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<br />COtjl~C; ~ Meeting M!nutes <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br />'\ug. lA, 1972 <br /> <br />REPORT Of VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br /> ! No. 72-3 <br /> <br />A bid tabulation was submitted by Engineer Christoffersen, and a <br />leti'.I", da1"ed '\ugust 14, 1972', recommending that the bid be awarded <br />to the low bidder, Bituminous Roadways, Inc. <br /> <br />Motio~ was made by Olmen, seconded by Herrick, that the constructIon <br />project for Gale, Norma, and James Circles be ordered as per Resolu- <br />tion No. 72-49; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Notion was made by Olmen, seconded by Herrick, that the bid be <br />uwarded to Bituminous Roadways, Inc. In the amount of the bid of <br />$23,113.50, but not of tho total, in case of chanpes, all as per <br />Resolution No. 72-50; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Aerial Photo Bids <br /> <br />The Council authorized Engineer Christoffersen to Interview the <br />1"\10 firms who submitted bids, and to report back on the matter. <br />Ine bidders propose that the Vlllana Enpineer would provide <br />ground Control in the proJect. <br /> <br />i'eweo9, Pump 1 n9 Stat Ion <br /> <br />Engineer Lund reviewed pest corresr~ndence end reports regarding <br />~ sewage pumping station for Bethel College. The matter had been <br />~'abled, pending Council study In the spring of 1972, end through <br />" !"lsunderstl!lndlng, Bethel College ordered the proJect withOUT <br />Village approva!. The ~ork needs to be done to connect new build- <br />ings to the municipal system before school beplns on September 9. <br /> <br />"Che Counel! and Eng!!'leer discussed current Vi llage sewer capacity. <br />Engineer Lund reported that the existing lines can carry the new <br />Bethe, connections, but that study must be done on 1uture capacity, <br />partJcularly in view of tho pendlnp Rainbow Hills development. <br /> <br />'rhe Council wi!! st\Jdy ,cost apportionment for future needed facilities. <br />Counc1 !rMl!l Hol lenhorsi''3sked the Engineer to check over records and <br />determine the amounT 8ethel has been charged In pas1 assessments. <br />He does not teel It felT that the other areas of the Village be <br />charg(1d for 'tMns c:apt;dty, unless 8ethel has paid I~'s part. ( <br /> <br />r!o',ion \'iaS m',~de by Henderson, seconded by Hollenh'Jrst, that the <br />Gounel I apprOVB e paTMlt to Bothel Co!lege tor the project for an <br />8" forcernaln ",11.h 240 gpm capacIty, approval granted, subject to <br />~he prowlslor that we check the Bethel College assessment status, <br />nnd, If they have not plid equally to central sewer facilities, they <br />ull I be expected to pay B potentia! share of relative costs assessed <br />n the DDst compared to needed expansion; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />-'- <br /> <br />!Je+he[ Co! IEH'B .Exc;;\lai:l':lr~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Bethel Co!le~6 was InfD~med by the Councl I that they or their <br />contractor, ^shb~ch Construction Company, must obtain a permit for <br />the ~"(cavation and n, I proJect being done on the Bethel property <br />at Highway 10. Mr. Sylvester Brand of the Ashbach Company said <br />+he project is ;; part af the sewer project, but that they will <br />immedlateiy epply for B permit from Inspector Squires. <br /> <br />.s a r:UJ:.1.I r y 2_~"I:..J~,Y s t em <br /> <br />EngIneer Lund was authorized to show Village maintenance staff <br />members how to perfo,!n some flow meas'lrements in ou" sanitary sewer <br />~ I neB" <br /> <br />Lake lane Surfaclnc <br />~-----""""""...-....~.--,---..-'""'- <br /> <br />Engineer Lund presented ;; fBas~bll!ty report, dated August '4, 1972, <br />estImating the proJoct ~ost et S3FOOO~ <br /> <br />Motion wal made bV Hol!Bnhorst, seconded by Olmen, that the 'easl- <br />hi Ilty repoTt be considered ordered, and that the roport be approved <br /> <br />"' <br />