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<br />Minutes of Regular Co~ncil Meeting <br />Page three <br /> <br />August 25, 1975 <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENG NEER DONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> <br />GI!'?.!!.eaul Storm Drain~~Underground \l..!.l.~,W~.Ll..'la! Pa.y:!!ent <br />Chrls-rof-'ersen refel-'-',d Counci I to his lei'fer of 8-14'-75, and ,-equesi' <br />for second and final payment from Underground Uti litles, for storm <br />sewer construction on New Brighton Road. <br /> <br />Christoffersen ra,portHd that proJ!)ct has been reviewed, and construc'don <br />compl ias with project specifications; recommends that Counei I apprOVE <br />clnd aecGpt the !i'-ajec"" and make final rayman'r in the amount of $1,27i .28 <br />(total project $6,239.55). <br /> <br />Woodburn moved, seconded by Wingert, that Counci I <br />Underground Uti iitles in the ~mount of $I,27! .28. <br />llnanimGu~,ly. <br /> <br />appl~ve ~ayment to <br />Motion carried <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />(McNiush was requested to bi I! County for its share of the costs, when <br />al I costs are known.) <br /> <br />E~.!'!._JJJ..,! ages ..:~ori'~.i~cond Add U-i Oil - ~~..l na rL.C..1 at <br />Mr. Jim ~ill prB5Bnt6~ the Prellmin3ry Plat of Townhouse Villages North, <br />Second "'ddition, for Counci! approy;oJl. <br /> <br />-' <br /> <br />Chris"(oH'ersen referr.,d Council to his lotter of 8-15..75, '-e utllit'ies, <br />base construction and overland drainage; stating that plans and speci- <br />ficationc submi'i"ted cc.mply wit~ the prel iminary pian and Vi Ilage re- <br />quiremenTs; recommends Counci I approval. <br /> <br />Concern was expressed re closenoss of proposed housing to the walkway <br />easement along the wast side of the plat. After dIscussion, Hil I <br />agreed 'tha'j' Pemi"om wm,ld Ilork with the Village Parks Comml'rtee, to <br />provl~8 adequatu tree planting along the easement (tress to be suppl led <br />by the Village and Ps~tom wi II plant a reasonable number to provide <br />screening of the walk,ay). HilI agreed that future plats ~butting this <br />aasemunt wi II provide for a minimum 45' set-back between housing units <br />and the walkway easement. <br /> <br />Feyereisen Moved, seccndad by Woodburn, that Council approve the Prel iml- <br />nary Plat of Townhouse Vi Ilages North, Second Addition, as submitted <br />(doted 7-25-751; Pemtcm to work with VI liege re planting! along walkway. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />~emo from Bul IdJng Inspector Squires <br />COllncl1 I'eviewed memo from Building Inspector Squires, dai'(,d 8-8-75 re <br />gas connections to mobil.~ homes. lifter discussion, Council requested <br />that Building Inspector and Engineer confer re procedure they recommend <br />for adoption by the Coune! I (connections procedure now In effect was <br />granted on a temporary basis). <br /> <br />McNlesh was aSked to forward background information to Christoffersen. <br /> <br />RAt-ISEY COUNTY OPErl SPACE PROPOSAL <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />Mr. Ken Simon explained that Ramsey County Open Space has re-evaluatad <br />the Round Lake land acquisition proposal. since the public hearings, <br />and whi Ie the boundaries and acreage remain the same, tho concept is <br />ohanged. Simon proposed that a 15-year moratorium on public use be <br />placed on this land, after which time the situation would ~e re-evaluated. <br />He explained that It Is the desire of Ramsey County Open Space to acquire <br />the I and for open space and rssou ree p rese rvat i on purp,)ses, and prevent <br />its being developed; desire to support U. S. Fish and ~lldlife Service <br />program at Round Lake. <br /> <br />Justification for acquisition of this acreage, If it is no longer needed <br />as part of the trail system, W3S questioned by resident. Simon stated <br />that the trail was not the primary reason for this acquisition; protec- <br />tion of the lake as a resource is major concern and reason for acquisi- <br />tion by Ramsay County Open Space. <br /> <br />Concern was expressed ~y resident that an excessive amount of "open space" <br />is b6ing acquired in Arden Hills, probably more than V; llage tax base <br />can stand, especially since Ramsey County Is also seekln9 to acquire ~n <br />additional 600-700 acr3S in the arsenal grounds, if and when that property <br />is relBBsed by thB Fed3ral Gov~rnment. <br /> <br />-3- <br />