled unanimously. <br /> ~ro Tn~rlslt Me0tln~i <br /> rhe COMl1el: reqIJll's'rcd Chi::s. Crichton to rGpresDnt Arden Hills at c <br /> maetlno of the Metro Coancll .>ogr;rolng tha !Dngrmngo plcn for ,the <br /> ~1etro Trans i 1 Systl!JM. Me.flng to be held et 7:00 p.m. on Nove. 9, 1972. <br /> R~PDRT OF COUNCILMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - F!nence <br /> Counc! Iman Hond3'~Dn r",:;>'Jr1'ed tho reco,"lmandlli'lons of the fl nanco Comml ttee" <br /> . m0etll1g of OChlbt1!1" 12, ;9"12. The follo~lng Betlon wes taken by ~he Coun- <br /> ci! : <br /> Uti 1 lty Rats:s <br /> . Motlon .as .~d. by Handerson, soconded by Ho!!enholst that <br /> irQCOrnrn€Hldat~on~, 01 1'iH:~ U"i'> 1 ~ :..,~s:s Suocom;:;itt~~ fj as de,,"sJ led <br /> In fheir m~nut€s 01 Oct. JOp 1912, Mar 9, 1972 ~nd Finance <br /> CDmml~t8~ minutes of May I a, 1972, be apP"o\'Gd by tha Coyn- <br /> ell liS subm! tted. ~Il a:rld!tIDI1, tho Council epp roved a <br /> provisloil regardIng hydrGnt r.~tlll ch~rges, 1I~ attached. <br /> The Cc;mci ~ ,jlw'oc'ted C!ark I'.d1:llnI stretol" to s\lbmH al! <br /> ~~i&Ca$B:Jrf'Y 'fll v'ormat ~ O~'<3 ~ mater! I'll )'0 Att.,. Courtney to allow <br /> film .to prepaf's 1111 ordinlw<;;G draa IncDrporsting cl1l1nges; <br /> such ord!nl'lIlcCI to be completod 1ll1d ectad upon before Jan. f , <br /> 1973. <br /> -5- <br />