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<br /> Minutes of Special Cou'lcll M'ae~t i ng November 17, 1975 <br /> Page three <br /> Case No. 75-35, Thomas and Shisley Ludlo\! - Registered Land Survey <br /> Fredlund rev i ewed' the revised R.L.S. received on 11-17-75, which In - <br /> corpora-res the cha;1ges recommc'n ded by Council ( 10-27-75) and divides <br /> the 3.4:1: acre p a rea I i ;11'0 four ( 4) tracts. <br /> McNiesh advi sed that Attorney Lynden rece i ved the revised R. L.S. and <br /> Easement Agreements today; will review and submit op I n I on In a few <br /> days. <br /> In discussion, Ludlows brief Iy reviewed content of the easement agree- <br /> ments; Council exp ressed some con ce rn re porti on of existing driveway <br /> easemen-r shown on property south of the R. L.S ., and that easement for <br /> Ingress and egress is over "existing p r i va1'-e road" .. <br /> Ludlows referred Counc I I to lettel- from Ramsey County Engl neer (I 1-5-75) <br /> . rejecting their request to obtain Coun ty -owned r.o..Wa ad Jacen l' to the <br /> R.L.S. on Old Sneil ing Avenue; as ke d that the City initiate request <br /> for th i s Uturn-back" on the I r bahal f. <br /> Council requested that Ludlows contact other property owners along <br /> Snelling Avenue re their agreement to the tu rn -back of r.o.w. as pro- <br /> posed. <br /> In discussion of sewer ava I lab i II ty to the four building lots In the <br /> R.L.S. , Lud lows advised th:lt they understand that when houses are con- <br /> structed on these lots, i-h(ey must be connocted to the City sanitary <br /> sewer system. <br /> Feyerelsen reported that he met with ~lrs . Ludlow re park dedication <br /> re qui re d as the resu It of the R. L.S " and recommends Counci I app rova I <br /> of a $1600 park contr'ibution, based on 1 and value an d contributions <br /> requl red on s i m I I al- property sp II ts (Farkas, Carl son). less cred I t for <br /> ponding and drainage area wh i ell wi I I not be b u I It upon. <br /> After discussion, \'Ioodburn moved, seconded by Feyerelsen, that Counc II <br /> ap prove the revised R. L.S. (dated 8-21-75 and rev I sed 11-6-75), and <br /> easemen'~ agreements discussed.!' subject to approval of Attorney Lynden, <br /> and that Counci I approve $!600 cash contr! butlon, in II eu of dedica- <br /> tion of land, for public sites and open spaces. Motion carried unani- <br /> mously. <br /> Case Ho. 74-3 I. Schwab -Vo II haber - 0 f flee B u I I din t:l Addition <br /> Fredlund referred Council to n emo from Bruce Lemke r-e recommended <br /> p I ant sizes and number of plantlngs con s i del"ed acceptable; estimating <br /> cost of ptantlngs, excluding sod and seed, @ $2,650.00. <br /> Wingert re v i ewe d pendi Ilg items to be depicted on rev i sed site plan, <br /> as fo II ow,>: <br /> I. Plant slzos <br /> 2 . Parking lot striping <br /> 3. Curbing <br /> 4. Lighting <br /> 5. Dumpster I oca';' I on <br /> 6. Screening <br /> 7. On-site landscaping <br /> . 8. Highway Department property landscaping as approved by <br /> Highway Department <br /> Wingert stated thai" he discussed this requirement with Mr. Park and <br /> i nad the req u II-emen ts for him. <br /> Mr. Sch'lab advised he ~... as not aware of a letter Ii s1' i ng these pending <br /> . L - had though-r all re'~ u i remen ts had bean met; .' i I I provide a plan <br /> l,oms <br /> of site as constructed, I f this I s the req u I remen t . <br /> Counc i I referred ~1r. Schwab to Landscape Inspector's report (11-17-75), <br /> indicating that cer-tain planting, shown on plan, have not been planted. <br /> (Copy o.f report was given 1'0 ~-r. Schwab) . <br /> A f te r discussion, and review of approved site plan (dated 11-22-74) <br /> and approved High~oy Oapa r-;'men"( landscape pion, Counci I concurred that <br /> an amended site plan should be submitted showing changes from approvel" <br /> site plan of I 1-22 - 7 4 :Includlng landscape changes approved by Highway <br /> -3- <br />