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<br /> , <br /> , <br /> 1'4 ! fl ur ~~ :;:i Of R'')~.lJ I ar COUi1C i I ~jeetihg Sep-r'~mb"r 29, 1975 <br /> Pagtl two <br /> CET" ccntract (6-30..76) at which time employne'1t statu3 will be I-e- <br /> viewed again. Motion carrIed unanimously. <br /> .sut-p Ius Equipment <br /> BucY. I oy reported that the 1966 GMC tank truck ~nd 1967 For-d 3/4 ton <br /> four-by-four have been rep I aced, and re comme n d; that both be sold. <br /> Buc~.loy reported that Rosevl II e has expressed Interest In purchase <br /> of the tank truck at $1500. <br /> After discussion, Counc i I request,~d that Buc~.lllY have trucks apprais3d <br /> (cost of appraisal, If any, to be paid by Arden Hill s) for Counci lIs <br /> consideration In determining sale price of eClch 'Ie hie Ie. <br /> . REPORT OF VILLAGE ATTORNEY JAMES L YNDEN <br /> Case No. 75-17A, Amended Special Use Permit - I:resbyterl al' Homes <br /> Lynden referred Counc I ! to Amended Special Use Permit, noting condi- <br /> tions contained therein. <br /> After discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by 'Ylngert, the,t Counc il <br /> approve the Amended Special Use PermIt, as amended by Lyn <'an on <br /> 9-29-75. Motion carried una,1imously. <br /> ( I twas noted that Landscape Bond, I n the amount of 125% of esti- <br /> mated landscaping costs, be submi .rted at time of application for <br /> Bul iding Perml i-; PI an,.le r to detel"ml ne amount of bond; completion of <br /> iandscaoing r"eQu I red prior t::l issuance of occujl3ncy permit.) <br /> ~ort on Vacation of Porti01s of Connelly AverlJe <br /> Lynden reported that Conne fll Avenue, as con s t r: Jcted, i s tpparently <br /> not located as lega It y described; resultant fncumbrances should be <br /> resolved and d I sCI-epanc I es d,3te rm C ned, prie>r to publication of <br /> Notice of Hearing re street vacat on and dedic1ltlon. <br /> Mr. Withy (Shaw Lumber Compalyl expressed conCH ron re apparent un- <br /> reso! ved title questions advising Council of SIuw Lumb" r 's further <br /> concern re f r.on t p rope I-ty 11.113, i': Connelly Ave .,ue is vacated, as <br /> proposed. Withy advised that Sha" Lumbe r wou I d pre fer future ex- <br /> pansion of its building to he south; side and j.ront property lines <br /> would have to be determined, as we II as layout)f Conne I I Y Aven ue . <br /> Matter was deferred pending .:Iarl "ication of s!l-vey discrepancies <br /> by LyndHn. COUflC' I suggsste,j thai" Withy submit concerns, In wrltlllg <br /> for Counci I cor:s I derat i on. <br /> (~lr . WI.thy advised he \lould I)" olJi--of-town week of October 26th.) <br /> fase No. 74-14 , Pemtom, Inc. - ~nhous~ V i If i!li:'S North <br /> Home Owners Association Development Ag reen~'nt - Second Addition <br /> Cr! chton move d , seconded by Woodburn, thai. Counci I approve the <br /> Horne Owns i-S Association Development Agree",il~t for TO'>lnhouse <br /> V I I I ages NorYh, Second Addition; authori zl 1'9 Its ,?xecution by <br /> the Mayor and CI ark Adm nlstr"ator a f te r It,; execution by Pemtom <br /> I nc. , an d sutject to approval of letter oi c red I t by Att.orney <br /> Lynde:l. tvioti on carried unanImously. <br /> . Re vis e d Ut II i ty Plans - Third Addition <br /> Ch r is tof fe rsen <lescrl be.j-;:evTsed shee1~s I :tnd 3 of Second Add't on <br /> North uti II ty p; anS;t wh ch p r.oposa extens i 'In of utllj-;-Ies th rouflh <br /> Th i rd Addition. <br /> Mr. Burn 5 (Pemtoml advised that req ues t i:: made (orior to appro\al <br /> 0"' Preliminary Plat of I\dd i t I on 3) j' n ordE ,. to get lines i n th i! <br /> fu \ i .. <br /> Chl"i stoffarsen said he has J-e v I ewed revised plans and they appe<,r <br /> to be In accord with over-all approved COr1'''lpt of north area; n(tlng <br /> that buildings are apparently set back fur..het- from ,.est propar1 y <br /> t 1 ne, than originally pr"oposed. <br /> After discus~IDn, FeyarE'ls8" moved, seconded by Woodburn, that <br /> Councl I app rove the extension of utilities th rough Third Addition <br /> North, at Pemtom's risk, subject to receipt of ..t....... of cr.dlt <br /> -2- <br /> ------ <br />