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<br />Regula. Council M~Gt'ng <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />May 8, 1972 <br /> <br />Motion W~$ made by Herrick, seconded by Henderson, that the hortlcult- <br />urn! plans for 1119EH"50n Plll"k, dl5hd ~lll'l 2, 1972, be approved as sub- <br />mitted. Motion c~rrlGd unanimously. Construction plans for the park <br />wero held over for further Planning Commission review. <br /> <br />Case No. 72-15, MIdwest Relav CamDeny <br /> <br />Councilmen Hollenhorst reported the app!lcatlon for a micro-wave tower, <br />as submitted with Case No. 72-15, h~s been withdrawn by the applicant. <br /> <br />~e No. 72-19, Buroau Investment Corp. <br /> <br />Mr. K~n e~reeu was present and re~!ewed hIs request to rezone property <br />at the northwest corner of NGW Brighton Ro~d and County Roed 0 to <br />. elfow thg IOC1Il11'Bo81 of II groc:e&"y lito&-e on the property. <br /> <br />The .pgannlng Commission recolnmendetlonll of Mey 8, 1972, end the past <br />zoning history of thg property wsre reviewed by Councilman HoID.nllorst. <br /> <br />Motion WllS made by NO'l"nhorst, sllilconded by Herdck, tllat tile Counell <br />COOCI,II" wi tll the a-('lc06ll~lel\dllt I on of thill Pi ilI"n! ng Co rom I ss I on, end that <br />the rezoni~g request be denied O~ the basis thet It would constitute <br />spot zonlllg. Motion carried unanl~ousIV. <br /> <br />Cel!$No. 72-21, Shllroll I.. Chdl1'llI <br /> <br />MotIon ~a5 med~ by Hoilenhorst, $e~onded by Henderson, thet the Council <br />concu~ with recoMmendations, d8t~d M~y 8, 1972, af the Planning Com- <br />mission and thet the Oat spIlt request. ss submitted with Cese No. 72-21, <br />b~ approved; motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Case No. 72-01, I~dcor Tennis, I~c. - BuildIng Roquest for Curling <br />Sui idlng <br /> <br />Motion wes made by Hoylenhorst, ~econded by HerriCk, th9t approval be <br />given af Issuenae o. tho buildIng permit 'or the curling building, <br />p&rml~tlng Inlt.~i constrllctlon, $~bj~ct to app~ovel of construction <br />plans by the VIII~ge Building in~p~ctor; ros~hBnjcBI and electrical <br />pian:i to be !'\I.!bmltted to the Pi'!iJlnlng Commission as soon I!lS they ere <br />completed. MotIon c3&"rled unanlmollsly. <br /> <br />Cas~ No. 7i-43, Dre,fus Intarst~te Dewelopmsnt Corp. - Special Use <br />Parmlt reQ~est far PI~nn.dUn!t DeweloDment ." <br />-...--..---- . - -~------..._-_. <br /> <br />T~. Planning C~mmjsB!an has scheduled e public bearing on the townhouse <br />propos~! on June 6, 1972, at 8:00 D.t~'1.. Ilt.",'t.a VI! l~gEl Hall, s!JbJect <br />to rQcalr-t of eliphns Gllll requ!rC:'HJ Infol"Ullllt!OI1 by May 10, 1972. <br /> <br />Cose No. 12-22, IllS Ten Slipper Ciuo - BuHcHng Permii' request for <br />26' ~ 2p' eddition-1o PrGs"'nt~IJild!ng <br /> <br />"h:.tlol\ \>illS m;lo;l", b<p Ho! jf.lnhof'st, '.l~,;:ollded .by on mon, that the COllncl1 <br />cOl1c:ur w;1"i'l recomi'lendllti011S of M:ty 2, 1972. of the Planning Commission, <br />and that llpprove! be gil/en for IsslBance of a building permit In llccord- <br />IInce w li"h bull d n 1\9 pi Clns :subln I tted \ill tll Case No. 72-22; mot Ion carried <br />Ifnelnllt1Qusly. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Herr!cK asked about a past parking probiem on the Big Ten grounds, <br />due to T.C.A. emp~oYBaB. Mr. WB&sch stated that the number of persons <br />employed at the lll"senal !s consfiden'lbly 101'1011' than In the past and the <br />problem 15 I~rgely resoll/ed. <br /> <br />Committee Member Reslq~at!on <br /> <br />Mr. Hollenborst reported thet Mr. Km. BenIlck hilS f'eslgned from the <br />?Ian~!ng Commission and Is moving Ollt of town. The Coullcl I accepted <br />'he g'as I gnat Ion and directed th<'lt II I ette r of thanks be sent to Mr. <br />Benzick for his past service to tho Village. Mr. Tom lynch was appointed <br />ill regulaa- Planning Commlss!on member. No appointment of an alternate <br />member w~s made at this tlma. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.. <br />-..- <br />