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<br />--------- <br /> <br />. .. <br /> <br />i~tNU'lt~S OF i~E:-~UL/ie (~J(.ii\;C L ~,:Er:-' t~!C <br />-if i 1 i es:E of i\:~Cie~! H 1 ! i:~ <br />Monaay) NovQmber 24, !97~ - 7:3() p.m. <br />V j I I t3 ~jO Ha ii <br /> <br />C~ II "to Ord,~r <br />The ;;;eflting-:~~a'; .'::a Ilec to or'dal" b'i 1"ayo~ :>ep0ilu iJT 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br />f~o II Ca I I <br />Prase.....- - Mayor Ha~I"1 J. Crepeau, Jr" Coullci Imen Wi Illam Feyereisen, <br />Charles Crichton, Robert Woodburn~ James Wingert. <br />/ibseni' - None. <br />1,150 Prasen':- ., Attol"ney Jamss lynden, Engines:" Donald Christoffersen, <br />Treasurer Donald lamb. Parks Director John Buckley, Clerk <br />Administrator Charlot~e McNiesh. Deputv Clerk Dorothy Zehm. <br /> <br />~pprova' of Minutes. <br />Feyereisen moved, seconded by Wingert, that the Minutes of the <br />. Special Counc! 1 Heeting of November 17, !975, be approved as sub- <br />mitted. Motion carriyd unanimous!y. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARiNG: <br /> <br />Proposed Vaca-j'icn O~\ Portio;,,!s 0+ Connelly I',v(~nue <br />Mayor Crepeau'-opened the PU-blic-ff91i7fl,g af7:35p.m., stating that <br />the purpose of ~he haaring is to consider whether it would be in <br />"he pub I Ic i nttoresi- -to vacate port! ons of Conne I iy Avenue. <br /> <br />Attorney Lynden 30vrsed that -~he NotIce of Hearing on Proposed vaca- <br />tion of portions of ::onn8t iy A\'enu*"~ \..;a5 pub! ishad two consecutive <br />'r'lseks; Novembe\~ C:-~[.tl dnd No\'(~mbE;r~ 13th, 1975, in i-he New Brighton <br />Bull-ntin and pos.ted~n t>~ree Of1:icial blJ! :etfn boards wj'1-hin the Cit)'. <br /> <br />LyndBn explained that the vacation proceeding has been initiated <br />by the City Counci I ,}'f ,',den Hi lis,. pursuant to State Statutes, and <br />in accordance wi-;-h a Hesolutlon passed by the City C(Juncil on August 25, <br />1975, and descri!led -tt18 two ai.9&S proposed to be \'acated~ pointing <br />out ttie areas on an image of Connal!y Avenue pro f~cted on a screen. <br /> <br />Christoffersen explnfrled that the west cIJ!-de-sac vacation provides <br />a 40' tl'.')rt'h rr,,)D~)rt'/ ar:Ci?5S to CO'lllel!y f\'''E~i1Ue (~',r,aw Lumber); only <br />other portion ..;-c be "j:3icated is ~;outherlv pOi--;~ion of East cul-de-sac <br />enct'oc)ch i n~ on 'ihf::t (11)r.t:leas-r COr-n3f' of bu i I d I n~_~ (F j aherty 's Arden <br />Bowl); Con~lell)' ,\vGr,'!e; r.o~w~ ".O}G 60' in widi-h. <br /> <br />Mr. George S. Wi~hy. PresIdent of Shaw lumber Company, referred Councl I <br />to hi!; le-ttei of ~!ov8mbei- 20, 1973, and stcltod" as a prooerty owner <br />abutting a portion o' the street to be vacated, he supports the pro- <br />posed vacation ccntingen-t lJpOI' th.~ City gn:n';ing to Shal'/ the for 10>1- <br />i ng: <br /> <br />i Permanent CJilS(~m'~nt for uri I iti(,s presently serving Shaw <br />lurnbel" (san tai-y sevier, ,torm sewer, w~ter, power and te I s- <br />phone) . <br />2. City mai!\teilance of the !)ortion of Conneffv Avenue to remain <br />(40' Sha\1 fl"ontage as well ('s Dortion loadIng to travelled <br />portion of 1".0.\1. of COllnelly). <br />~l. South pr'op-ar-r,/ \ i'~lo cd Silaw proper";.)' be designated as its <br />side PI"OP€d"O,y !;ne (east propel'ty line be desIgnated as tr,e <br />f;~ont pr.opa\~"fY iine) fer- buiiding pu:-poses. <br />. 4.. No cos'~~; inc'urr-ndf jue to such voca-t-ion; be assessed to <br />Shaw Lumber Company. <br />~;. Por~'ion of ConnBI'y f'.venue noi' vacated, to be dedicated to <br />the C j ty . <br />6. ij~ a bui IGir~q is bui 11- on the proper-tv south of Shaw, the <br />fr"ont' ~3f']t-!);:iC~, to tH}oin on 'end 0-( Connt31ly Avenue as it wi II <br />exist at1'e~ vacatio:1 (at least 50 feet west of northwest <br />corner of Shew"s -fr-'Jntage on!.!y Avenu3; reason for <br />this se-I'-back req'Jo';;- is to prE,ven-t construction which wi II <br />"tJnduly overlap" viaw of Shaw lumbar Company from tho street. <br /> <br />l_vnden described a s!~ver of land in ~he northwesterly end of the <br />f'OI-';';o'l to be vacatec', fee title of which is sti II in the name of <br />Zi I iiex: advised -that the 60 foot easement along the east edge of <br /> <br />-1- <br />