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<br /> , <br /> . . <br /> r <br /> ~1i "lUTES OF REGULAR COUNCiL MEETiNG <br /> V i I I a9" o'f A!-de~n Hi I ! S <br /> TucsdclY I OC"'rObf; ,~ 14, 1975 7: 3C p ~ m.. <br /> Vi 1 I aq(~ Ha II <br /> .g.i':lU_(U~.RDE 13. <br /> Th~ meeting wa!; ca I I ad to o!-de I" by t.':ay'~r Cr8pcd'J at 7: :>5 p.m. <br /> Rq1, L C'''.bJo <br /> Pn3:sen-r - Mayor Hel' ry J . C,'epeav, lr ~ . men Ct! are 5 Cri chton, <br /> ,'... I' L.oOUnCI <br /> Robert WoodbJ..(rn 1 \Iii I! jam Fe:!,? re t 59n, <br /> P,bsent - Counc! imon James \'nngert. <br /> A! so Pf~es,::;)nt - f\ti~ornev JanE's Lynden, Tr9aSlI r<: r Donald Lamb, Po 11 ce <br /> ('q. ; ..1; Pet Soxtcn, C! e r~{ Admi:'li~ tratol~ Chclrlot-re <br /> \,,~ll I B I <br /> . McNiesh~ DePI,ty C I (~rk Do i-oth y ;:ehm. <br /> .~PPRJVP_L OF ri,! [\'UTES <br /> __d"_.__. <br /> F~:.;:ye t-e i se n mO\lf5d J seconded b" Cri chi.on, -rh a "j- Counci approve the <br /> r <br /> Minutes o.f the I<equl (:!r Counci j jl,iE:eti nq c'f S,?:p--embe ,- 29:, 1975, as <br /> amsnded. Mot i O~1 carried Unnfl!rnOUs.!y~ <br /> BUSINESS FR:W THE FLOOR <br /> fv1ayor Crepeau cicl,l1oW !Bd~led Ie co j p t c f a pe tit on, 5 ~ ~pl 0 d by 19 <br /> residents 0'( the Round lak~l anac,~ exprassinq - hair gra~jtude rs <br /> Coune i I action Delta! 11 i np ",~O a r"eCer1t :'~ p P ! i ::; a -" l on for and a cq u i - <br /> ;; i -r i on by Rap~s(v County Op"n Spa ce . <br /> REPORT OF V ! Lt. M:[ POL I CE CH!EF Pf;,T SEXTON <br /> R a.J~~-i,_...C t~.~].~~(Y._.J:~E_o p t) :~ ~j_._C a r L._J~~il,:L!~~l-L~ n 5_ <br /> S e xt on reporter: that Ramse,;' COUii1-V is pr"oDo::;irq an or-d nance requ- <br /> lating RDms-sy C'cur!'(Y D r'o p e i~ i j e s (pc r"'Ks a(l C Opt:;1 space j an d requests <br /> j il'-p ut f ~'~~)m the: munici ~1.'3j i"'!Gs~ :3c },:1-0,~l not"? c various problems i'he <br /> Po! ice De;J a j~-j'-mE,;'i t h,:]$:, ~;."ICOijni'et"Ed 1 r ~ Sch, i.H Pi] ;<>-'G:; ,"ould <br /> 1 O~i V <br /> Bspecicl !y 1 i kE to h~vs' Ransey COU;1-fV ;') t'oh i;J i . i.!sa {')'f ,,!cohol Ie <br /> beve i~aqes on "rr 15 site. <br /> S;...lrrae;e ":ontnJ) O\~dl r;~nC9 <br /> :;exton reportee! that, In his op I n I on . the regIJlatlons phced on the <br /> w <;::.:c:> e'f' Ld1<.8 ..1 ()f nn ':1 :, U(c" ;:;:1 ; (: C:\/;:) :"c- 1';;;'8 ~:'" '::/8,\ i 1" rl j ~'; ~~Uf;lmer; no i sa <br /> I (-j \Ie l hcS b'cen tedU:::E'G ;5 <[:8''; 'j - h 5\1\~ , a: d they can fish and <br /> ~~es) renT:i <br /> S::;,; 1 t in D{;-aC8 w lV!3\,or' Ci--8p~!aU l~f; po l~i"8 d hE:: ro c(: i 'Ie d on "3 complaint <br /> f 1"011' a rGsident about the hours 1'(1;- we'fer S,.,'-': i "9 - not suff;cient <br /> time .;:h;r; 119 thE- Wel:'l~ f:q- Wtd"€f' ski inq; \'fOU I (I 11<e t ~ r.-Ie e xte n de d. <br /> ,0 u.,.'2-Li c_~" f~':.'L,~s.~.1.!t~~~1e-,_:U.!.Ul <br /> in ell SCUS:5 j on Co ~' r~l n!j"has 0 the rf;B'ei~ in 9- of Oc'ober 6th Crichton <br /> Ie fe l~re d to thE follow;nr;: <br /> I. F",den, ! Funding "or a Conmuni-ry S::lr'.' i <:e O;'f j ce r, <br /> Sa:x1"c,r; said -rh <J'c r-.rdHn H l I i 5 ~,.I ill p,'obab!y be el igible <br /> 'fe,' i his 'f l,n d i rln i '( Ccwnc!! det2rmi re:; it t'l'j~~hes to be <br /> i"volved. <br /> ., RSS;3 r\Je Q'f ,1; i C:1-;: r" <br /> ,+ ~ <br /> S8Xtcc!'1 sa j t: tra!r~inQ : ~~ hUild 1 ed 1"-', ',",r,,' . man has to aua. if'l <br /> ""l t,'Ji". . <br /> fGr~ cp poi n t me n ;- i';S a r'eSf;~ f''1e o'f f j c:e r", COlin-:! I reques-'rf;d <br /> . SeX-i"c:l to suomi t p j~05 end CO::5 of U~' e of Hesf:rve Off i cers <br /> 'fOi- CGunci! c-onsi dera~"1on, <br /> -- C,3r F<(~n-l"a I ~ <br /> SeJcrc-r: quoted r~3 FI i" a I costs of varJois s"j-a";" i orj wa9ons; <br /> s~i-atcd that D rGs~;nt con t i-frCT 8>::p!-e~, ~n ~~~(j y of 1976 ; <br /> Nagor: is mere desi rable '(or ., r s use t;)"~ th ":-h (~ dog: <br /> V€:qa SIOO~OC/{T;C.. <br /> Vc;vo !8:::;~:S5!mc~ <br /> Cl~t lass SUpr8rlE 144. IS/mo. <br /> Fcrd Pin -rc i45~60/mo. <br /> Ch 0 v ~ Metibu 1 {~:5 " 0 l).I mo .' <br /> 4, 58 xton advisod tr, G"~ Guri"'ont 1,,/' the',! t:f'n asZ',essing the <br /> e '('f i c i Bile,! of I Cc: r -. 2 men sql,}ad Ci::, i. ope rat ion du\"l np <br /> c'::rtc:in h () U rs ~ <br /> Gounci I ."e'liewed the Augus-:' Incident Act i vi ty Report with Sexton. <br />