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<br /> Mi nutes o.f Regular Councii ~;eeti ng Se~.tember 29, 1975 <br /> Page three <br /> and addendum which includes extension o-rutllitles re revised plans <br /> ( date d 9 - I 6 - 7 5) ; approval net to include. approval of PrelIminary Plat <br /> of Third Addition North. Mc,t ion carried (Feyerelsen, Woodburn, <br /> Crichton, Crepeau, voting In favor of the motion; Wingert votIng in <br /> opposition). <br /> Request for Reduction j n Letter of Credit - First Addition <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by Feyereisen, that Counci I authorl ze reduc - <br /> tion in letter of credit (#7018) for Addition One North, by $28,480, <br /> to $59,361 as recommended by Engineer Christoffersen. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGiNEER CONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> . Lee Richert Plumbing and Heating - Request for Change Order and <br /> Fi na I Payment <br /> Christoffersen referred Counci I to his letter of 9-29-75 re Bethel <br /> Master Meter Station; advising that construction Gomp I I as with plans <br /> and specifications and contract documents; recommended. Counc i I approval <br /> and acceptance of the project. <br /> Feyereisen moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council approve f I na I <br /> payment to Lee Richert Plumbing and Heating, Inc.., in the amount of <br /> $4,856. Mot i on carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Richert described addl~ional costs entailed by Richer.r PI umb ing <br /> and Heating, I nc. to expose lines for testinq, to assure that no leaks <br /> were evident. He said when 180 lb. test was applied, I j ne slipped; <br /> cons I ders it to be ve rv unusual practice to requIre testing of exis- <br /> ting pipe, valves and fittings; should not be held responsible for <br /> te s t on old lines - cannot get a 150 lb. test on old lines. Richert <br /> stated leak occurred after tiT" slipped. <br /> Ch r i stof fersen advised that specifications require a pressure test <br /> between valves (referred Counci I to his letter of 5-13-75); -ecom- <br /> mending that request for change order Mr. Richert requested In his <br /> August 29, 1975 letter to Counci I, not be approved. <br /> After discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert, that Counc II <br /> not approve the $1780 change order in as much 3S the tests performed <br /> are specified in the contract doCuments. ~~oi' I on carried unanimously. <br /> (Richert advised Counci I that they are prepared to go to court to <br /> recover these costs.) <br /> Request for Release of Bond - Elde Circle <br /> Christoffersen reviewed background re Subdivision Bond for- surfacl ng <br /> of Eide Circle; advised that bond was reduced to $1000 on 8-1-74. <br /> Christoffersen referred Counci I to his letters to Mr. Eide (dated <br /> 5-12 and 6-17-75). and to letter to Counci I date d 7-23-75,. ,ro re p air <br /> work to be completed before release of bond. <br /> Mr. Lyle Eide stated that he released the Dunkley Surfacing bond, on <br /> assurance from Engineer Lund that street surfacing work appeured <br /> sati sfactory. Dunkley has made certain repair., but "b i rd ba.rhs" are <br /> . stili apparent; would cost Eide over $1000 to correct the surfacing - <br /> Dunkley feels they've done their job. <br /> Ch r i stof fe rsen said he feels it is contractor's responsibi II.I-y to <br /> correct the areas where settlement has occurred. Eide said Dunkley's <br /> foreman ~ .JUIY~ ~nd said he'd m'31<e y~;;:!-~ <br /> '. ~MUd.e~7'7. , <br /> After discussion, matter was deferred to next Councl I meeting so Councl f <br /> can look at road. <br /> Gas Connections - Arden r~anor <br /> Christoffersen desc r i bed the inspection of gas installations at Arde, <br /> Manor wh i ch consists of a iO-mlnute pressure test on the linD (tests <br /> the gas installers connection, as we" as ! i nas installed the <br /> t ra I Ie r) and a visual test by the inspector; inspector reads meter before <br /> and after visual Inspection; approval notice Is left on the site for <br /> gas company; gas company makes connection. <br /> -3- <br />