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<br /> MI nutes of Spoci e I COlJilci I r"'ierd-I ng November 17, 1975 <br /> Page fou r <br /> Depa rtmen t) and that n~asons for changes should accompany amended plan. <br /> Mr. Sch'Hab agree d to prepere plan. as descri bed, for Council considera- <br /> tion on Novembe r 24, 1975. <br /> S I gn Ordinance Re v I ew Ad Hoc Committee <br /> Fredlund reported that the Planning Commission recommends that an ad hoc <br /> committee be appointed to review the Vi llage sign ordinance, recommend- <br /> ing Board of Appeals Chairperson Marge Erickson as a member; a I so recom- <br /> mending that Naegele Outdoor Advertising be Involved In discussion; ad <br /> hoc committee recommendations to be reviewed by the Planning Commission <br /> for recommendations to the Counci I . <br /> After discussion. CounGi I deferred appointment of ad hoc committee unti I <br /> meeting of November 24, 1975; Wingert to contact PI~nning Commission <br /> members Interested in serving on this 3-member Counci I ad hoc committee. <br /> . REPORT OF VILLAGE ACTING TREASURER CHARLES CRICHTON <br /> In vestmen t <br /> Novembe r 17, 1975 - $324,000 Certificate of Deposit for one year l! 7% <br /> i nteresi". <br /> Feyer.lsen moved, seconded by Wingert, that Counc i I ratify the invest- <br /> ment as reported. Motion carried (Feyere I sen, Wingert, Woodburn, Crepeau, <br /> votl ng In favor or the motion; Crl chton abstaining) . <br /> REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> Petition for Street Li~- Townhouse Vi Ilages Homeowners Association <br /> Mr. Timothy Jorissen, !t 466 Arden View Cout.t, presented a petItion to <br /> Counci I, on bahalf of the Townhouse Villages Homeowners Association <br /> (comprising approximately 98 signatures) requesting a street light at <br /> Arden View Drive and Haml inB Avenue. <br /> Crichton moved, secondE,d by Feye re i sen, that Council approve the st reet <br /> II ght Installation, as requested. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> (It was noted that This request had been Tabled previously pending <br /> effectiveness of walkwny I I flhTS in the vicinity of this I ntersecti on, <br /> which had not ~t t~at ~lme, been installed). <br /> Council discussed briefly the posslbl I Ity of assessing benefitted prop - <br /> e rt I es for' lights J i'o help defray Vi Ilage costs. McNlesh was <br /> requesTed to check wit~ N.S.P. to det'3rmine I f street lights can be <br /> removed, when and I f residents dec ide they no longer want a lighT. <br /> Hunters Park - Request for Str"at li ghts <br /> /kNiesh referred Ccunci I to hec- memo of f 1-14-75 re Dreyfus req uest <br /> for th ree to four (3-4) streei' I I ghTS In Hunters Park. <br /> AfTer discussion, Counc II referred matter to Chief Sexton and Public <br /> Safety Sub-commitTee to establish need, and to report location recom- <br /> mendations to the Counc i I. <br /> App.Licatlon for Permit to Sell Firewood - Michael Fran~e <br /> McNiesh reported that request has been ollthdrawn. <br /> . Application for Permit to Sell Xmas Trees ..rom~ <br /> Feyerelsen moved, seconded by Crichton, 1'ha.1' Counc I I app rove' i ss u~nce <br /> of a permit to sell Christmas ?Tees to Tom ';/0 I eyn, 3582 Siems Court, <br /> as reques'red. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> ApplIcation for Reta I I Sales License .. Coast-to-coast <br /> Woodburn movedt seconded by Cr;chton, that Counc i I approve the Reta I I <br /> Sales License for Coast-to~.coa5t, 3547 North Lexington Avenue, for the <br /> balance of !975. Motlcn carl-iod un&nlmously. <br /> Overhead Projector I s a Bel! <br /> McNiesh reported prfce~ of various projectors, one of which <br /> and Howe I I demonstraTor @ $169,00 ($232.00 new). <br /> Counc i 1 requested McNiesh to SHB i y Be II and Howe 11 demonstrator w I II <br /> be aval lab Ie for use at Councl; MeetIng on November 24th; also to ob- <br /> tain screen prices. <br /> ..4- <br />