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CC 11-29-1999
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City Council Minutes
CC 11-29-1999
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 29,1999 12 <br /> . adding eight parking spaces to the parking area off of Round Lake Court, eliminating two <br /> parking spaces, and changing some of the parking stalls from perpendicular to parallel so the <br /> semi-drivers should not have any problems maneuvering around the parked vehicles. Staff also <br /> modified the parallel parking to 20 feet in length were the applicant proposed 24 feet. <br /> The Minnesota Building Code rcquires seven bandicap spaces for the proposed site. The original <br /> plan only required six handicap spaces. The applicant has added one space in the front of the <br /> building to accommodate the requirement. <br /> The Planning Commission recommended approval of Planning Case #99-23, planned unit <br /> development amendment, to add vehicle parking spaces on the north side of the building, with <br /> the following conditions: <br /> 1. One handicap parking space be added to the east side ofthe existing handicap parking. <br /> 2. The parking be constructed as needed per City staff request. <br /> 3. The parking in the loading dock area be removed when this tenant vacates the building. <br /> 4. The bay doors are not to be used once the parking in the loading dock area is in <br /> place. <br /> 5. The areas between the parking and building be striped for no parking. <br /> After reviewing interior plans, staff discovered the tenant would have one usable dock door, the <br /> fourth door from the east. The space the tenant will use is slightly larger than that shown on the <br /> . site plan. <br /> The percentage of office for the building as a whole would be 34 percent office and 66 percent <br /> warehouse. The tenant that would bring the office percent up from 20 perccnt would be at <br /> approximately 72 percent office and 28 percent warehouse. <br /> Mayor Probst confirmed that the request was essentially for proof of parking. Ms. Randall stated <br /> that this was correct. She indicated that the proposed tenant may not need the additional parking. <br /> The intent of the applicant was that, if the other two tenants were to leave the building, he would <br /> be able to advertise these spaces at the 20 percent office ratio. <br /> Mayor Probst confIrmed that the construction of the parking would only require striping. Ms. <br /> Randall concurred. However, she noted that the eight additional parking spaces to the north east <br /> would have to be constructed. Staff has recommended that this area remain natural landscaping <br /> until such time that the parking is needed. <br /> Councilmember Rem asked if the applicant had reviewed and accepted staffs alternate plan. <br /> Ms. Randall stated that staff had submitted the alternative plan to the applicant, however, the <br /> applicant has not responded to this plan. She has assumed that the applicant does not have any <br /> issues with the alternative plan. <br /> . Councilmember Larson asked if the building was currently short parking spaces. Ms. Randall <br /> stated that there wcrc currcntly only two tenants in the building and the building was not short <br /> any parking spaces at this time. <br />
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