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<br />. <br /> <br />Coune!l MG.tlng Minutes <br />Page fou.. <br /> <br />August 28, 1972 <br /> <br />~~Gtro COllncl1 - Metro Sal~er Board Rejlort . <br />Coyncl !mi!!1I Henderson distributed copies at his letter to the Metr6.~ <br />po~lt~n Sewer Board, dated August 28, 1972. He ravl6~ed the Better <br />brlefiy anda.ked that any corrections be given to him prior to. his <br />ma!ling the letter on Wednesday, August 30th. <br /> <br />Metro Council - Notice of Meeting re Sewer interceptor <br />Attar dlscQJ5slon, Herrle-k 1l10\1"l(I--;~llat Cou-ncllfillin Hsnderson and Engineer <br />Lund be authorized to represent the VII iage of Arden HilUs at the <br />meeting scheduled on Thursday, August 3!st, bsklng 101' a delay, If they <br />determine this ~ou~d be In the best Interest of the VIIOsge. Motion <br />clIl"i"leq,ul'lanlmouSliy. <br /> <br />~ REPORT OF TREASURER RICHARD O'KEllY <br /> <br />Treasurer O'Kel~y reported that the tax settlement of approxImately <br />$295,OOU.OO bl~ been r~c0lwed and Invested e 4~ to 5$ Interest In <br />C@rtlflcates ot'LJeposlt. stating that Trolllsury BIHs wore e Ji to 4.6~ <br />on that lem~ day. <br /> <br />REPORT Of COUNC~lMAN STAN OlMEN - PubUlc Works <br /> <br />W~ter ~'!'.Lce 'tq Q.oJ: 10, Ji:I d@ iJ~l'rlllC_e <br />Co~ncl!man Olmen advised the Council that Dunklev SurfacIng Company, Inc~ <br />hllil;l@!5tllllatod tho cost of lru;taIHi'lg the wet91r-llervice to Lot 00, Blk. I. <br />Eldo T6rr~C@ ~t $350.00. <br /> <br />Clfll"k wes rQquGli;tGdto advlso Mr. [Ide of This; ~9thllttc!\, and ask Mr. <br />fIde If he desires. to lI.we l)unk8ey make tile connectIon (Connect'li>ll <br />\IIOil U d lis at eIHHH1!l\<1 c.f """.llori'" o"'r'~"). <br /> <br />~nt9rnsi'lon3U Yrac1o~-loFd6r-aackhos <br />Co~ncilman OIMQn ad~!sed that t~o bids wore received for the inferna- <br />tlonaO Tl"uctor-loader-Baekhoe, and ~oved that the Councl~ accept the <br />bid of E~y Construction COMp~ny (Ed~ard L, Voung), In. the amount of <br />$8,160,000 HG'lSd~lsod the Counel' fllst I'tJ!li Ie Works Sliperlntandont, <br />Bud Johansen, had s$tlmated It's "'a~ueat befwo>linn.e~P3I3.d $6500. <br /> <br />The Illotlon \11115 Sllcollded by Henderson arad carrledunanlmollsly. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCIlM/W RON H")~R e~K - i'e.~"kll ;300 R!iJCr8<lt I on and fiuman. RI gilts <br /> <br />Pl'I!I"l;s <llld.!llllCrMtion M<llotlnr1 of AUjJllst US, 1I~72 <br />Counclli1l~11 .Herrick revhHHIl!1 the Millutos of floe Parks alld R!1Icreatloll <br />Meeting of August 15, 1972: <br />.. !~-"'tl_p'p,.!5l_d Par_I; PrQP_lil.!:t'L PUrClll)~ <br />-"'" 1\11'31" <lrsC~$UiOlt, COWilclOman l-lerrlcl\ moved that the Cou.i\cll <br />Qar~horhc Clerk Admlnlsi'!I"atol" Stro:llqulst to wl"lte a letter to <br />tile Il'rop!j1'tv OlfIH,..., 01'1 bsha I f of tho V!I il age Coune Ii, Fi'll.!k I ng <br /><In offllll" to purch~SG the tOllr lIots, as I"oc~mended by ,the <br />Parks and Recrsl'ItlOil CommlttSG. Motion was seconded by Henderson <br />an<!i eardeli UnI.lIl!l!l1)!Jsly. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />P-rOj:;O$C,-<;! _12-11.31: r9~rJle~a). f'Tcl>er1I. <br />!Hi'er d I s;c!J~si 011 of 11 iH"OPOSclld !I e'l'ter to Congressmen, log I s la1'ors <br />ate:. re 1'110 V II ~ age's I nYtol"Gst ! 11 the OiG"sena I proparty. the Counc II <br />requested th~t the proposed lett.... to b. drafted by P. Lindquist, <br />Parks end R.creatlo~ Committee, b. the Council for <br />consideration, before mal ling. <br /> <br />Parks lInd R8creatlon Cornmlttoa Mamo to Fiannllln Commission <br />Councilman Herrick briefly reviewed III memo to tho Pi&ri~lng Commis- <br />sion from tha Parks Oilld Recreatloll Commltts~ re proposed gulde~lnes <br />for future deveUopment, He was requested by the Council to make <br />the presentation of th~ Parks and Recreation Committee's recommenda- <br />tions to thE Planning Commission on Tuesday, Saptamber 5th. <br /> <br />Parks and Recreation Dll"ecto~ <br />Councilman Herrick requGstad that the Council dafer appointment of <br />the Vllijage Parks Director far 30 d8vspendln9 anticlpsted receipt <br />of additional applications. <br /> <br />-4- <br />