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<br />, . <br />Lcunc!r Meet~nq Mftll~tes <br /> <br />,June Z{>p !972 <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER <br /> <br />U-',<'>r-"''''J(ln C'i~'II'~ C'...._.r.J~..,.I~.~ ........1.le'.... td,. ',n <br />-~:.:.."'';l~~_~~~~~.,~!...::.~_):..2.=.;~~..::-__.:..~ <br /> <br />i'.ti'Or1wy Lyndon's ,ettE'r, date'; .,I,m'= ~2, i9'!2, r"gel"ding a cla!m 'Irom <br />Jack We~'sch was reviewed by EngJ~Bar CtlrJstoffGrsen and raferrad to <br />Counellman Herrick fer nBgotlatlan with ~r. Welsch. He was author- <br />Ized to settle i-he cta!m for up to $200. <br /> <br />EnglneGrs Glasgow and Lund feal that thG damago done W6S due to place- <br />ment of sewer ssrvices, ~nd not o~r V, ~iage sewer pro.teet. <br /> <br />County ROi'ld E <br /> <br />end Lexlnoton Avonue <br />, --"""------ <br /> <br />; nter~9"',J"1 on <br /> <br />Plans <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Motte, held to neXT mea~!ng. <br /> <br />,YJJ..J..~~ S to~.!!1 S{H!~J:.! BD.. <br /> <br />Engineer Christoffersen reported that aerial maps for approximately <br />3,40D acres of Arden HII!s from the Mark Hu~d Company were estimated <br />at $22,000. The Company would IlkB to make a presentation of the <br />proposal to the Councl!. Enginger was directed to obtain a bid from <br />Chicago Ilerlal. <br /> <br />Cawnci lman Dlmen reported that tho Public Works CDm~ltt8e recommends <br />da!aylng B decision Dn the proposed storm 5R..r system until after <br />rev!.. of the 1973 budget, and t~Dt the contract should be a firm <br />b~d and not on a per diem basis; .thet a bid for Her'{al maps should <br />bs obtained from Chicago A.rlal and Mark Hurd tor photographs of the <br />Village excluding tho T~ln Cities Ordnance Plant, whIch would show 2' <br />contours~ Tile Ccmmft1"ee felt that s;.ch a map woutd be very benefic1ai <br />to tho. V~ ~ ~ago 't'D b(t ~lsed by Pub:1;c WCI~~:,S" P'ann!i1g, ~nsp~~ctor5t Parks <br />,~nd RfJcr'f"H~'rjon, a;,d ctk:~lr 5'3g;n8n'h~ O~" the V: (: :a~JB4 <br /> <br />Engineer Christoffersen r8portod that Bvsi labilIty of such contour <br />maps can of taR bu sold by the Village to contractors Bnd developers. <br /> <br />Ccunc~lmBn HoJ~enhor$t stated that he h,~p~s Arden Hi ~ts can pet special <br />storm se't'!~t" ptoj{~ct er,t'l'3td !SiH~H;1 on .!1 5p:{~cja; aS$6SStr>5nt basIs.. He <br />asked C~Grk Admln~strator Stromqu:si' to 0stab~lsh ~ provision wlth!n <br />~hG ecccuntlng system to ascertain that al! costs for this type of <br />prDjBc~ be Included Ina bond Issue. <br /> <br />REPOj~'l- OF COUNCilMAN HOlLENHORSTJ P!ann~n0 ~n~ 20n111g, Ordinan~e Revlew <br /> <br />Case No. 71-.,t'3, Dreyfus ~ntBf"si-td~'a Develop\lH3nl'>. COi'~p~ <br />.? pec i ti I ~sG~.Fm !!..__T..2E CQ:2:~ t .[~~ct~L9n.._ot_fLfL9!!...l}~8d-.!~) t Dave a opmen t <br /> <br />Ccunc;!man reviewed tho ~~i~ut~s of the pub~!c hearing <br />:;eid by thG Ptann;ng C~jTHilission O~l .june 6, ~972, and of the meeting <br />of "t'he Pio.nning Comm,ss!':Jn on JUI'':a 20, t~;72~ rCflardlng the proposed <br />plaflned u~lit devciopmsilt. He presentad tllG Pf~nn~ng COinlnlsslon <br />recomm0ndatlon for the denial of the projec.t ancl the listed reasons <br />for the r0commendBi'lon~ <br /> <br />Tho fol lowfllg representatlves of tho Dr'syfus Cornpany presented brlaf <br />reports, as fol !o,~s: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />r-1r-. Drjj"j Nor-db", orcl\!idsd bz'~k:gcoun0 ~nf:Cl1'f((;d"~on :'1b~~~11,I:"{. i'he D:~~yfus Company <br /><~1;~d~dCscrT6-(;a'-'~ oeD t Zlnd OU~l- of s";"a'j-Q, p i"Cj'!3~.,::t~~; b~; i ~ t by '!-he Company <- <br />He showed photos of typ!~al ~lOUS!~g volts proposed for the Arden .!i ~ ~s <br />proJect ,. <br /> <br />!-l.r.~_BJ,Eha!:..2. Crt:ll..H;.- Bath<t':i Rjngros'3 Vf{:;isfeit1 In(;_:t Project EntJ,naer'l <br />pr~S$flt8d ~ descrtption of the project pTopor1y 8Jld showed s!te maps <br />~f 1'opogrephy. bOi'Jcr and butfer areas: m&rstl areas, slopes, road <br />plans and an overa!1 drBlnago plan, Oth0r maps shown were 'andscape <br />~peci~!i'!e9, parkB and rccraatjoil sItes 3'lld phtisIng dens!ty_ <br /> <br />Mr~ JosBph Benchot, Tr~ff'c Enginoer for the project, pres9nted <br />preparRd 1rafi!c mna~ysi5 fIgures ralBting to the number of dai ~y trIps <br />\ i"I. "'" "" :,.!... t" ~- ~ of. ~', ~ . .. I .\. ~,. ,,' ,4: ". -l.; I t t <br />qn "'il~~ v,~ ~. {;,(J P";iJOCir (~'tp Oj~5".~-":Pul';,or'J genera. au 0 accsss 0 <br />"r,d $., ,....c,- : ~.,'~,f..~...$.,...',l~ ..I......D.r-".G s;,'~.J...'l <..,;;,~.,}l,. ~1.:~~-'4/;"" ir'm,>+,o;o.e <br />'-'..... .....,11 ....'W".,..I." .4.. -"T..... '-' "!h"" U...._..\ . ,_.i II...... .....,0' u ....~. <br />Mayor Crepeau and Counci Iman Herrick reported the numerous written <br />objectIons have been received by them and will eventually be entered Into <br /> <br />the record. <br /> <br />.- <br />.", ct. ~~ <br />