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<br /> . <br /> ~lnut"'!lof Special COllnel1 MlZ>$fln.i Oc-rober 20, 1975 <br /> ("'i...::gu "(';,$0 <br /> RE~ORT OF VILLAGE PUd~NER RI CHARD FREDLUND <br /> Case~Je... 74-14~ Pe.'1j.:~om;, Inc. ~ To~,rnhouse ,!j'~I.aC]es North, Third I\ddi~ <br /> L-5::.i'f "i~~~IJ]a.;:}' }3 t ~l=-~->--~_R_~'-~~----'~"'"-~~'-~~.~-~'~-~'--''' -- <br /> r:'I"cd~t5}l.j i~~por.l',?)o -i"h8t the Pnsl ;minai~Y Pia.}' of Thii~d Addition North, <br /> :Fo','Jnh;:"U5G Vi I !agasj generelly c~nfolms \:1 j 'i'h tho CV'iJl"-all 8PP roved <br /> f)U~:p ! an ; note:d that bui ! dJ ngs fJ ie set' bBCk approximately 45 ' from <br /> '.~:es";' pl"'opej...ty ! in~ (35' -(j-om \'Ja}~: i ng 'ire i I) ,: reported that the <br /> ? 1,::,d1rd'ng Commi S~ i 0;'"1 re cornme n d s Council G\l proved of the Prei iminary <br /> P~::.l_t; ,~lubjsc-;' "ro a,'jpi-QVe~ .:>f thlO Viil{~~Je El19ino8r and Village Attor~ey. <br /> . /\f";.~t" i~viaw oftha Pi"!)! imrna,i~Y P 1 2J'f;l plDni~ing, pian and reports from <br /> A't."'t'9rn~y Lynden (! 1-;;-75) aad Engineer Christoffersen (10-3-75) , <br /> i "1ge.r'i" -i~ov~ d~! s'3c.:)ndec; by VtoodbG;~n.> .!rhc~t Ccunc; I approve the Pre t i In i - <br /> ;",;3, t"\, PI i:ii- of" 'f' ('~.,' it ~'~, 'j.~ $':=; V i I I a~F-i r'10t't'l.!1:: Thin] p,ddition, as submit-hId <br /> ( ':~ ~;' .;" ~~ d i~aceiv5d9-25.-75). ;';'o-~l.j on Cr_~j~~' 1 ~;d tif:'ZH1 Troeus ly.. <br /> !~<, o:.Lt'o .. 7;) ':i.L,_.!..~:"s e L C c..:_llE!.!L.(!f'.2.rl._,12 ".':..2._' :--12.:t...i2~~, <br /> FL',;;d}und f,e',! i t~\;lG d i-he epp I j c;;j"j' i ,~n req;)(~s'l' <;r, d i.apor'tad that the Plan-' <br /> ning Commission i~c,;::-omnl,t)!l ds C<.HH)C i ! , .o.r- ';-he lot 51'1 it request-ed, <br /> tipprcvo I <br /> i,>j~,;c-r 'j",:) "j-he t-eq u ~ 'r,z;;C>i'2JH -C5 i)'r Ordin<:3ncf:~ Nc~ 9:3 t Sect i cr\ 13(0) . <br /> hfi-errovf3w of the sk.atch DT ";-he p I~opose{j F:;im~)6V County acqu j S i t.i on <br /> ($;) i it o'f H . L .P;:ri'"' r'y proper"i-V) f. and le"j-'j-nr o'f Dei-ooe r I, 1975, from <br /> LeRoy G~ eos~;.er;5' Rea ~ E.sta7's;. t~Dp:;~jI ser ( Rafi\s'ev Couo'ty Open Space System), <br /> \"(:ingsr't'.MO\fedl' s~~cond0d b 'f fHV01"<?