<br />RegulBr Council Minutes
<br />
<br />-6"
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<br />Sept. 25 r 1912
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<br />.
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<br />8athel CGmpus. The Commission will host Indlen ch!ldren from t~e
<br />NetT l..M<e .rHO 011 Oc^rober 26 - 28, llnd may need host families to take
<br />t';/o c,- -iili;;" chi tdreo In 1 - 12 "'go group. Those Interested ere !lsked
<br />'h;:l contect CCfilrlllssicll mgmbers Batty Schiotth<luer or Betty KI.emeier.
<br />
<br />Par-k DI rec1'o!:
<br />
<br />rh~ Pn?~$ and R~cr~otion Co~mittoe wi I! interview prospective
<br />~p~ilc!lnt5 for the Job on Thursday, SeptembSf 28.
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />[);:;\I COll"e Cente r
<br />
<br />Matlan ..9 ~ode by Herrick, seconded by Henderson, that Arden Hills
<br />;;:UPPOl-t 'i'he Nor'j't, SublH'ban 011'1 l\ctl...ity Center, Inc. In the OlllOunt
<br />of $362.40 l!lS per thair raqulilst, dated August 18, 1972; motion carried
<br />t:tU,H'l a ~'OU5 t y.
<br />
<br />Mr. H!lrr~ck rep<H'tadtlHlt Arden HilS!! l1as two p<!lrsons under age 5 end
<br />Oil!) P"H"SOI'l ()'!er egu 21 t/lIgible to partlclpete In the progralll and
<br />that a charge of $20 per month per child Is mode by the Center, If the
<br />f~~i!y C~fi ~ffor~ It.
<br />
<br />';'0,"1'11 Se!:.~.!!!!!!.!~
<br />
<br />A !~tt.r. d~t6d Sapt8mb@rI8. 1972, trom Glenn Begg!n, Chalrlllan of
<br />th. BD~rd af Directors, Youth Serylce BurallU, well reviewed by Mr.
<br />"orrick. Tho P~$t ya~rTs ap0ret!on o' the Service Bureau wes dIscussed.
<br />It ~<J:;; fH'j'~od i"hat thllJ l'Ictlvl'rl' is Iwt satisfactorily reaching the
<br />12 - 14 '((!jar old cse brac\(et ond the Matte,. Is under study. It IUIS
<br />al$O noted tb.t the director of th~ 8ur.ell wI II assist Lt. Sexton
<br />d~rlng tho coning year in our newly established t88n cen1"er dn Hew
<br />Srlghtvn ROEd. The CDunci! dot9rm,r.~d to ageln support the program
<br />fo~ Bnath8r yoar ~nd ta r~-.va'ullta It etthe end of 1973, .
<br />
<br />Motioil iii!;" ffiiH!O lly ~fjl'r'i&:!;, seconded by 01m0f1, that Arden Hll.ls contlnll.
<br />to pl:lrtlc'p!l~'" in the Youth $"1"'11,;,; BUrGl\ill in 1973, ilnd that IIraen
<br />Hi Il.~. shere Ilm.H,mt!l'Ig to $l ,2;;4.10 blil plllld; ITlpt!on carried unanllilOlI!lly.
<br />
<br />VIII~a. L~nd8caD. P:~n.
<br />.._~"""'-----=--._~~~~-
<br />
<br />COUl'ic! Imi'ln Herrld, r";;;~;mfl:$r...jed, Bnd tho Coullcll conCurr<ld. thet
<br />Clark AdainlstrRtor folia. thra wIth pjannor D~nnis Adams in tha
<br />VlllBD~ H~11 ~nd Star.ge Building landscepe plens.
<br />
<br />RE?ORT OF MAYOn HEr.",y J. CREPEt,U, SR. - Gall~ra! GO\lol'ni\l~nt
<br />?\!b II c Sahty
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />,~5J.~ll~__ Cev- SP<;~Lf) e,~"Hp~l!.,."
<br />
<br />Attorn., Courfn.y not.d, before la.wlng tl1ll moatlng, that th~ 1973
<br />.qa~~ car .p.cl'lcBtlans, ss submitted tg him by tho PublIc Safety
<br />D'~P~\;~t~:fH.,t 1> a~"~~ 00;:':0
<br />
<br />,,~ 4 ~ .
<br />~o.iDn ~DS ,m~a. by H.nd~rson, seconded byOimon, that twp Informal
<br />bids be obtaIned; motion carrlad unanimously.
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />CI'HH",r Ai r Weak
<br />--------
<br />
<br />t411yoi- Cr-epemHl prodalmod, and the Council concurrod, the week of
<br />October 15 through 2i. 1972, ~s C!s.ner Air Week In the Wlllegs of
<br />Ardun Hill.. PracIB.~ticn .tt.chad. Th. wesk Is sponsored locally
<br />by th~ N0tro Clea~ A~r. Cornrn;~tGe, .~8~9 Portland Avenuo, Mpls.
<br />
<br />
<br />VD~8r Raal8tratlon
<br />-....- ~.
<br />
<br />Clerk Admlnlstrl!ltor revl!l~led past llnd curTsnt !"equasts lind InqUiries
<br />l'og<l/'dlng t!w ostai:>i Ishm0nt of special voter registration booths and
<br />expenJad times far reglstratlDn from vBrlcus Village groups. After
<br />
<br />-~-
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