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<br />Regul~r Council ~inutes <br /> <br />'.2- <br /> <br />Sept. 25. .1972 <br /> <br />On; !nonce Amondment regard i!lg~Ml!?~-2,L~.!!Y9r_!I!!d Councilmen <br /> <br />The propo$3d ordinance was read by Attorney Courtney and the stBtute <br />reieting to It reviewed. <br /> <br />Motion ~BS made by Henderson, sDconded by Hollenhorst, that the rules <br />be welvsd and that thl~ be cons'derad the second Gnd final readin~ <br />of AN OPDINAMCl REPEAL!NG ORDINANCE NO. J28 AND SETTiNG SALARIES' <br />,EQ!<fHI:: ..)"1', 'lilt' MTD'C6D}iC"fI}iHfo'?-f,ROgN HILLS, ellld that the Ordinance <br />be adopted as read. In favor: Crepeau, Olmen, Hollenhorst, Hender- <br />son; opposed: Herrick; motion carried. <br /> <br />. Amendment to Ordln,un~J! No. 98 <br /> <br />Motion was made by Hollennerst, seconded by Olmen, thet AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 98, THE SUBQ}!ISiON AND PLATTING ORDINANCE, <br />TO E~EMPT PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS be introduced by title; motion carried <br />unmi I mous I y. <br /> <br />Amendm~ent to Ordln~ncG No, 92 <br /> <br />Motron ~a5 m~dc by HcilGn~orsY, soconded by Olffien, thet AN ORDINANCE <br />I\f~ENOU:!G ORDINI\tl,ff,..E.QJ~ nlE ZONIt~,INANCE. TO 1e~ClFV CERTAIN <br />CONDiTIONS WiTH RESPECT TO PLANNEDDE'ELQPMENTS b~ introduced by <br />title'; rnotlor, Ci!lrr!e(f"YHO!iI1!ii.o\lSly. ---' - - <br /> <br />Clork ildmll1lstn'tor '1'0 dlstribut0 copies 01 bothordl'nance amendments <br />to COlene; imen !:tnd also i'o llSik Dick Shetler for his reection to the <br />!iimGlldmen'J's. <br /> <br />NaegEle i3 S i f:lil$, <br /> <br />The Council concur~GG wft" ^tto~ney CQurtney's suggestion that the <br />d~ed!ln. for removal af tn. nan-conforming 6illboards owned by the <br />Nasgaie Sign Company bo extended to NoveMber 1,,1972. <br /> <br />3399 ,lohanlla fJilli <br /> <br />'Attornsy Courtne, rBvlawGd his Jetter, dat.d September 25, 1972. Clerk <br />p"Jrolnl!d'.'l:)'i'or1'o 5'~'i1<1 copies ,"'0 CCt!r.c! 1 "'eroDers l'lnd Inspoctor Squl res, <br />a:no to s;;nd 1\1'torM0Y COI,ji"tl1oy a copy of the Unlf.orm Blllldll'lg Code. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINNER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />~erl81 PhotoQra~~~ <br />No r~por'i'.. <br /> <br />;9f"Z;; i nt1jg~ - a~~~ccJJ.~?~afl. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />M~yor Crep00u Bnd Hal ienhorst reported an a tour of the <br />8{~. th~,d P rops l' 'th Bsthe I rep t"$ser:7ai'! ;l~,S '" They descri bed" for <br />En~Lnc8r Lund's DBA.flt, B problem Inwal ng drBlnage from Bethel's <br />east boundary In1'o n ~trGam running through Bathel property and then <br />il1io Vale\'1tilH.l taKe, e':J'~h<1i oHicll'lls 7M:d th~v 1H-e recipients of <br />dralllage frem Hw c{i\,VI'I'\I 1rllinalge $'i5t~"l., O\J., 'hI:; the. past rainy <br />3lHJSCn, th.e 5tl"eB~\ TI5 sro_Hnq and ciius!nrJ ~iji' 'ro flol<l Into Valentine <br />~;,:~~ke,~ B3th~~ t'Ha~~[)2h\,d ~ s"'e.I';~~n';-ic'n pond 'ro ~O!Vk1 thiS probJ9m a"nd fait <br />that the VI IlagsshQuld assume the r..ponI1blilty as an area Im~rove- <br />mnnt and essessthe en~ir~ drainage area for the project. Vi ~18ge <br />pe~tlclp5tlon wus roughiy ..tlrnatad at up ta SBO~ODO. Reportedly, th~ <br />1r;dHs.t~"lal pork, a9.nd th"j,'J: highway depol..tri1e;~l)'" dl:;ochargG draInage into <br />th~ 5t;"eem.. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TREASURER O'KELLY <br /> <br />Tr'easlJl-ar D'Ke! Iy ,eporteed maturity of $65,000 In Certlflclltes of <br />Deposit; $40,000 has bBen reinvested at about 31% Interest. The <br />extra $25,000 was pet !nto frea cash, but th,~ should be down to <br />abcu1 $5,000 by October f~ <br /> <br />-2- <br />