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<br />,. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />COCEnc~~ Maatff~1g M~tlUt2S <br /> <br />'~3'"" <br /> <br />,illne 26, 1972 <br /> <br />Attornev James Oruk and Mr4 <br />Til1:t'o~~~1r. ~jordby. <br /> <br />\;f'r. Df """l.."., <br />.,1' ~:___~'-) <br /> <br />Drevfus rspresontatives, were <br /> <br />A number of VliaBge residents lIving near thu proposed proJect spoke <br />or a.ked qua.tIDes. After discussion, the COMnci~ and development <br />r.pr6.~ntatlv.. agreBd th~t projBct d8tBi~. should be studied and <br />,;IM:USZ0d b<(j'hI6GH1 \If I lege OH!C!Il~S and D~'BVfus representatives. They <br />fee' ~ saco~d pllbl~c h$aring might DB deslr.ble If a substantlaa number <br />of na~ vacts arc a~~iDabge. <br /> <br />Attorn., CQyrtney Bod AttDrney Druk will m~.t and discuss project <br />ci@f!)S ; 13.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Nordby wlGI Brrange a meeting with P~rk. and Recreation Committee. <br /> <br />rhe mattlH' \HIS 1"..;'1,,,41 [.lI:'lIlI.Hllg study to at least July 31, with, tentativl1l <br />sQcond hearlnc ta be held after that data. T~I. time schedule was <br />.gr...~I. ta 5r.,fu5 r~pro5ant.tivo.. <br /> <br />July PI~nni/ijg Commission Dat~ <br /> <br />The July Plonning Commluoian d.ts was ch~ngad by the Planning <br />Commission from Ju~y4to July 6. <br /> <br />~,!;:;e~l.!2., 72-~4, ~I,L!!_~,!~.J.!_:"elJl. R"lav Cornp<mL- MIcro \~a"e l'~iwer <br /> <br />CDynclammn Ha06snhorlt ~.v!B..d the r.cDmmon~.t!Dns of tho Planntng <br />CNli'ilhslan. d;;t,~6 ,~ml<, 6, !912. He rGl'or"ie<.J that the PlannIng Com- <br />.lsmlan recommends j.n~al gf th8 special us. permit and Ilst.d sIx <br />r..san$ for tho reaommondatlon. <br /> <br />p,tt',f. Fred Mo~m!1w,l-!~". Robart Ja:lmes lliV! Mr. G'H,rga COllllte ePPllel,e.d <br />ell t,,,h~if of ~nd\1'')!J'~''if''' Roaay Co. ktty. M'am1il5r voiced dh!i";n,,fac'i'iai1 <br />'$/ 11'1\ '1'1\0 1"eCOlflmOlHlnt i ,ne,," and StSt0Q IHl ~OIl V<;ichlll BengE: t'lllichof the <br />gi~ pO!fits ijn th& PJe~n~ng Commission mij~u~'GS~ <br /> <br />.~ h',,,," d; $(;USll! OB1b'O'hIQ;jj; tll0 COQJild i, Vi D 3 <Jf;B ..,,,;l don ts, ..lid rap resent- <br />O'ltO\ifl'l' c~ Mld\'HllS1'l>nl RgQ:;lY Co., mot!on W<JS mi'H1Q ~y Ho-!I~nhor!)t, seconded <br />by (Jh',eil, tha"~ a<<:'l")C;Jl ~,,,,i'h<l lH'Cposl;d be t'il'id'HI -1"0 July 10, 1912; motion <br />cdr~l~d u~~0imou5~Y6 <br /> <br />The CounclD agreed to study the matter and authorIzed Atty. Courtney <br />';"0 ~!ork with A'r~-y~ Memif,er In cov,w1,"'~ i'ecnnlcll! points raised by the <br />Piat1l1t.1g Commission, VHiage P'1Jnnef', COIinel I and VI Hage residents. <br /> <br />Case No~ 72-26. V~ndarWYsi' Varl~nce <br /> <br />Mot!on was mads by Hoi~enhorst, SEconded by Henderson, that fha ~ollncll <br />CDncur Mlth the recamzandat!on of the Planning tomrnlsslo!1 Bndthat <br />the variance be approved as submitted wIth Case NOR 72-26; motfon <br />, <br />carried unanimous~y. <br /> <br />~ase_l1.9o, ,72....27, C<)~ui..;bf~ Transit CorpoJ:Etl~ <br /> <br />Caunclimun HoBlenhcrst reported that a publIc hB~ring will beheld On <br />,loll,! 6, !972, at 5:00 p.m., on tho rezoning request for Columbll) Tran- <br />31t Carp. Actlowen the excevatlon permit Bppi!cation was held pending <br />-the pub~ Ie hearing~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />P ~2.Q.oSGd MCf'a':'~r e'.11] ita -:r:~ ~ y D!3y...~l2..P_!:!Y;2l1..t~~. <br /> <br />MotL~:JH t;as :made by Ho~' ~('.;llh'?t..s.~w, sGcondG'd by Hf:n"r"~ci" that the- Council <br />~;"PP::w~.tha PV"OpC.;:'(1i e'i '(he VI ~ii:l~]e P~annh'g C,:w,mlssion ~'o dedal"\9 a <br />90-do,! mor"torium <,,<,, ,n i'r:.j-'famlly devCnOpnNl'r pt,,'posais In ArdBnHills. <br />V~ ~ ~ag,a Apaf'"hnant Fb~ ~,:;V S.'rei'i~0rl1(H1i"s :sod "hliS i-lous log PoD icy al"'{) to be <br />~Bvlo.Bd during thIs perIod and guidelines estab!lshed forcons!dsra- <br />tien of aiB futur0 ~~0~~cat~ons for mu!ti-.f~!mliy devaiopment5~ <br /> <br />Village nttorney to dotermlnB whether or not the Pemtom proposal for <br />'l'o\>m'lOUS~'$ and Pliit;o hO[;:8S can be lncl!.ldsd la,:rhe moratorium, <br /> <br />-3- <br />