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<br /> , <br /> Minutes of F.e9uL~i- Ccunci I r~ee tin g October 14, 1975 <br /> Page two <br /> REPORT OF V I Llf,GE ATTORN EY J I'.MES LYNDE~~ <br /> Ordinance Co d i ,. 1 0 a..!.l.2.!:!. <br /> Lyn'den re fa ired Coun c i I to h j 5 jet-rer of Sept€~rnber 22; 1975, re com- <br /> mending the ia! I anassee Codifjer', and advis1nfl of €IS or i lnated costs of <br /> $7,500.00 (including Attorney Lynden's estimac'ad 1(ee 0" $1,500,00). <br /> lndiscus5ion, Lynden note d a fe~' of his rea3Crl$ for r-e<:ommend! ng <br /> 1"he Florida Codifier: <br /> , . Cost i s less~ <br /> '. P i-od wct is supel.~or <br /> ,. . <br /> a. e as i e r to read <br /> . b. hi:js cross re-:~e ranees <br /> c. is", ! ndexed <br /> d. con-~ains tab es <br /> fH-rer discussion, i= eye re i S~H! moved, seconded by Cri chton, that <br /> Counc i 1 authorize codi ti ca-,.ton c' .~ I'" ~ ~ Or'd i nanC'3S by 1,1'Jn i c I pa I <br /> ., ......! I Y <br /> Cooe Corporation <TaIIGhassee, Florida) at a hase p [~i co of $4,800 <br /> (300 pages) ; told not t.o e"ceed $6,000 for cedi fica'cioll, printing, <br /> editinfj and binding. f,'1o"r ion CarT[13d unan! m::H~~; ty ~ <br /> Cl-j chton mo ve d , SaCC{l ded b ~f FaYE re i san, that Counci; au1,tlori ze <br /> .~ttorney Lynden TO ass i s"r ~'unlcipai Code CorpOI-atlon In the codi- <br /> fic.otlcn1 of the City Or'd i nances at a Ci')st t,:) \;fyt exceed $1 ,500. <br /> ~io-r- j on carried unanimously, <br /> .tl.~.~~_e m b ~.!:.. 3 r ':~.._Q f' e n H-:Jus,z. Plans" I j.ene PC1rkej~ <br /> I i .ene Parker- d €; t a 1 led f h c "-T'9'ague'T s p"fa-'ns--.:ro-; "he NO\fembe r 3rd Open <br /> H:)use \<h i ch wi I j be from 7,,30 tc 9: 00 p. m, at the V! I I Dfle Ha II and <br /> Public Works Bui IdirlCl. Mrs. Parker ",,,tended drl i n v T t a";" j on to the <br /> C':Junci j -{'o mae~' -the vi s i tOI~S at 7 : 50 p ~ nL .;\'10 adv!snd "hat the <br /> Ci)mmi Si:i iells, C(.I1'r1rn i "','tees a.nn depa j-tm:~ n "S J (includIng Lakt1 <br /> J;)hanna Volunteer F i r'e Oepi]r-rmei""i'") wi I ! hav:3 d i :,p I a:'s n the If i i i a96 <br /> ~J;j I I and Pub It c Works Dullding.: a l'C1ur of botL bu i I tj i nqs is pi ailfl€l d <br /> a ~1 d. i~6 f r,3sh IrBn -:"S w; II be30t'v(;d by "'1'1"1 ~~ Lt~ag'Je <br /> Council of h~ red l-r~ <Jss! st<:H~CE; to the Leagulo 11 making the Open House <br /> . ,::> <br /> a successful e\'en t for the r"esif.:;ents of f\rd::;n 1--1 i I Iso- <br /> Mr~L Parl~er advis(~d that the "ope n housel1 . , be odVi~l~t! sed I n the <br /> W j I <br /> Town Cr'i~:r and Ne';~ Sri ph-ton Bu I I pt) 11 (Sun r,n ~il ar";' i c: e a week 1990) ~ <br /> .Q<'l_~~s:,-Z2.:- 2 4-,-.2.Q.~ c i~U:J~!:_I.~L:~j.L..:Je.iJ!!.....T .- };~r' <br /> :"1, , ',18 r I Vii TI"81ilm pl~ef;e,:;ted buiic1nq plans for' the dllP I "X P roposc.d <br /> t,:; b" iocated clt -i-he nClrthl;:!esi" corner" o{" Nc:.:,t Ilr:qhtor: Hoad and County <br /> Road D. <br /> After determining that each un) t ,Ii I I exceed "he 865 sq. feet of <br /> floor Draa i0qu; r;~;d, an d thf,,1" the dup! r3X CSj! be loca";'"ed on the 101- <br /> ~A.!! "rhou-r raquir'in9 s'3t-back var1E'nces, Crichton moved~ ~;econdrad by <br /> FGvere.: sen ~ th fi~- Council app :"0'/$ i'he 1 ssua;ji::e of the Speci a I l.Jse <br /> P'3j-m ~-r fo!" the con::-~truct i on 0)- the duplex i, c!cc0rdanctJ ",Ith Sui iding <br /> Plan apprDved lD/:4/75; dur' I ex to bE: ! C}c,~-re:j (^in lot as shown on <br /> . F' i ,;lie 3 J ff'on-'rir:~: on"I Bj-ighton Head; 2lpprov,) I to 1rc u d'3 a sinple- <br /> en r ga rage ~)t Each '3n d of ~i~'ructuf'G h i -l~h sei:H3 i'ate d,j v(,ways onto <br /> i'll,jW Sr' j 9h '~on Rc'ad, nr-ov:ded no set~"'back vari8tiCHS a j~e ,"eques.ted" <br /> liilot j on caj~rled una'li !nOUS ly. <br /> :~~:.P"9,.r t-E.,~ ,1!~~,?J.~ t tQL..=--.Q~.vt:,~_,~ 0 c~:t~ <br /> M,-, Loc'3? f"'8por"i"ed -th-at "i-hE:' Comnoi t-ree f'8CG i vel'; 'le ry "ii~.-hlJslastic <br /> response from spproximatal\' 21 lA6S 1 c;c'n "rs po I \,.0 s 1 nCCl ~:,"he first <br /> mailfng of -:'he TOltln Cr I a r IlInder' new CI ty-sub~ 1.j1 zed plAopram) ; <br /> s c~ me eyprassed suggestions for f u-rl.ire i S5 lJS:;; ~enet"atly residents <br /> \.;~;; re plcdsed that p;"lbtication has been re 5 ume n ~ <br /> In discussion:- CClJr:::i I noted that about " t!~} (: ! isslles were authorized <br /> J <br /> b't COt~noi I 'fOI- 1975 pub I ic"tion; suggested tho-r a iEJgU ai schedu ie <br /> for pubt icatioLS be achievocJ!j i f P os sib ie, ,,:;0 -rhatthe various <br /> 1""'" ....... and departm'3ni's b Eo t te r 'ViLen to submit material <br /> ",Q~lim i Y lees gauge <br /> -to the editor. r~r. Locey advised th at they al"e teni-ativaly planrling <br /> to publish aboLt the 25th of each month.. <br /> -.2- <br />