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<br />M~nutos of Counci~ Ma3ting <br />["ag<3 '~hree <br /> <br />February 14. 1972 <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNC~lMAN JOHN HOlLENHORST - PlannIng and Zoning and <br />OrdInance RevIew <br />~ Board of Appea~s <br />I\'PP,)1 ntments held to next meeting. The Coune!!. wolcomes sugges'tlons <br />to~ a n3~ Board of Appeals membar. <br /> <br />Caso No. 7l:l.-E~ntom~ !nc~ <br />A S l'oC la! p" ,mn! ng CO!llrol i 55! on m",st D I1g 'iaas iJeen schedu led on the pro- <br />pOSI:l! \'01" Thul'$~J FO,)j-MlU'Y 24. i972 15'( 7;130 p.m.a't the VIHage Hall. <br />Attorney Courtney to have ropo~t ready Fe the project. Engineer Lund <br />agr~.d to appear at the maetlng to discuss his report. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />C"erk AdminIstrator .{O contact the Chairman of Parks and Recreation <br />CDrn.~t'e~ and Pub~lc Warks Committee and ask that a representdtlve <br />f.-om o<lch comrn ~ i't@e a"ttelld the meet I n9 and subm I t comm I ttee recolllmen- <br />~'- 'dlJ'( l oros, <br /> <br />Gn,;" No, 72-5, fH"n\1aY~':51 Crosli-ovar l'lnd Sethe! SerYlce Road <br />.-'-...~--:"-~~ ,,--=---- . ...,.".---=----- <br />'PI'3nnhlg Commission recommendatlolls He.G reviewed. No Council action <br />'n'qu! red. . <br /> <br />PI'op~.mondment of ZonlngOXJllnallce . <br />Counc~lm~n Hoi~c~horst reported that a Public Hearing has been <br />5cho~uUed by th~ PDannlng CommUr,slon for Thursday. February 24. 8972 <br />lit 8; 00 p .Ill. at tho V I Hage Ha H. to cons I de!" a propos0d ame1Jdlllent <br />to the Zoning Ordlnullce to add a provision to allow a Special Use <br />Olst!ng In l-i zones In Arden Hills. <br /> <br />REPORT Of COUNCilMAN E. GRAY HENOERSON - Finance and Munlc. lands <br />and BlIildlngs <br /> <br />Absent. <br /> <br />Cler~ Administrator Itramquist refarr~d the Minutas of the Finance <br />C~mmittoe of FGbru~rV ~O. ~972 and requested Council actDon on the <br />fo'~ ~.o\Oli ng Item; <br />Sign' l h:,wss <br />"'-~~~=~=-."..,;. <br />Con~Mij1atlall ~~th Berg, Chalrm~n of license subcommittee. <br />ondlcl'ltod thi:lt \'<3e .!;chadule for signs was Incorrectly re- <br />ported III their recDMm8ndBtlon. ~chedule Illtended was; <br />$10.00 f0c far slgu up to 100 sq, vi., In size. Additional <br />he"~ $2.00/:100 sq. H. 'oOr 1101..400 sq. it; additional fee <br />Df $2.50/~OO sq. ft. for 401 sq, ft and over. <br /> <br />L!censG OrdlnancG IS! ~ag uncorrect!y published, CUerk Adm!n~strator <br />..1 authorized fo cor~mct the ord!n~nce as legal!~ required. In <br />accord5nce with th~ above H!sted schedule. <br /> <br />AUI othor Items of tho Finance Committee Minutes were held to the <br />nEmf m~et il'lg. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN STANLEY OLMEN - Public Works <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. Oilmcsf? reportllcJac'Uor. of the PubRlc Works Commlttoe fIlostlng of <br />fel:>rlj;~rv 9, U972 <:1 foH lows: (Commit)'ee MIlly.tos on 1"1 leI <br />i. ElImination 01 sewer odor at Ingerson and Ham~ine, <br />2. Publlc~aFk& Super!ntend0nt applications. <br />:S. ^!lPo! I1tmel1t of Brad Lemberg ,\'0 represliilnt the Pub i i c Works <br />COlllm I tteeol1 the New Oa"e II opmol'lJ'ts Po! ~ c! es Study Comm I ttee. <br />4. Pub~lc Works CommIttee recomrocndat!ons for the planned unit <br />development by Pemtom on HamOln. n~ar Highway 96. <br />5. S";'Gi'lm bo! iel' lfl:lUrance. <br />6. Road dl,s duu to past utility construction, <br /> <br /> Lift Station <br />'(i;::i Us":;.ters dei'oc-"ebnmry ~2, U972. from GIft's ~Jater and Waste <br />Malftt.nance Servicere needed repairs to n Village ilft station. were <br />r~yl~w@d by the Council. <br /> <br />Dna pump I. baing repaired by Glff's. Tho Council asked Cierk Admln- <br />Ist~a~,r to check with Pub!ic Warks Committee membor Br.d Lemberg, and <br />If appr6vod by him, order rep.!r to Pump No.2. as proposed In Mr. <br />Glfl's let'i'ers. <br /> <br />-3- <br />