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<br />-- .... ...,...... <br /> <br />Regular Council Ma~tlng <br /> <br />-;- <br /> <br />May 22, 1972 <br /> <br />2. Utilltv Rates <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />-- <br />~lr. Henderson reported recommendations of the Finance Committee <br />utility study subcommittee, as detailed In their minutes, dated <br />May 9, 1972, regard I ng proposed changes for san I tary sewer chargE:s. <br />The Council agreed with the recommendations and asked Clerk <br />Administrator to refer the matter to Attorney Courtney to draft <br />the necessary documents to put the change Into effect as of <br />Janu<2ry, I, 1973. <br /> <br />Water I~~rovement No. 72-2 <br /> <br />Mr. Henderson reported that the Finance Committee recommends <br />exploring the possibility of 8 HUO grant for the north end water <br />project. Mayor Crepeau stated that he and Mrs. Stromquist recently <br />dlsc~sse~'federal aids and grants, which might be available In <br />other fields. He suggested that a Finance Committee subcommittee <br />be for~~d to stUdy all grants which Tosy be available In all Village <br />areas, and requ~sted that help be given from the administrative <br />staff, it needed on the project. <br /> <br />Pending items: <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />!: <br />. <br /> <br />LI cans I ng <br /> <br />Councll~an-Henderson reported that the Finance Committee and <br />the Ordinance Review Committee met on May I~ to work on Village <br />; Iconslng. Councilman Herrick suggested an open end type of <br />ordinance to ~llow new businesses enterIng the Village to be <br />Included In license requ'rcm~~~'. <br /> <br />Easement Acquisition <br /> <br />The committee Is seeking a person, probably retired, to negotiate <br />property easements for .the Village. <br /> <br />De1erred Assessments <br />~ ' -- <br /> <br />The recommendatIons defelted In Finance Committee minutes of <br />May ii, 1972 regarding deterred assessments were accepted by the <br />Council end reter~ed to Attorney Courtney. Attorney Courtney and <br />Clerk Administrator were asked to establish into the Village <br />accountln~-an~ record system a long term deferred property asses- <br />roent listing. <br /> <br />Clerk Admlnl.tratar to call School Dlstrlct 621 regarding 8 <br />roported gltt or cash amount granted the school district from the <br />federal governmen~ In lieu of asses_monts to the Twin City Arsenal. <br />InfOi"lTlstlon to be provided to the Flnance Committee. <br /> <br />E!.llgnatlon <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Henderson ,announced that Mr. ReGe I~acomhor has resigned from <br />the Finance Committel! and Is moving tt;\~, Arhol'la. The <br />Councl I asked that Clerk Admlnlstr&tor-wifte to Mr. Macomber to <br />express their thanks for his past servlees to the Village. <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN STANLEY OLMEN, PUblIc Works .~- <br /> <br />i. ~allltenance Employees <br /> <br />Supt. Johansen asked authority to hire T~U Temporary employees <br />for the summer months. Motion was made by Olman, seconded by <br />Hollenhorst, that two men be hired, and that the rate of pay <br />for new employees be $2.25-$2.50 per hour, with $3.00 per <br />hour authorized, If absolutely necessary. Motion carried <br />unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Councllman Herrick reported that Steve Zehm wi II be available <br />for such work Tor the summer season. The Councl I agreed that <br />Steve Zehm be considered to be one of the employees. <br />