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<br /> 'H nutes of Special Cotlilci t Me,~ting December 22, 1975 <br /> ;".Iga throe <br /> p.-opns'3d time table r a ri" i c l.i Il r I y , f plan ha::"; .-;hanged since the <br /> former presentation. <br /> OTHER [3US INESS <br /> 1976 Liquor Licenses <br /> I. JJ1n"-'2.Sl~ I' s of M I 11116';ota '-~.=..'- dba f'cGuire's Inn and <br /> Restaurant <br /> Council nay i ewed let--er' fl"om t.ttor'ney Lynden ( 12/19/75) <br /> re a po I i ca t i en s of Innkeepers ;)1 ~11 nnesota, Inc. for Sunday <br /> On-sale, On,.sale and Li quor Licenses and MMIR, Inc. <br /> vs. Arden Hili s. <br /> . A f te r discussion, CrIchton mov,ad, seccnded by Wingert. that <br /> Council app rove the 1976 On-sale, On-sa Ie Sunday and Off- <br /> sale U quor Licenses for 1 nnke'apers of '~i nnesota, I nc. dba <br /> McGu 1'"0 's Inn and Restaurant ( 120 I West County Road E) sub- <br /> ject i"o: <br /> a . Receipt of evidence that delinquent rea I estate taxes <br /> and insi'allments of speGiat assessments have been <br /> paid on or be fore December 31, 1975; and <br /> b. Judge GOdfrey's ru ling 1n favor of the City in the <br /> declaratory judgement action commenced by MMIR, Inc. <br /> or M~iIR's abandonment 0" said judgement. <br /> Motion carried unar. i mous I y. <br /> 2. In dO.S?L.Jen n is L I nc. " dba The i\rden Hi I Is C j ub <br /> ~ - <br /> Winger"t moved, S',con cie d by Crichton, that Coune i I approve <br /> the 1'175 On.-sale erd On-sale Sunday Li quo,. Licenses for <br /> ! ndoor" Tennjs~ Lie. , dba The 1\ l~dBn Hi I Is C! ub ( 4177 Fe rn- <br /> wood) SUb~~Pt ot ev d,3nce that de II nquent rea I <br /> estate, fa eW I s ,ments of ~;peclal assessments and munl- <br /> clp;;1 uti i Ity bi 115 h,wa been paid on or bnfore Decembe r 3 I , <br /> 1975, 3nc th a'r <::1;.'p! i c;:d" j cr de-c- i c i enc i 1~5 have been corrected. <br /> Motio" ca\-ried unanimously. <br /> Revised Arden Manor Park Easement <br /> Council rev i ewed Lynden's letter of 12/19175 re Case No. 75-6, <br /> Twin Parks Inc. . Proposed Revision 0'/ Pa rk a1d Access Easement. <br /> After discussion, Wingert moved, seconded by !'/oodburn. that Council <br /> approve amendment of ~rden Manor Park 8nd Access Easement Agreement, <br /> as per letter 01' ,~ttorney Lynde1 (12- 9-75) except that paragraph <br /> No. 9 be re-worded to read as tollows: <br /> "The public oasement created he rat y sha I I forthwith terminate <br /> it the premises, lega 1 J Y dsscrlt.€d above, s he, II be used for <br /> purposes other than mob i Ie home r'es i denti a I; such term i na- <br /> tion sMa I I not effect future req~irement5 for open spaces <br /> dedicationlt; pa I-a 9 ra P h No. to to be deleted In its entl rety. <br /> . Motion carried linanimously. <br /> Counci J discussed s tai' us of the Arden Manor Special Use Permi t, <br /> '10ting that City coul d execuTe pe rm J t as soon as amended park ease- <br /> ment agreement Is executed. <br /> McNlash was requested to reter C0unci 1'5 s ugg€,sted methods of en forc- <br /> . I ng payment of past rel-,i nspection fees, to Attorney Lynden for his <br /> reco11mendat f on s; suggeostions included: <br /> I. Nc occupancy of additional un i '-;.5 until delinquent payments <br /> have beeii r.~ace to thn Ci 1'y. <br /> ..3,. <br />