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CC 09-25-1972
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City Council Minutes
CC 09-25-1972
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<br />Regulnr Councl~ Minutes <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />Sept. 25, 1972 <br /> <br />REPORT Of' COUNCIU,1AN HOLLENHORST - Plllllnlng and Zoning <br />o rd Irumco Re II I 0\1 <br /> <br />Case No.:-, 12-27, lllld 12-:??L Co! ll;:1bla Trsnslt <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Counc~3~~~ Hol!enDo~st ,0~lewGd Pio!1!1!!1g Comml~5101l consideraTions of <br />tOfl> sppllcatlo1!s, st~'(!r;g there is milled I"IHlctlon among the members; <br />so.. fG~1 thllt we hav@ ~lloW0d en existing facility at the site and <br />thet expansion must be recogni~ed. whlie others feel thot the non- <br />cOf\7ormi15g use in the residential nedghbo:-oood should not be expanded. <br />The pl<lnlH.r recomm\llnds against re;(onlng the property. AI I Planning <br />Co~ml55ioll memb~rs OppOSG ~0zo~lng, bocause of the possibility of <br />lndust~l~l development of the property and a further extension of- such <br />Y$~ to an adjoining $r~e. Councilman Hcllanhorst stated he fol1" <br />pcrson~!!y th~t doubling tho slzs of the existing bus garages would <br />not h,H'li; He feels tie inherited the business frolll New Brighton, <br />th3t no an@ feals it -Is a proper land us., but thot It 15 an exlstlng <br />buslnoss which now needs more bus zh~lter space. <br /> <br />Mr. HYdal~t. Columbia Tr3nslt. stated that 110 . li5 buses are being <br />used this yeDr, do~n frOM 120 busos last yoor. His facility Is planned <br />to grow only ~Y the r~te the ~chool dl!<trlct grows. <br /> <br />:""'!lcllll1ili'l H~H'dck ll'hl'/'I!lll TWO po1'eni"l:lI rOflsons for not enlarging 'the <br />non-confDrmlng f.cillty: III The Schoo! Dl.trlct ~Ight o~n their own <br />bllsGS in 'l'110:~tll.i!:, I1nd CZ} COltHl1~l!l 11"011511' l\1ight not obtain the bid <br />fol" schoo! bus $ervlce nnothGI" year. They h8V3 a yoar to year contract <br />with the Schue! DI~trlct; therefore. CD~ncltM!ln Herrlckd08S not favor <br />the pl"l'Ijlilct 01' thls1lme, but might feEl! dlHerently If a 80ng ter~l <br />need is .s1'flbilsh*d In th. fut~re. <br /> <br />Th.Councll raferred thD matter to fhe Vlllag0 ^.tcrn~, for study <br />!lIHl r",cCH\lil'ond!Jt!on, eJ9;'..e:ng that i'lallr obJecf!",e 11'1 t!1a referral Is <br />t~ ~I!ow Coeumbl~ Tr~ns!t, if p02s1bCe, to take CBr~ of their present <br />..ods .ithc~t rSlanlng the prDpetty. <br /> <br />Cier~ Administrator to furniBh Attarney Caurtnmy with the planner's <br />raport an th~ proposed project. <br /> <br />CIlS" ;io, 72-;;:5~ IJ-H1Hl.l A~.e i lc~'d'lon <br /> <br />Jnspaitor Squires r~port onth~ matter W~5 '~otcd. <br /> <br />MG~!an .US Made by Hci!enhorlt, secDnded by O!men, th~t the Councl I <br />concur ~~th thB Plannlng Ca..iBsIDR Bnd approve e special use permit <br />,n ~;::cordelnce 1111'11 ihlt <lP?licDi'lon s1,Jbl1lltted wlt'h Case No. 72-33; spe'1::ia! <br />ur;~. ~\~:if.Hdt to k~ Oil l'~ t:-~5id bss~s fol;"" 0 $!~(-mcH~th p1Zr~od. Motion <br />cBrrl.d unBnlrnDusly. Counc!~m~n Horrlck nat.d obvious existing parki~g <br />vij,o&at5ons; Councte iequ~stad Inspector Sq~~r~1 to inform owners of the <br />ex~s1'ing regulot!,ons regarding perk!~g~ <br /> <br />ya~~_J:Lo_.g '12- ~~ !.~~j~u~J!U~-=.,r~jj.."U <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />A *hQr'~ rsngs propos~' Bnct a lon@ t&r~ propo3~1 for Mpdati~g and re- <br />lii:;li'l!) 'HIl<lge ordiIHJ.t1C.." flnli till'!; V!lhgo COlillH"t!h~nsl\le ~i0r.,IlS <br />submItted by PI~n~Br Rlch.rd Sh.tler W8r. ~ev!8.3d in SOMe datal I by <br />Cauncl I~BR Hoiianhofst. Tbe short 'arm plBn .auOd propass to prepare <br />guldftllna5 znd ardlnenca c~~ng.s ta conflIcts .~lsting in <br />DrdlnmRcGI 9B Bnd 99. lh. cOBt .Du~d na1&KC9Qd $2,500. This would <br />prov~rla an Inferim m3~surm neaded ilOW un~ig th~ ~ong r6nga overall <br />upd~tl~9 Bnd rev~slDn5 CBn be dong naxt year. The short range progr~m <br />is 5epB~ate Bnd not B pant of the propoB8d !ong range plenning project <br />ostlmatad ~t . cost of Bpproxiroat.!y SII,OOO. <br /> <br />Co\mc~ IIMli'l H€rric~, statod ~"H',h"ps the 101'19 r,1H'l9!J ;H'OJ'Ilc1' s.hould be il <br />bid It.~. He st.ted that uork an pions for Vi ~I.g. parkS hilS etraady <br />been don. by th~ Parks Dnd RecrBBtlan Cti.rnltt~. 5nd fhet such plans <br />ha~a 8~SO been cor~e~eted to th9 Ran15av County Perk pe~n. <br /> <br />-3- <br />
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