- i ~ien~; i:h(~t Co une i ! approve the lot <br /> ::;p ij t ( Gas;9 ~~o ~ 7':5,,41 ) 1) rev! ded thBt thiZ~ (:~pp ropri ate survey and docu - <br /> ~; ,zL';- s are f ~ led It;r'j';'h tho Vi f f i,ge Ctarlz ^dr~ir,~!~~r8tcr and approved by <br /> . :- i"l -::~ i' [ ! i aga i;'(~:.o rnr;y. ;"iot 1'.)0"' c2rried 'filla~l"ollS!V~ <br /> ~j~..:?~._~L<2..:~.~-::2.~_..'~~:! h.o~;!!~'~.,,_J~,::' d .5 iJ) tJ~~:~,:"",J:..':!!!JS:..~'-~.".'::~._._3.~~t!.~!~.!:-~~~L,., L ~ n d S.u r",.Je y <br /> i(j';"r{~ r ";'I"Om i\'r"'i'Ci'n0j ~_ V n.,':~!!, n :; d a~~-,:~:j t)'::;'l-C'Ob;- :iG 1975, t''ClS r'ev i awed b'- <br /> , <br /> (~c n (,; if re Millar SubdivJsion i\pr,l-: C;J-;'; C P r-/);")")~i'~ d Ragi ste'red land <br /> ~;:u-:"n:;\y No. 326 ~ <br /> F ,"'>d t un d t~:av;el'!'8d 'i'hs ~~ ;, ~' ; ~, ! en c" ~) i"'"i.")PC '(',I P i-,~~p::'}sed by i-h8 Lud I 01..5 <br /> <, <br /> !rl'-o six parcels: <br /> Z:) Tl1rE~e ,bui !6i\ig If}!S ~J I ~ ~fnn ~' :J kfj :3il (; 01<(4 -rr():l~-ing on <br /> Sne J 1 j;"; 9 A \/0;'; ue ~ <br /> b) Farc-ai D ,~' a m8zndar!ng parce; ( [J :!:l-tt,:' CJ .~.~ n two ponds) prov;dif\9 <br /> ,~'iCCC5S -1'0 'i'h~ V8 t' i'JU5 ]0-;':; in "-11':, F f_S as \'H~ f I ~s to oni! <br /> p a rc*~ J sotd'h of -;'h::: HLS, <br /> c) Farce! ~ .,- \tj;,'. (:D'811 ~':'\ i~ la ~.~ !-~!S t \- i c'I'r" ci i" Pf;; rr,H?d"u f ty f,-om any <br /> I" <br /> 'forin of jf~\f(? i a:.iir,an 1-. <br /> ::. i-::~'d ! u :'~~; '~xp ; iJ ~ n~.3~~:~ i'li g':;- (:~;:tn'.~c5h i p o'f { (;'f;> D clid E is p.'lpcsad to be <br /> {' ~:<.,::. rjr.; d ,',(., i"hs bl.i;';'dlf~g ;(:;:,ts :n 'i'))o i') I ,<>, PU!~pos.:. is no.i" to <br /> ,', ~ .._, .,' ~ <br /> ,-i;,,::;'/0 ! "t(ii.) P l'Op~; r';'y ~... t -~. h j:; .;, i tl~ " :;7r.;.?d; :.!,n [: j^~] '(0 r is d C-:')uoc r l '~o !e-;-ter' <br /> , <br /> .:. f'. <( "]'~-1(': :-Z/J m~:.; ';;:~;' i"::.:.; U ~".; -.,E iJ l ::d~ '.~; ornra r ::..~ ::;,. j () Ii < j c, ,c, "'i.