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<br />'. <br /> <br />Counci~ Msetf"g Mrnu.~es <br /> <br />. <br />-,:;~- <br /> <br />June 26, ;912 <br /> <br />Metor 5!z8~ and Nols. lav~1 on Lake$ <br /> <br />Co~nci Iman Hallenhorst reported ths PIBnnlng Commission recommendation, <br />dat~d JaH'10 20, 1912, n~g<:lrd!l1g excosslve motor !JOGt noise on Lake <br />Johann.. H8askad Clerk Admlnlstrator ta write ta Atty. Courtney ask- <br />ing that he 50vlse the Caunel i of reg~latlons thst the Village can <br />ImoalG to contra; th. size of motors and/or noise emIssion of boats <br />on la~G5 and to refer to him Soctlon 4, ?~ragraph5 Nand P, of the <br />Ardon Hlils Zoning Ordinance to see If thls provision can be used for <br />such enforcement. <br />Mr. Herrick reported that the Parks & Recreation <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN E."GRAY HENDERSON, Flnnnca <br /> <br />Committee is aware of <br />the noi se on the I akes an. <br />have made a recommendatiof <br />to the Metro League re <br />the matter. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />No ,'oport. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNC'LMAN STANLEY OLMEN, Public Wo~ks <br /> <br />R"port of PUblic \lI1:wk~, M@etlng of JIl!11il 14, ~912: <br />lox rorve!i' lan~ <br /> <br />Motlol1 \1115 mad" by Ohr,oll, siIlcon,del.l by Her,der!ion, tl1!lt Resohatloll No. <br />n-}g, d~H::lar:ng 'blllt 1crhl!t projlQr,-t'1 <<COll., No. 25-03BO-140-051 no,,- <br />con"i.lG''#a'l'!oi1 be ,!lppn,,,,<"i<.l; mo'i"loll c~..r!lld 1lIHII1Imousl'f. <br /> <br />Motion was made by OimeR, sBconded b, Hel1d.rsDn~ that the Coul'lclt concur <br />W~Hi "d16 Publ Ie Work., CC,mm!tt!lIJ to Ilpp!rowo ROl>oiutlon No. 12..29 to <br />llCCcilpt for VI i i~J;I" P!]I"(!J(>SGS Ilr1Jp'H't'l Cco:laNo. 25-(l;,(lO-!40-G:5; motion <br />carrlod uG~nlma~.!y. <br /> <br />County Road Pollel <br /> <br />No r~comm6nd!ltlon <br /> <br />StrG6t N~me Study <br /> <br />Co.m!ttg~ taal~ no nS8d to study Yl~iage streot nsms system ~t this <br />t~m~. They 5uggcst Mpis. H~da and T~llow contact Ramsev County for <br />new nama for frontego roed~ <br /> <br />i:lat\!l'"SI Veg@tat!oi~ Dl!;posl!li <br /> <br />Tho matter w.. tabled by the CommIttee. <br /> <br />Lift St~tlon RgB~lr <br /> <br />Co~nc~i .$~ed Ylil~qo ~ngln0~r to prapar0 cost 0stl~$tG5 for r~p~lr <br />at I!ft 5t~tlons ND~. 5 ~nd B bofero Infar_al bIds mi'" t~kan. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCIU.\MJ RONAlO HERRlCK, P<llrks ~i1d Rocn,ll,non, !hunan Rights <br /> <br />~ ad _!';;2-'i:111-9.J 1'0.1 ,H:,:t <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />COilnc! IrM.':'" HerTlcl< @l<ril"1H;GtH~ t!1'lr;~$ to the )9 \;'ohm'l':n";H^S \~ho he!pod <br />1<.1'1 1>011 :sf Chas. p", '1'1'')' P~\'I; ell S;:j'hl,day.>, J ,HW nand 24. Thoy is i d <br />16,000 'l:::lrds of sod; tho tl;;llancc of tl1<i !JI"OJ~H:1' Is to bo comlllsted <br />W.dnBsd~y. Jun. 28. Mr. Herrick also thanked the New Brighton Bulletin <br />tor the pub~lc1ty of tho project. <br /> <br />PIll"" Dloectol" <br /> <br />Motion was m~d0 by Har~1ck. uBcondad bV Ho~ ~enhorst, that Mr. Tom <br />Johnson be hired as Park D~rector, In concurrence with the Parks and <br />RBCl"8Bt!an Committs. recommendation, that effectIve date be immediate, <br />Dr as Boon es he can Bt~rt the Jab, st . salary of S700 per month; <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Councl~man Jierrlck askGd, end the Councf~ agreadp that offIce sp~ce <br />end a desk 8nd phone bo mmde aveZ~~b~e to Mr. Joilnson and thEt the <br />groen pickup trucks o~ned by the PDr~s Dept~. be made ava~labOG to him. <br /> <br />The V~~iaga office was esked ~o send lat~ar5 to the other Job applI- <br />cants !nform~ng them of tile se~ection made~ <br /> <br />"-'~' .~ <br />