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<br />Regular CouncIl Minutes <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />Sept. 25, 1972 <br /> <br />He reported on 8 probcble lndivldua~ S350 S.A.C. fee for new develop- <br />ment. More complete detaIls to be reported at a later dote. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />,8J!.29S'l' and Tal( Levy. 197:5 <br /> <br />Co~nc!lman Henderson reported on a Joint meeting held of the Council, <br />Department heed~ cnd Finance Committee members concerning the annual <br />budget end tax levy. He com~nded the newly formed ;-Inence Committee <br />subcommIttee consisting of Ches. Crichton and Robert Nethercut and <br />esked Mr. Crichton to detail to tho Counci I reoommendatlons made by <br />the subcommittee and endorsed by the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />Mr. Crichton reviewed his subcommittee's recoMmendatIons In detail, <br />presentl~g propo~als A end e, stating that Proposal A will provide a <br />budget and lev, equal to the 1"ax levy limitation with no penalties; <br />Proposal B provides additional ohanges to the budget end still provl48s <br />for a t8~ levy w,th no ponalties. He reported the Finance Commlt1"ee <br />recolllmendatlon tllat the Couno! i adopt the 1973 proposed budget end <br />tex levy 85 a~ended in Propose, A with such additional ohanges In <br />Proposal B that the Counoll fInd appropriate. <br /> <br />The Counc!1 reviewed recommendations In detail end amended Proposel B <br />as ettached. <br /> <br />Motfon wes made by Henderson, sooonded by Olmen, that the Council <br />~ccept the recommendation of the FInance Committee and adopt the <br />1973 Budget end Ta~ Levy 85 modified in Proposal A, and that modi- <br />fications In Proposal B be approved with the exception of Items <br />de1e1ed or ohanged at tonight's meeting, ell In accordence with <br />Resolution No. 12-53; motton carrIed unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />REPORT Of COUNCilMAN STANLEY OLMEN - Publlo Works <br /> <br />.?I!b I! c, Works COl!lllllttee Moetlng Rocommonda1..Ltl.!l!. <br /> <br />Mr. Olmon reported racoIDmend~tions of the Public Works Committee <br />m$&ti,j;g of Septef.lbor 13, 1972. tha Council aoted "$ follows upon the <br />racommsndatlons: <br /> <br />Ga.'!'ccd if19 51'01"89$ T-!.ill <br /> <br />- Motion w&s made by Olman, seConded by <br />Hollenhorst, that one 10,000 g~1 Ion <br />underground tank be insta!led for regular <br />gasoline; ethyl 9"50110e to remain stored <br />In remaining above ground tank; motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />f;~ppsr Service - Matter tabled. <br /> <br />tlEkup Truck - Motion ~es made by Olmer., seconded by HOllenhorst, <br />that authorl~6tlon be glvon for advertisement for <br />bids for a lIZ-ton pickup truck for the Public Works <br />Dep.ertment. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />lr~!r!mmi"!1. - Coune:'; I rsferrad to ATtorney Courtney the question <br />of whether the Village can go onto boulevard areas <br />and t~!m fr90s on Village boulevard rIght of way <br />and ch~rge adjoining residents tor the service <br />inote p..,rtl1l1 nderral to Ordinance No. 104). <br /> <br />l:!.L~l:a_n_"" DrU is - Suporlntondant Johansen to pursuo as per Public <br />Wor'X5 minutes. <br /> <br />HEPORT OF COUNCitMP,N RONALD HERRICK - Parks and Recrelltlon <br />Huw1!sn Rights <br /> <br />) 11 d 11:n"l..Lu::.t....L~.!.lli "I LE!:2..! 0 So! <br /> <br />Mr. H~~rlc~ ro{erred TO tha Humen Rights Commission minutes of Sept. II, <br />li~72. H~ r~port~d ths ~nd56n Arts Festive!, October 22 - Nov~ }, at <br /> <br />-5- <br />