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<br /> ----- ----- <br /> r,] r nui.::.,..:, , ~..,' F: i I CUl'n;.:: i I f-kH-i'i q;] UaC-Jrfl0Gi" 2~~ ~ 197;5 <br /> Pcge i"WCl <br /> , <br /> Pemt()m Townt:ouse V I! I a~e5 <br /> --'I:" Raqu~5t fj;r-E.du.<:.:rio'~ In ,.e"!"T"- of CrediT - "I rst and <br /> Second ,\dciT'f, ons "orth -_._~- <br /> C h r' I 5 i-" 0 t f E;rse;;---;:e:f e r ,:e'd Counc i 1 tc. his letter of 12/18/75, <br /> and e-rtached I ?,tt,n from Jim H I I 1 (Pemtom, I nc.) requesting <br /> reduci'lons to Let'h~'rs of Credi'~ for First and Second <br /> Additions North. <br /> A f te r discussion, Woodburn moved, seconded by Wingert, that <br /> Counc I i approv,e the reduc1'ion 01' etters of redit (Nos. <br /> 7018, :350 and 72 8) as rElcommnn de d by Christoffersen In his <br /> fetter of 12ll.gI7~;. Motion cal'r I ed unanimously. <br /> 2 . City Development IIgreement......j.e':ter .,f Credit, Open Space <br /> Easement and Covenants and HOA DGl"elopment Agreement .. <br /> Th I rd f\ddltlon North. --..- <br /> . After r'ev iew of leTter from Lynden (12/19/75) re Case <br /> No. 74..14, PemTom I nc., Townhouse V It I ages NorTh, Third <br /> Addition, Wingert moved, seconded by Feyereisel", that Council <br /> approvE< the Open 5 pace Easemeni's and Covenants, City Develop- <br /> ment Agreement and First Addentum thereto, as dated, for <br /> Third P d d i t j 0" of Townhouse Vi I I ages North, and authorize <br /> their execuTion by the Mayor and Clerk Administrator, subjeCT <br /> to payment of Attorney's fees, In th.3 amount of $150, and <br /> req u i re d park dedication. Motion ca,-ried unanimously. <br /> Wingert moved, seconded by Crlchi'on, that Counc II approve <br /> the HOA Oevelopment Agreement, Townhouse Ylllages North - <br /> Th I rd Addition, as revised by L yn d'3n.. and executed by Pemtom <br /> and Arden Hi J Is Nor th Homes Association; authorizing its <br /> execution oy the Mayor and Clerk Administrator after receipt <br /> of Lettor ':If C;'ed I t. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 3. Landscape Guarantee Bonds - Additions I throu"h 7, Town - <br /> house Villages. <br /> Counc i I reviewed Attorney lynden's letter of 12/19/75 re <br /> Case No. 12 -35, Pemtom, Inc. - Landscape Guarantee tlonds. <br /> After discussion, Wingert moved, seccnded by Feye re I sen, <br /> that Counc I I approve release of landscape performance bonds <br /> for Addi-rions I through 7, Townhouse Villages, contingent <br /> upon Counc i I approv,31 of Addition 7 contractual instru- <br /> ment. Motion carr; ad un an imous Iy. <br /> Hunters Park Si'reets and utilities <br /> ChrJ stoff",rsen reporTed receipT of a letter from Bather, Ringrose, <br /> .Wolsfeld today, request; ng final approval of streets and utll ities <br /> In Hunters Pa rl<; appantn t immediate conce r'n is that streets be ac- <br /> cepted by the City and plowed th I s season. <br /> Johansen said streets, prior to sno'~fa II, appeared to be In good <br /> condition; no apparent reason why CiTY cannot plow them this winter. <br /> A f te r discussion re inspection diHiculties because streets are <br /> covered with snow and ice, CI-ichton moved, seconded by Wingert, that <br /> Counc II authorize City plowing of Those strElets In Hunters Park to <br /> be dedicated as pub: Ie stree'rs (Harriet Avenue, Benton Way, Waldon <br /> Place, H 'In te rs Cour..;.), as long as it appears to be practical, at no <br /> . cost to Oreyfus. Motlcn carried unan i mOllS 11'. <br /> (Council noted t1at authorizaTion to plow does not imply acceptance <br /> of st reets by th'3 City. ) <br /> ~amsey County CitIzens Committee Mastin" Re Lex i n"ton Avenue Up-grad- <br /> !!!..9.. <br /> . - Chri stoffersen r'3 fe rred Counei I to his leTTer of 12/10/75 re report <br /> of meeting of th'3 subcommittee of the Ramsey County Citizens Comm I t- <br /> tee Which he att"nded on behalf of -rhe Arden HIli s Counc i I . <br /> After discussion, ~kN r esh Wi] ~j reque!;ted to advise the County Citizens <br /> subcommittee i"h a'r the Arden Hill s Counc I j would be InteresTed In <br /> seeing current plans for Tho Lex i ng';'on A'Jen ue proposed up-grading and <br /> -2- <br />