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<br />, ,r:'li1ui"es ,ot Spacial Council ~'le0ting October 20,1975 <br />Pa,ge 1'111'''8 ' <br /> <br />Council discussed the recommendations of Rice Creek Watershed re <br />drainase (9-26-75) and Mr. Goldberg said he plans to sdd the steep <br />slc}les '(0 prevent arosion. ' <br /> <br />Christoffersen expi"essedsome concern re this method Of drainage I'n <br />'ft'orthe"'f:cll'lIl1tell - wot! I cl I i kG i"o d i SCIJSS the meas ures ouf-tl ned II i th <br />1>11"; MacLenflal1" <br /> <br />00'11'C; I discyssedfhe existing and proposed landscaping of,thesite <br />I'I,j,;th, Mr. Goldbe'!"~, and expressed particular concern re the,artificial . <br />shf"lJbson the nort, s.ideof the building. Goldberg >1!xplalned, that he . <br />proposes to 'en!arg.~ his 'dining room in this directiol'! - has found It' <br />dl f-flcult to obtai, tf)a tree ,heights, in arti +U:lal trees,. desIgnated <br />for this area. <br /> <br />'. In fU"rther diSCU,SSion" Council advised Goldberg of the parkded.lcatlon <br />" requirement, and r.~f~rred hiill to Ordinance No. 98, Section 10, as <br />Imended by OrdinBn~9 No. 175. ' <br /> <br />Af1'er discussion, Gaunei I deferred action on Goldberg's applications <br />WI''''';! the Caul1e; I meeting of October 27, 1975; requested Goldberg +(,' <br />consult Planner Fradlund relandscape and site pieri (parking, lighting, <br />curbing, etc.) and to consult with Councllman Feyerelsen re park dedl- <br /><::<11'1 on,; drainage pian was refe,'rec! to Engineer Christoffersen and <br />Ri e8 Creek Watersh"d to reso I ve. <br /> <br />f.!.5.9 No. 75-39, ~Ii II iam Feyareisen - Indian Oaks Two, Prel iminary Plat <br />Fred I und reported tha,t the P I ann i I1g Comm i S5 ion recommen ds Counc II <br />approvai of "!-he Prel iminal"y Pla'~of Indian Caks Two, subject toth~, <br />10 i low I n g: ! ( <br />I. The east lot 11118 of lots I and 2, block 3, be ~oved 3' to <br />the eas'~ reducing James Avenue r.o.", from 63' to 60r. in~ <br />creasing width of lots I and 2, blcck 3 by 3',. <br />2. James Avenue r.o....., (portion south of Indian Oaks Two, to <br />Iridian Oaks Trail) to be 58' wide; pavement width, of entire <br />J<\mes Avenue to be 30' (between curbs). <br />3-. 1n'41.nOaks Court r.o.w. to be 50' in width;pavement.wldth <br />to be 26' (between curbs), ' <br />- 4. Length of cul-de-sac is within the at-d. 98 requlreillent stand- <br />,aras;' ther",fore, dt)es nOT I'.qui."a a variance. <br />5. Outlot it be accept3d as a portinn of park dedlcation;c recom- <br />mending ,'/-hat matter be referred to Parks Committee for i,ts <br />recolll!l)e'n'dntionas to value to the City. <br /> <br />/,'1", Buckley 5;,l'Id that the Par!(s Committee .,ii'l consider the proposed <br />pad; dJ(HcatIoflat ii's meeting on Tuesday, October 21!;t; he:has loo~;ed <br />at the plan, and sit", itself - '"ater storage does enhance the site; , <br />n!llghb0rhood ,could u:;,e the :>ond for skat,ing in winter. <br /> <br />.Feyen) I sen exp f al "ed ,th,at the "a I kway ea,sement to thai,.West boundary, of <br />t1\j,) , plai" (Indian Oaks Two) is In-fended to COflnect i'o the proPQsed <br />,mc.,,;',Qi)i"ing north-sou'i"h wallo'lay f,-om Fiorill Park to Highway $16 (along <br />'\'19s'ts,ide of toe Pal,ntom development), when cor,'pleted. Feyerelsen re~ <br />vl~.ed the sa..r and .a,ter lOCations and .treat provision to the north . <br />. .. , , , <br />line"qf th~ plat ltD give eventual access to the north gropertyl. . <br /> <br />'lric!is,~ussion, co.nce..n ',Ias '~ltpre5sed re dedlcai'lon of Outlot, A. Chrls- <br />. iyHer'3eln suggost~ld tha1',th,~ Village consider i'ake.Over an~!I1aln,tenance ' <br />, of Ctlrtainpont1s, as pert of Vi I iageover-all drainage system (\IIoulc nee4 ' <br />a storm drainage plan lnor-der to determine -rhese areasl. Feyerelsenl, <br />expLainsdthat Oui"lot A pone;! receives drainage from floral Park through: <br />"ma>:i"ting dl"ar,i"g.1 ea~,eme;lt 50U)'O of. this plat; draln,3gethen flOWSjl <br />nOFth ~rom Outlot A through dralhBge 8asement shown on I~dl.n Caks Two N <br />plat, ' ,', ! <br />; <br />Af,i'er discussion, Woodburn Inovad, seconded by \11ngllrt,that. GO,uncll <br />appr,ttvo th'll Preliminary Pia't of Indl5n Oaks Two (datad '}-29-75l wIth <br />the t1l0dificlll~jons and var,iC:,'l<:es (Nos, 1,2,3 8nd4) recommended In <br />::Jmonded Planning CommIssion Minutes of October 7, 1975~ outlot A <br />not b"'i accepted by the V i II age; dra i nage easement from south s fde ,of <br />Illdl"", Oaks Court to north "f pl6t, and walkwc:Y9asement, f,rom ,cul~de- <br />SBC to west of p~at. to be accepted by the Vi liege as pBrt~f park ded1- <br />~ation; balance tD~e paid 'n cash. Motion cerrle_ (Woodburn, Wlngart~ <br />Cr,~peau voHng in 'favor of 'rllEl motion; fays,else',l absfllinlng). <br /> <br />-3~ <br /> <br />_ nL---___ ___~_ ___~ ___~__ ~~ <br />