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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mlnu~es of Council Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />March 13, 1972 <br /> <br />Assessments On Federa~ Property <br />Attorney Courtney reviewed his letter, dated March 13, 1972, which <br />Informed the Council that the Village has no authority to assess <br />federal property such as the arsenaB. He recommended that the Council <br />consider amendments to the utility ordinances, providing for deferred <br />assessments In the event such property Is subsequently connected to <br />the municipal system. <br /> <br />The question, and Attorney Courtney's written opinion, were referred <br />to the Utilities Subcommittee of the Finance Committee. The Council <br />IlsJ<ed that the sub-cOfllmlttee also consider all other assessment areas <br />which possibly should be cllasslfled as deferred'. <br /> <br />NUQel-!!. Silln AIlIlU IcatU~!!!. <br />Attorney Courtney revlewod his letter of March n, 1972, and Informed <br />the Council that non-conforming signs and billboards Included In the <br />area annexed from New Brighton arc not eligible for permits or licenses <br />under Village Ordinance No. 76, as amended. <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator was directed to Inform the NaegeYe Sign Co. that <br />the Council has determined that the signs are non-conforming to Village <br />Ordll'lanca and that the applications for licenses and permits have been <br />denlad and that the billboards should be removed from the property on <br />or before October I, 1972. All permit or license fees on deposit for <br />Naegele for such billboards to be refunded. <br /> <br />Delinquency Penal~l~s - Utilities Accoun~ <br />Attorn~, Courtney presentod two ordlna~ce drafts adding an additional <br />8% penalty to deYJr.quent sewer and weter accounts after certain .dates. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Henderson, seconded by HoUYenhorst, that AN ORDIN- <br />ANCE A"'[NDONG ORO~NANCE nos. 49 AND 141, RElATING TO THE MU'N'ICIPAL <br />SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. BY IMPOSBNG NEW OEUNOUENCV PENALTIES. AND <br />NOT! NG THE REPEAL OF ORD I NANCE NO. "20, be I ntraduced by t I tie. <br />Mot 11);'\ ~lH'I'1 \l'~ IJ nlJilllmous! y. <br /> <br />Motion Will' made by Henderson, ~9conded by HoU!enho'rst, that AN ORDIN- <br />ANCE AMENDING ORDiNANCE NOS. 303 AND H9, RElATING TO THE MUNDCUPAl <br />WATER SYSTEM, TO REVISE THE DELINQUENCY PENALTIES, be Introduced by <br />tl~18. Motion ~arried unanlmou3iy. <br /> <br />The Council determined that the new ordinance should provide that aia <br />~npald bills from the third and fourth quarters of 8971 are subject <br />1-0 an 8$ penalty, If net paid b}' June iO, 1972, and that property <br />owners with such de H nquent accounts be not If! ed of such "pena I ty <br />ca ilU!IO. <br /> <br />The ordinance drafts were referred to the Caerk Administrator's <br />office for review. <br /> <br />proposed Rainbow Hills Project <br />Attorney Courtney reviewed his opinion from letter dated March 13, <br />1972, re time limits yor submission of final p~ans by applicants re~ <br />questIng SpeclaO Use Permits. <br /> <br />The .Councl! determined that Mr. Partridge should submit a statement <br />concerning the pr.:>gress of the proposed Rainbow Hi i is project at <br />the next Council Meeting of March 27, 1972 and further t~at plans <br />for the project, in Unal 1orm, sholdd be submitted to the .Vi! lage <br />on or bafora the Aprll 4, 1972 meeting of the POannlng COlllmisslon, <br />or the application for a Special Use Permit wili be considered for <br />den! a 'I. <br /> <br />Clark Administrator to write to Mr. Partridge and Inform him of the <br />Counc! I action. <br /> <br />1!p~J~l.J!,?~ Perm I t - Arden f>lano~ <br />Attorney Courtney reviewed a draft for the Arden Manor Special Use <br />Permit and a Dettar dated March 2. !972 from the developer's Engineer, <br />Suburban Engineering, Inc. <br /> <br />-2~ <br />