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<br />r <br />I ~" <br />. <br /> <br />." , <br />CCHHlci i t-1;,;;etinf] l"f:inutas <br /> <br />-2" <br /> <br />July 10, 1972 <br /> <br />2!dlnanc~1.:'.~.?8, HeJ:lIHl!s O,-dlnance No...JJJ_ <br /> <br />MDtion wa5 made by Olmen, seconded by Henderson, that the rules be <br />waived and that AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 111 AND PROVIDING <br />NEW PENALTiES FOR VIOLATIONS Of ORDINANCES be considered a second and <br />flnal reading, and that the Ordinance be adopted as read; motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />!,lec.t'loll ~recl!'lct Chan~~ Resolution No. 72-30.. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Hnllenhorst, seconded by Henderson, that Resolution <br />No. 72-30 be approved, estab! lshlng new Precinct N.o. 3, and changing <br />former boundaries of Precinct No. ! In ilccordanceidthmemos to Council <br />from Clerk Admlnlstr<>tor,datecl June 22, 1972'andJuly 7, 1972;' mOT. 1 on <br />carried unanimously. . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~nftary SOwer EIl~~m0nt Status <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney reporfed th"H property 0ii'iSements a'ra pending I n various <br />stages of follo\~:s: <br /> <br />5 easements pehdfng<'on Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 12-)3 <br />I easement pendl ng6n Sal'lltary Sewer Improvement No. 14 <br />19 easements pendln"on Water Improvement No;. 68-1. <br /> <br /> <br />Councilman Herrick i'"'ll.Dol"ted that Parks Director TO,;n Johnson ha~;, had <br />tnolninci- and experle)lce lfl,llll stages of this type of negotlatf()ns,.'llnd <br />he recommended that.t.~r.. Johnson be allowed to handle the property "':<lse- <br />mal'lL eases not In IItigatjon and those not being handled by an ;lfiprney. <br />The COline! I agreed wlthth{> recommendation and requested that Atty. <br />Courtney "'.lfer back to them the easement cases deserl bed above. <br /> <br />Cast:.....!..!:.<?!!....EJ_pe Laws~lt, dii1ed J u I y i....J972 <br /> <br />Councilman Hollenhorst moved, seconded by Henderson, thlllT I f the lawsuit <br />Is not exactly the same ac.tlon that we rss.ponded to In ~larch, 1972,that <br />the VI I!age engineer be authorized to prepare figures and submltta the <br />Village office and that CI.~k Administrator be authorized to sign and <br />file the suit on behalf of. ,the VI i lage; motion carrledunanlmQusly. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant .Contract <br /> <br />Councilman reported that the Planning Commission recommends <br />termination of the Vlllageccontract with Midwest Planning and Researth, <br />as soon as possible, an~, further, that a contract agreement be made <br />with J. Darling and Assoc!ates for the planning consultant servlc/ils'of <br />Mr. Dick Shetler, effective July 2Q, 1972. Attorney Courtney advised <br />the Council to givaMfdwest Research an Immediate written notice of <br />contract termination. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Hollenhorst, seconded by Herrick, that Clerk AdminI- <br />strator write to Midwest Planning and Research, Informing them that <br />Arden Hills would like to terminate Its contract Immediately by the end <br />of July, and, if this Is n6t possible, that the contract, In any event, <br />be terminated by August 10, 1972, pursuant to ArtJcle 7, and, furth~.r, <br />that a bill be submItted to us for Plannlno Consultant services to that <br />date, and, further, that the Village Counell adopt the J. Darling con- <br />tract for RIchard Shefls,"'s services, effective July 20, 1972, siJbjec:t <br />to Village Atty. Court~8Y'~ approval; motfon carried unanimously. <br /> <br />No) s~_nd Motor Contro! 2!l.Lakes, <br /> <br />Atty. Courtney advised the Councl I that he has not yet prepared a <br />report on the touncl I referral, but wi I I do so soon. <br /> <br />REPORT Of VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> <br />Twin City Ole Cast!nq Co~_~. 12-8 and 12-9 <br /> <br />Engineer Chrlstoffel"sen referred to Atty. Lynden'. letter, dated June 26, <br />1972, rogardlng theabcVe listed matter. He ..ld he saw no reasc~ to <br />object to the requests regarding tho sewer line on the property of Twin <br />City Ole CastIngs Co. as we no longer have any reason to keep the sewer. <br /> <br />-2- <br />