~ '/5) ad\;~f::iinS they haVf! <br /> , -. i';~ F., ::1;.;) ';' "i' ~:;;--' e',': \'::: r ',,,,,, j' C:'J,::: (>:~-liTIo; ~1 (i f:.;~J~,' r:i~,:)p,,;;.r'" y b~; :) f a-r-;~,?:d ~ <br /> :;',:\} <br /> if"; r-(::\'i0~'! of i'he ;') rOp(}~7fjr;; trr i J i ~;.Y P 1:~H1 .~ ',~,~ :"; subm1 r"red ty M.... Ludlow; <br /> Ch.;-" ~ ~?i'o'-;: '[-2: rSHn n iY.;- B d ','h;-;ii G S~l::ffH" c;:)nnCC'fi on _: I'om th':3 north >!ould b" <br /> . r .~~ 't' I 'C!.: ; 1- ,- '):::': ';~ y '\" ,..'~ ~~Ej\');;.t;'" the .;:;, ;'; ~l'fi r'i'; ;}Cr',- i OJ'': ( !)';" ," .:ird G) ( "f" <br /> ~" ,);:; r':~ e ~\:,,:)u i c; ;'~ i,:-; ~cr( (;!0nJI~';allRo~d. <br /> '---I" <br /> r 'i' !::ird l sc~:ss i on.~ 7 'r ~nJn SU',1~:).ns t~L1 ~;.h ai' !~. ,~:: ;- ~ ~~ fH) i ots I) one E could b-a <br /> j:~.c,i,)i: r f, >.-:; d 'J: I-l'h (,~ 'JL; f ;~'i :.: ;,; :; <::' I ","j'f (h l' ;~;i Co;'" C:) ; ~:G :lce l",-~ c:i:.1S exp ~he!.: sed <br /> ;-~) :.l';:;;' In Y~~';l,.~ 1'1 (:;;";.:. .. ,.:'d' -s of;~:.;i. ! ri~€l rlnr~cc:l5 fJ D:1d/or- E sn::lulj become tf2JX <br /> dcJinquGn-;-~ <br /> ~ <br /> lu ; O~,':; i:i';.! ;~()::~ c: j " C~ i'-'-.:'; U~; .~ ~ 0'1- CO;?)1) 1 n ;on ~i;,.!gge:$ 'r';.~d. <br /> :~' f-:'~' ;}f ':7;~; ~"'~';~'~-1-;~~'f;~~;~f~;-g;; ~ ~t.~~.{.~t::~f:f~~f~-;~~i:TJ~j~~~':r,~~g~c ;~I;~'1;-E> s ion MI ,u'j'as of 9,,~2:,i-7S . <br /> ;-D,..':Of,lin,o' din ~:,; C~):);'( c 1 ! ::'1P.P i-()Vd ) 0';: i'hr,;:; i;:)';' ::;.~; I i ~i' c) n d c,)nso:ldation: as <br /> ;.:~:.,,(: Lie'::; .~-,;-c- d { ::~ ~'j ~:' ~::; ),'".." -; ~-'j-".:tS) r ;';\:1 :~c:: C:\:I;~'1L-: n d i t: 9 C,')unc; t ,'if)) rove t 0',' "rh" <br /> i ',' ,~, .. <br /> p (,' ~'1~ f ;'1 :::: -;' ;;-;;q",;ns t G7r p; z.~-: .rcq~ 1-110 GGt~~;'h s i de_ ,:,f "(jl(-) 81 'le Fc~x 1(, ;-1 ; <br /> i'~ji:;()r{::'i!~;;f; d t:1~! ,n-;;c.;-i- -;-;-;C:~ l:'i'!f'iz r.1 .:=::d 5 ( .sL~ rut; in o iJH"'ih '''3outh d j rae--- i 011 <br /> )'w'i' ;':8: C --;- h ?~i d ::i:;:; ,r ;~-,j; ,~rl-;-Gd ()lJ s i ,;-,::\ p;~n p ro~:cn,'i'cd -(9--.,23-75) . Fie i tiC <br /> :"~ J-(:; S. (::~ ~~ ":- .~' r) ;.~. ~:' <_".:';"jC;"",., ""r": ) 1 (");";- ("j .'?0.. 7;;) ~';h 1 ch CGI' 1 '::-(5 i"h{:; Plannin.g Comm S'C'" <br /> >; ! ';;~n .' pl" C -) (,"_'~:~-,i ::::: p::;..:->,;:- 9 C:~;3;'i <br /> ------ ., <br />