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<br />. <br /> <br />Gouncil MeetIng Minutes <br />Pegs i-i1ree <br /> <br />August 28, ~972. <br /> <br />B~th.ft CO~~6ae - Previous Sewer Assessments <br />EngTnear LlInc.~ i!I,jvlsed theCounol u 'that Beffie~ Co! lege has been ~ IiAfLd <br />for sanitary sa"er in Sewsr limprovement No.4, In the amount 01 600.:._ <br />which 15 un ecrsagc assessment for approxlmataJy nine acres. <br /> <br />Engineer. Lund was requGsted ~o submit a wrItten report to the Council <br />re this ~ssessment matter. <br /> <br />County Ditch No.4 <br />Engineer Lund favTewed a ~etter trom Thomas Ke~Uy, Ramsey County Adminis- <br />trator, ie various method~ of curtailing the erosion and confining of <br />waters to the ditch bed. <br /> <br />AHer discussion, the CiGrk was requested to flnd out how this ditch <br />Improvement would be 'In~nc~d. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT Qf COUNCilMAN JOHN HOllENHORST - Planning and Zoning and Ordinance <br />Review <br /> <br />Case No. 72-39.L. P. Gas Equipment, inc.- Sp$clai Usa Permit <br />Councilman Hoiji0l'ihorst moved that the Council concur with the P~annlng <br />Commission's recommendation to approve the Issuance 0' a Special Use <br />Permit '01" the construction and operation of a. propane-air standby plant <br />at 1230 Grey Fox Road, in accordance with amended pians, dated August 3, <br />1972, subject to approval 0' the Village Engineer and VllUage Attorney. <br /> <br />Ho advised that th~s8 plans have besn approved by the State fire Marshal. <br /> <br />The motion was seconded by Henderson and carried unan!mous~y. <br /> <br />~se No. 72-40. Preliminary landscapeJPlans - VI~!ege Ha!1 and Pub~lc <br />Works Bu i i d I '!.il <br />Mr. Jam&s Wingert, Planning Commission membsr, reviewed t"e preliminary. <br />U lllndscape i> I an!; l'l.1'l1l comments and changes preposed by the Pub II c WOi"ks <br />D.ep5rtmel'lt. 1"0'1 eel Dep;!! rtment, Adm i n I strat i ve Of f Ice llInd P lann I ng Comm I s- <br />slon. <br /> <br />Aft.r discussion. tb~ Council authorized the preparation of tlnel p8ans, <br />wh!~h ere to Include the changes suggested by the various departments <br />53 amendad by the Co~ncIU. <br /> <br />The'Cuerk was requested to contact Mr. Dennis Adams re presentation of <br />th9 flna~ plans at the P8annlng Commission Meeting of September 5, 1972. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCulMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - Finance and Municipal Lands <br />Cl.nd Buildings <br /> <br />Flnanca_CommlttoGJ~fHltlnll - AI3J!,\l.~t 11__ 1972 <br />Caullc i I man Hende-r"oll reI! I awed the M i l1utes of the f I !lance Carom I ttea <br />Meet I n9 of August il 7, ! 972: <br />Ra~ort of Audit - ~97~ ~cc6unts <br />Councilman Henderson advJsed the Caullc! I of the recommendations <br />made I n tho alld I l' report of the ~ 97 R acco.unts. and reCOmmended <br />that a Purchase Order System be instigated Immediately. jt,~ <br />r.;Ct'(Of!'C~.; c~n:e(':r:"'''''nri unnrrr.m(H;r;o~~,.f ~ U'r~,~~5r::~ C".rHifo'oi',~;# ~.. ~ ,~, t} fl"""-~-;'~''" r~~/~t~~ <br />with CI61rk ^dfAlnlstra~'or Stromqlllst~on he~rretl!~~~) . -" '--- -.- .-- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Use of UtilIty Net Revenues <br />Coun.: I ! m;;>r, .Hender~on quest I oned Wh0.tiHlil" net .ovenues . f!1"om the <br />Sewer uttl!ty Fu~~ .ay aijsD De transferrad to tho G&n&re~ fundl <br /> <br />Clerk was r&qu&st54 ta ask Mr. Popovich to submit a w!1"ltten reply <br />to this qu~st;an. <br /> <br />Licensing Subco~~itteG R0D~ti <br />Cou~cl~man Henderson reported that the Licensing Subcommittee has recom- <br />mended a revised filcense schedulo far Council consideration. <br /> <br />Clerk was roquested to send caples ta the Council for raview before <br />the next Counell ffiGotlng. <br /> <br />-3- <br />