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<br /> . tJ i Q ~ fS Co :q"H'. t [: f."j ~ ~) f:.r;.t~ ~'J -6- Oct. 30, 1972 <br /> r~fJ:Q!!)" rt'!_.Q::j~.Lopm!!nt ...f9mml tto"'!, <br /> GOIllU:: I h1<l11l Halide rSOrl reported that 'the Fi nlllinCe Comml ttee <br /> i"~qua~tod a current st~t~s roport on tho study being con- <br /> d~ct9d by t~e New Property Development committee. Comm I ttee <br /> C~~er~~~ J~~es W!ng8rt was prasent and explained that the <br /> CtH!i:"J; i t~too !~ ~~it~n9 for roccmmendlllitlons from Atty. Courtney <br /> and VI flage Planner Sh~tler boforG procedlng further with <br /> thoir study. <br /> !ubcommlttaa - Grents <br /> COllnel ~men flel1d~rsogj reported thl> appointment by the Finance <br /> Com~lttoo OY Q subcommittee to study the availability of <br /> . fellsf'll! gre.'1ts. Conmitt0e mombers as follows: <br /> Robert HethGrcut, Chair~llll <br /> \'lard H<a.1son <br /> Bob De"is. <br /> Pub lie Wor~\s REls!!iIr"'~ fund <br /> Motlo~ WDS modG by HGrrick, seconded by Hol~enhorst. that <br /> iiHI ordlil3nc@, e!liGrodullg Ordhll!Jllu:e No. _11 , to melle It <br /> 11 Joint sl!IlllitGry SIHlGr lllnd ftlMnlc:lpol Ilfillter reserve fund <br /> lie In~roduc~d by title, end referred to Atty. Courtn.y~ <br /> motion CGrr!ed ~nen6mously. <br /> federal R8v(HHJ!l Slul'''lnji <br /> Counel'man Henderson reported thot Arden Hills' 1972 shere <br /> of the fedar~1 ROV0nM& S~erlr.g Bi!1 Is estiMated at about <br /> 520,000, th~t 1t Is not s~rmarked for enythlng In particular. <br /> HG roported thbt h@ hcd no recomMendation concerning the <br /> metter. No cetlon W~. t~k~n. <br /> RE?ORT OF Sf ANft..\'::Y OlMEN - P\lD II c Works <br /> B!..ntll i, Tri<lc:t~:w'~lolldGi" <br /> CO\Jnel!men OD~~ i"9po~t~d I"@cornmendetlons of th0 Public Works COMmitte. <br /> of OCTober Ii, 8912. to r~nt 8 580 g~~ tractor-io~der. 1970 mode I, for <br /> o 6-month pGrlod. ll,ft~H' CCIlIl c i l dlscMllSloll, Melntenllllce Suporintendent <br /> Joh~ns.n ~.5 ~.k@d to obt.!n bld$ an tho tYP$ of used tractor-loader <br /> oG:lidad. <br /> PO.i~d sf G1-i'lIl~rd.{li1 i!li'ld SIIII i I !..!!.9. <br /> ilia Cov.rBcl! dlreet.d tn~t th~ property awnsr b~ Informed that deed <br /> tr0$S foOII~g Into th. pDnd mu.t b~ r.maved by owner. <br /> HEPORT OF COUNt i lt4AN R1)tH',lO HERR ~ CK .. P!'1rks elHl Roc reet I Oil <br /> HMj~OUl Rights <br /> Pll,!:a. OJ rre<eto.r <br /> Mr$.. P. UiillQllh;t, F(;r:~5 l$!fHI, R€crG!'ltlolll Comri;lttao SecrEltl:lry, reported <br /> . tilt,. If'CIH'fli1Ung oj' t1'@ ,>;;wi'l!; !1iHl rH::c~O,'il<l'ioll Committills'S recommondl6tlon <br /> YOl'J!JipU'O'f Mr. J.?jiHl 8~cilno.\lY to ti1tl por.1thm of !";lrks and Recreation <br /> lH !iQctor: <br /> {I' rn~ n@~Y 2-V8~1f' ~~rlo~ vl!1 b0 . cif'utlcal period I n Village <br /> . 'iJ'ilVlJUOf)I'OO1at; ~D!';,~:; to\<)'!' hr\'o .,HfJ~t 'OJ I H onf!Monce l!ppellrell1Ce of <br /> tho Vllu~ga 20 tc 50 VGl!rs h~n~6. PBst gro*th hes bElen gradual, <br /> ~~1 sp@od ~1 ~~~~1~~ffl~~t i$ ~a~ c~ang~~g~ (2) We Ill!! ess!lllleArclen <br /> Hi!!s wi!! cantlnuu ~D hBV@ .Drod_. potba, hor~Gbl!ck riding and <br /> QP~fi, sp~cos 20VG~r~ fro~ no~ D~ ut did 7.0. ,!,5sr!: 1.090 when llIany <br /> of ~$ mowslj t~ y~@ ~~~~, but th@ ~tt~~ctuva eppscrsncll 01 Arden <br /> !1I \ ~:> <rolli!\V Is I.\\!!GlTO ill!l~t good II i ~1I111i1:9 l'HHlnot th tr'O II gll acc I dent. <br /> -r;;.l Hu!~'.;?oQ!~ "'pr;HG<'i'HQ!fl., 1I0r th€l position 1)1 p!lf'k director havo <br /> D~~~ recel~8~ ~nd ~ov;ew0d O~0~ the rQ~t ~9~~re; ~Ion tMI . The! <br /> Comffltit1~e 1~@~~ Mr~ GMc~i0Y h~2 the qM~li*lc~tlon~ to ful1!GI <br /> ~.ny dg~tr.~ und hop.. of rrG.I~.nts of 1~. orea. Mr. Buckley's <br /> c:;d~H:a'l- i Oil, [Hi.'" sllperi@llci!l, Gtc. ~!llre detl!llled. (See employment <br /> app I! c;,tlOfil t1f1ti Pal'"lIs l.l!1d Rocrcc71on report of 10/17/72 for <br /> Itlehli.l <br /> -6- <br />