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<br /> .. <br /> .} <br /> ~~i nutes of Reg~lar Council Meeting <br /> Village of Arden Hi lis <br /> Monday, September 29, 1975 - 7:30 p.:n . <br /> Village Hall <br /> Call to Order <br /> The meeting was called to order by Mayor Crepeau at 7:32 p.m. <br /> Roll Ca II <br /> Present - Mayor Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. . Councll:nen Charles Crichton, <br /> Robert Woodburn, William Feyereisen, James Wingert. <br /> Absent - None. <br /> Also Present - Attorney James Lyn den, Engineer Donald Christoffersen, <br /> Treasurer Donald Lamb, Parks Director John Buckley, Clerk <br /> Administrator Charlotte McNlesh, DepJty Clerk Dorothy Zehm. <br /> Approval of MInutes <br /> . Wingert moved, seconded by Feye re i sen, that th~ Minutes of the Council <br /> Meetings of September 8 and September 22, 1975, be approved as amen ded . <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> BUSINESS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Case No. 75-20. Cardiac Pacemakers, I r.c. - Grading Plan Variation <br /> Mr. Art Schwalm (C .P.I .), Mr. Bob Burrows (architect) and Mr. Larry <br /> McGough (McGough Construction) requesied Council approval of a pro- <br /> posed grading change for the Cardiac Facemaker~;, Inc. bui ldlng site, <br /> which will result In entire site /)elnr raised approximately a foot; <br /> retaining the same relative conto~rs. <br /> Mr. Burrows said they had formerlv planned to '-emove sol I from sIte; <br /> now propose to retaIn th I s sol I and s~read it out over the site; <br /> reducing chance of probable ioss of oek trees (IS well as reducing con- <br /> struction costs. <br /> After discussion, Woodburn moved, seccnded by Feyereisen, that Counc j I <br /> approve the approximate one foot change in site elevation from originally <br /> approved grading plan dated 7-1-75 (Counci I app roved 7-14-75) . Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE PARKS DIRECTOR JOHN BUCKLEY <br /> Landscaping of Pemtom Pathway <br /> Buckley reported that Bethel College has Black Hills Spr uce and sonie <br /> soft maple trees available for Village use; would II ke a II trees out <br /> of nursery this fa II - Pemtom will be ready to plant this fa II or <br /> next spring along the 10'wlde pathway easement (Second Addition North). <br /> After discussion, Counc I I requested that Buckley meet with Pemtom <br /> representative, Landscape Inspector Schutta ant Parks Committee Chair- <br /> man Anderson re appropriate varieties and loccli.lons of trees prior to <br /> planting. <br /> Park Maintenance Personnel <br /> Buckley re fe rred Counc I I to his memo of 9-26-75 re Park Maintenance <br /> Pe rson ne I for fall and Winter. <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert, t1at Council authorize Buckley <br /> to use Steve Zehm's services In the Parks Department as requested <br /> . at $3.75/hour weekends and holidays. "btlon carried unanimously. <br /> In discussion, Council expressed conce.n re hiring of part-time person- <br /> nel, as It relates to unemployment com.lensatlon II ab I II tv. <br /> Council requested Buckley and ~kNlesh ro check laws and to propose plan <br /> considered to be most economical and f'3asible for Counci "s cons i deration; <br /> Counc i I to be po II ed re plan proposed)s i t relates to proposed hiring <br /> of Bruce Nielson. <br /> CETA Employee John Kramer - Probatlona-y Period <br /> Buckley reported that John Kramer's s I :~-mon th probationary period will <br /> be completed on October I, 1975, and rucommended his continued employ- <br /> ment as a regular employee under the CETA program (contract expires <br /> 6/30/76) . <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by Feyerelsen" that Council approve the continued <br /> employment of John Krame r as a regular full-time employee for ba I ance of <br /> -1- <br />