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<br /> , <br /> ,~ i i1 ut "" of- Regular Cou:1cl I ~'~eE'-;- i n fj November 24, 1975 <br /> Page seven <br /> Aff', rmat I ve Action Committee <br /> Me'; i esh reported thil+-Jal1et-r~oore 'II III not be able to serve on the <br /> F~firmativa ActiOt~ - . . . 2:IIQ advised i"ila-j- ,:'orol"hy S u II I van nas <br /> ~;Otru] i YTdb <br /> ,,"fered to serve on thls ad hoc committee <br /> Mayor Crepeau appointed DorOThy Sullivan as a member of The ad hoc <br /> Affi rmatl ve ACTion CommitTee, to t"ep I ace Janet Moore. <br /> Crichton moved. ssconded by Wingert, thaT Coun.: I 1 rat I 'fy the Mayor's <br /> arpolntlllElnt. Hot/en carrlGd unanimously. <br /> ?pecificaTlons for Removal of Trees an d STumps <br /> IkN i esh referred Counc i I to t et"te r from Lynden dated 11-21-75 re Pro- <br /> posed ConTract Documen t5 'for Remolla I of Trees and Stumps on Private <br /> . and Pub Ii c Property, and advised that no consequenTial changes have <br /> been proposed by AtTorney Lynden, <br /> (Counci I membe rs TO review doclJman -ts prior to typing f i na I drafT,> <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> RequeST for Chief Sexton to Attend National Institute of Law Enforce- <br /> ment and Criminal :Iustice Workshop <br /> Council re fe tOre d to memo from Sex )'on d a >fe d 11-19-75 re National In- <br /> stitute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Workshop, Decembe r 7 <br /> to 12, 1975 in ATlanta, Georgia. <br /> A f te r discussion, VI i n ge rt move d , se con dE) d by \~oodburn, that Counci I <br /> authorize the expendit~re up to $650, and approve Chief Sexton's <br /> attendance at the December 7-12 workshop in Atlanta, Georgia. Motion <br /> carried unanimously, <br /> (Counci I requested that eh i e f Sexj"on defi9nate someone as se n lor 0 f f I CEl r <br /> in his absence; also t.:) provi de for officers' ,~ttendance at semi nars <br /> in 1976, ) <br /> Projector and Screen <br /> McNiesh reported that beaded s-creen cost is about $65.00. <br /> A f te r discussion of projector specifications, '=eye re I sen moved, <br /> seconded by Crichton, that COL'nc i i authorize tile purchase of the Be I I <br /> and Howe f I overhead projector with automatic cut-off and turret lamp <br /> change system at $169.00. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Adjournment <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by \~inget";", that the meeting adjourn aT <br /> 12:34 a.m. Motion carried uncnlmously, <br /> ~/mllled _ cQJ. '+. CJ2~_ <br /> Charlotte MCNlesh ~~:~:)~J ~e~ <br /> Clerk Administrator <br /> Not.l ce of Meeti!'Jl. <br /> The nex.;-- Regular Council r~3eti ng Iii II b" held on ?I;on day, December 8, <br /> . 1975, at 7:30 p.m. at the Vlllag'3hall <br /> -7- <br />