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<br />. <br /> <br />Mlnutos of Counci~ Meating <br />Pago 'hlo <br /> <br />February 14, 1972 <br /> <br />Mr. Adams reported that he was In favor of the proposed project and <br />hoped It couid be buIlt. <br /> <br />A ftor' discuss! on, the matteif' \HIS referred to the Finance Comm I ttee <br />for a feasibility report re financing. Engineer Lund was asked to <br />~tt'~nd Jrhe next Finance Committee meeting. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Fed?ra! A!d Urban Systll~ <br />Engineer Lund reported that the 1970 Federal Aid Highway Act pro~lded <br />'or the estab~l~hment of a Federal Aid Urban Highway System. The <br />s'is;~'em Is to be astabHshed In urbanhed areas only and to be located <br />to serVe the major urban center of activity, .and designed taking Into <br />consIderation the hlghast traffic volume corridors and the longest <br />trips within such aroa. <br /> <br />To que,l ivy as a Feder:}1 Aid Route, a street must meet the following <br />cOlldltffons: <br />I. Must be locatad within the urban boundary. <br />2. Shail funct~on, currentOy or when bul't, as an urban principal <br />arterial and can be expected to continue as such In the <br />future. <br />3. ShaHi not be a route on any other Federal System. <br /> <br />Hesponsibllity for Initiating the urban system proposal rests with <br />1DC~1 officla!s and the State Highway Department, working In coopera- <br />tion wl~h each othB~. <br /> <br />Mr. Lund reported thBi Loxlngton Avenuo from the south municipal limits <br />to FAij 694 Is the onl, road In Ardon 'HI ~ Is which would be designated <br />as ~ Fadera! Aid Urban Highway. He presented a map showing the over- <br />~n:1 !~yout ena ,ecommanded concept approvaD of the proposed designation. <br /> <br />~ t des I gneted, the Improvement of Lex I n'gton Avenue cou I d be part! V <br />financed with Federal funds, H daslred, Ramsey County would part!- <br />c!pat. actively Dn ~hR project. ' . <br /> <br />The Cauncll expressed conCern as to contraD attar concept approval <br />Is given. C3erk Ad~lnlstr.tor was asked ?o obtain a copy of the <br />agJO F.deral Aid H!gh~BY Act for Attorne, Courtney, for his report at <br />tbe next CouncU~ meetrng. ' <br /> <br />Und!'"rJ!!o,uo!!!L U.tJ iJ! ':II PGrm l,t5 <br />EnglnGBr Lu~d recDmmBndadthat the VIIUag. require mora detaIled <br />Information on applications for underground utility per~lts to N.S.P. <br />Tile Counc II agreod II I';-h the &"Elcommondai'lol's and asked l~r. Lund to <br />wrlteto C!erk Adm!nlstrator Stromquist, deta!llng Information to be <br />~equ!rRd on the ~pp!lcatlons. <br /> <br />REPORT 01' TREASURER Ri'CHARD O'KEllY <br /> <br />Treasuror O'Ko~ly reporvsd th~t Interest earned on Invostments In <br />: ')70 ";'cd"~. n i;;4J :S~, ~g2 ~ c<m.Pg."'~~ .~u Z63 ~ 584..' n :J 97 ~.: The n ower a::otao;t <br />r.,ults from lesRmann, ta Invest In 1~71~nd lower !ntere~t ~ates. <br />;';;"- <br /> <br />r~~h ber'!k bt'd ~nc:or,: ~::t ! r;-.rcztr.:ont to1'Qj,d:; \~~eli'"~ II"ft"<,,q..ted 8' fo ~ go':!s: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />C~sh Bank Baiances as of 2/15/72 <br />-ffi"-st State ~lIk of He'lli Br(ghto~ <br />First NatIonal Specllli Acco~nt <br />HUD Account <br />Rosevll De State Bank <br /> <br />Total Cash. <br /> <br />$39,31 B .63 <br />20,827.53 <br />7,606.36 <br />ll.&l61 . 56 <br />$!J:.!,96f,IJ <br /> <br />investments as of 2/15/72 <br />. _. first Ma't I OIUJ I Spec lal Account <br />275M. In CD's d~e 3/14/72 <br />225M '"'' "4/6/72 <br />I!UD Account <br />Ros8vlrie State Bank <br /> <br />$27'5,000.00 <br />225,000.00 <br /> <br />T~t.. '~"'e5t.d <br /> <br />9 I 479.70 <br />_'-'."_. -1:..- __.._,_~__--.,...-. <br />$591,419.70 <br /> <br />Mr. O'Kelly reported that the HUD account will be <br />First Netlonal Bank S~ecial Account this month. <br />-2- <br /> <br />closed out to the <br />